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Unit One Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. Finally, what he had done turned true. A. out B. off C. down D. up 2. Last summer I took a course on . A. how to use the computer B. how use the computer C. how using the computer D. how the computer to be used 3. My brother always dreams a famous scientist in the future. A. to become B. of becoming C. in becoming D. to becoming 4. Please give me a piece of paper . A. to write B. for writing C. to write on D. to write with 5. a matter of fact, no one can preven…  相似文献   
Ⅰ.单项选择1.Iwasabouttogotoschoolmymothertoldmetopostaletter.A.whileB.asC.assoonasD.when2.Whatcanthelosthappiness?A.taketheplaceofB.takeplaceofC.takeplaceD.taketheplace3.—Johnwonthefirstprizeintheconcert.—.A.SohedidB.SodidheC.Sohe  相似文献   
U nit5T he B ritish Isles1.The idea that England stands for Fish&Chips,Speakers Corner,Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.认为油煎鱼加炸土豆、演讲角、大本钟和伦敦塔象征英国的时代已经过去了。本句中that引导的同位语从句中,谓语动词stands for意为“代表”、“象征”。例如:The letters PR C stand for the People s R epublic of China.PR C这几个字母代表中华人民共和国。choolardenfnglishThe sign X stands for an unknow n num ber.符号X代表一个未知数。2.The fact that G reat Britain is m ade up o…  相似文献   
I.单项选择1. Thousands of houses collapsed in the earthquake. It seemed that everything happened____.A. at once B. in timeC. at a time D. in a flash  相似文献   
Unit7 Living with disease A.the Red Cross only protects the woundedB.the Red Cross only helps prisoners ofwarC.the Red Cross only helps citizensD.the Red Cross helps all the people in need no matter which side they1.AIDS is a disease that breaks down the bodys immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illnesses.爱滋病是一种破坏人的免疫系统、使人体对感染和疾病丧失抵抗能力的疾病。本句中的break down作及物动词用,意为“摧坏”、“破坏”、“打破”。例如:They broke dow…  相似文献   
1994年出台的《汽车工业产业发展政策》曾被人调侃为“鼓励的废了,限制的活了,具体的丢了,总体上歪了”,话虽说得刻薄,但中国汽车产业格局变化,私车消费兴起,WTO带来更加开放的国际环境,该《汽车工业产业政策》就显得不合时宜。  相似文献   
I.单项选择1. Without your support, he couldn钆 …一 his plan 九g0 0n B.giVP up C.sti(:k t() D.keep 0ut 2. 1nore time. I coul(1 do it hetter. A.(;iven B.HaVing giVen C.(;iving D.To giVe3.As r【liddle school stu(1ents, we must一…一一一right A.say;{如m I{.tell;between C.ten:from D.come;from4.——W‘0uld vou mind if I sHloked in the entrance hall? A.Sure,g0 ahead C.()f course5. The strange man was(:()ntentB.N0,go aheadI).Yes,please d0alone in the f_0rest.wrong· A.with Iiving B.for l…  相似文献   
Ⅰ.单项选择1.Icantimagineinsuchadirtyplace.A.toliveB.livingC.tolivingD.live2.Inthedevelopingcountries,peoplecantusemoreenergy,whileintheU.S.theyuse.A.toomuchB.muchtooC.toofarD.fartoo3.LiPingandIstayedattheschool.Therestofourclassinthemuseum,listeningtoahistoricreport.A.isB.wasC.areD.were4.Wouldyoupleasegivemeapentowrite.A.×B.inC.withD.down5.—Whataboutbook?—Itstoodifficultbookformetoread.A.a;aB.a;theC.the;aD.the;the6.HethePartyin1…  相似文献   
I.单项填空1. By the time he was ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab of. A. himself B. him C. his own D. him own2. His uncle gave me on how to use the computer.A. an advice B. some advicesC. a piece of advices D. some advice3. After he finished doing his homework, he TV.A. went on watching B. kept on watching  相似文献   
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