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黑龙江晚白垩世植物区系及东亚、北美区系的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文记载了黑龙江嘉荫县乌云组所产植物化石,计有53种,隶属39属、28科。其中蕨     类植物7种,裸子植物8种,被子植物38种(包括单子叶植物1种),10个种为新种。     乌云组植物化石的区系及植被的分析结果表明,在植物区系成分中,大多是亚热带至暖温     带分子,具少数温带成分,由此组成的群落有暖性针叶林,落叶阔叶林和常绿阔叶林等,共同组     成暖性针阔叶混交林,指示当时气候温暖潮湿,大约是暖温带向亚热带过渡的气候特点。再从     植物化石叶子外貌特征来分析,其中全缘叶占40%; 叶的体积以中型的占大多数,大型和小型     的均少数; 脉序以具掌状脉的占多数。这些特征说明,沉积时期亦为温暖潮湿的气候。         晚白垩世在东亚出观的35属化石中,其中27属和北美共有,约占总属数的77%,这种区     系组成的相似程度,表明其区系具有密切的亲缘关系。这种亲缘随着时间的推移,在进入第三     纪或向更晚发展的进程中而逐渐减弱。主要由于大陆漂移和板块运动,使欧亚、北美在第三纪     初完全分离,此后这两块大陆隔离发展,植物区系的相同分子逐渐减少,以至现在生存植物中     的相同属仅占总数的4.1%,其中草本植物还占有相当大的比例。         根据我国东北地区晚白垩纪所产植物化石及同时代南方所产化石,大致可把晚白垩世的     植物区(带)划分为三个:(1)暖温带至亚热带植物区,主要代表植物是Metasequoia,Trochoden-     droides,Platanus,Ampelopsis,Protophyllum,Pterospermites,Menispermites; (2)亚热带至热     带植物区,植物有Brachyphyllum,Cinnamomum,Nectandra和棕榈科植物; (3)亚热带或干     旱植物区,兼有南北过渡的植物或呈干旱性的植物。         乌云组植物大化石共有33属,和东亚,北美同时代植物群对比,出现不少相同属种,其中 15个属种出现在苏联晚白垩世的察加扬组及东锡霍特阿林,11个属种出现在日本晚白垩世     的Kuji地区,若与加拿大晚白垩世植物群比较,有11个相同属种; 与阿拉斯加晚白垩世植物     对比,则有12个相同属种; 若与乌云组同属一区的太平林场组比较,相同属种更多。再从孢粉     组合成分看,和本区松辽盆地明水组相同的属有15个,并具有少数晚白垩世代表性的花粉如     鹰粉、沃氏粉和山龙眼粉,表明乌云组的时代和明水组接近。同时在乌云组大化石中绝灭类型约占70%,证实该植物群的古老性。其时代属于马斯特里赫特期至达宁期而不是古新世。  相似文献   
   The fossils here described were collected from the Lai Yuan, Hebei Province in north China.  Well-preserved plant parts are cones of Pinus, identified as Pinus pro- totabulaeformis sp. nov.  The species is different from other taxa of Pinus by larger cones and scales.  The size of the cone is a reliable diagnostic character in the group: The large cone and scale indicate rather an arid climate in Summer in the region where the fossils are discovered.      The age of bearing-beds is considered Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene.      Diagnosis:  Cones ovate in general outline, 8.5 cm long, 4.5 cm in diameter. Seed scales oblong, 2—2.5 cm long, 0.8—1.1 cm wide.   Apophysis  obviously  fattened  andthickned, convex, compressed rhomboid, rostrate at the apical part of seed-bract.  相似文献   
中国第三纪植被和植物区系历史及分区   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
被子植物的发展(或称辐射)是与古气候、古地理环境密切相关的,诸因素的变化相互影响及制 约,形成植物发展的阶段性。这种阶段变革及划分与传统的地质时代划分——断带,不尽一致,因而讨论 植物地理分区问题应以发展的不同阶段为基础,致使分区更为合理。     在晚白垩纪中晚期,被子植物已成为植物区系中的优势成分,从它出现以来的发展演化大致可划分 为四个阶段:(1)初始期  被子植物初次出现,具有叶形小、叶边全缘、叶脉缺乏规律性、脉级分化程度低 等原始性特点,同时在区系中的种数及个体数量均为极少数,此时大约在早白垩纪的中晚期;(2)极盛时 期被子植物发展具有一定规模至占绝对优势,此时叶形增大,叶脉有了规律性,脉级分化逐渐完善,在 植物区系中所占比例达40%一60%,以致占绝对优势,主要科属出现了,时间在晚白垩至老第三纪;(3) 草本植物繁盛阶段  由于在新第三纪时气候逐渐转凉,早期的一些木本植物消灭了,以草本植物渐增多 至大量扩散为特点,时间约在中新世至上新世;(4)第四纪阶段  此时我国由于山岳冰川随全球性气候 冷暖变化而进退,影响植物的分布及发展,植物区系的总面貌与现代接近或略有差别。   本文亦重点讨论了植物发展的第二、第三阶段的植物地理分区。  相似文献   
本文报道了黑龙江依兰煤矿早第三系始新统达连河组的上、下两个层位所产的植物化石的区系组成及植物群特征:一个系产于煤层下部的砂页岩中的植物群A,另一个是产于煤层上部油页岩中的植物群B。植物组合共计35科49属52种,其中有蕨类植物2种,裸子植物10种,被子植物40种,其中包括1个新种。对其进行区系成分和叶相分析表明,A段植物群的古植被为北亚热带常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶混生林;B段植物群的古植被为暖温带落叶阔叶林。通过与邻近地区的国内外相应植物群比较及植物群的属种地史分布分析,确定A段植物群的时代为早始新世,B段植物群的时代很可能为晚始新世。两个层位间植物群区系成分的变化,表明始新世我国东北地区发生了较明显的气温下降过程,即古气候发生了由亚热带向暖温带的变化。  相似文献   
