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对英国公共借阅权制度进行了全面系统完整的剖析阐释,通过评介该法案的发展经过、体制分析及其运行操作过程,深入分析了英国公共借阅权制度对英国社会的影响.同时,对我国的公共借阅权立法进程提供一定的参考.  相似文献   
濮人曾经是古哀牢王国的主体民族之一,在云南境内有广泛的分布,但由于政治和战争的原因,以及汉民族的迁入,哀牢濮人经历了漫长的迁徙,分化为多个少数民族。但