自1990年报道了产自我国延边大拉子组的几种原始被子植物叶部印痕化石后,  最近又发现若 干种被子植物的生殖器官化石,本文报道的化石植物是Archimagnolia rostrato-stylosa gen.et sp.Nov.’Eucommioites orientalis sp.Nov. 分别与现生相关植物的生殖器官作了比较研究,并认为与木兰类和 杜仲类植物有亲缘。大拉子组为一套灰色粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩和黑色油页岩互层所组成。 同层除保 存了较多的植物化石外,还有双壳类、叶肢介、介形类、昆虫和鱼类等。 该层位的地质时代为早白垩世的Aptian-Albian。  相似文献   
The present paper deals with a collection of plant fossils from the Wu- yun Group of Heilongjiang Province.  These fossils belong to 28 families, 39 genera and 53 species.  The flora is composed of 7 species of pteridophytes, 8 of conifers and 37 of angiosperms.  All have been fully described, of which ten are new species.      Most elements of this flora are subtropic or warm-temperate, with only a few of them are temperate ones.  The flora consists of conifers and broad-leaved trees adapted to humid warm-temperate or subtropic climate.        With the physiognomy of leaves, 40 per cent of them are of entire margin, and most are medium-sized, with some megaphyllous. The nervation is mostly palmate.  These characters indicate that the climate was warm-temperate or subtropic.      Among 35 genera known from the Late Cretaceous of East Asia, 27 are also found in North America, which indicates that the floristic relationship between East Asia and North Americal was closer  at that time than it is now. Therefore the number of genera in common has been decreasing through the age, because these two regions have been detached from each other since the late Eocene, as a result of continental drift. Only some relic forms left on both sides, and only 4.1% of genera are common to both continents.  After the early Tertiary the floras of East Asia and North America have been developing independently.       The Chinese flora of the Late Cretaceous may be divided into three Zones from the north to the south: (1) warm temperate-subtropic zone, rich in Metasequoia, Ginkgo, Trochodendroides, Platanus, Trochodendron, Protophyllum, Ampelopsis Pterospermites and Menispermites; (2) subtropic or dry subtropic transitional zone; and (3) subtropic- tropic zone, rich in Brachyphyllum, Cinnamomum, Nectandra and Palms.       The Wuyun flora is considered closely related to the Chajiayang Group and Sikhote- Alin flora of USSR, with 15 genera in common and also related to the Kuji flora of Japan (Cenonian), with 11 genera in common.  It is interesting to note that 11 genera are also found in North America (Canada and Alaska) of the Late Cretaceous.  The pa- lynological assemblage of the Wuyun flora is closely related to Minshui flora of the So- uliao Basin, 15 genera being common to the both.  Seventy per cent of megafossils of the Wuyun flora have become extinct, which seems to show that the age of the flora is older than Paleocene and is assigned to the Latest Late Crataceous (Maestrichtian-Dani-an).  相似文献   
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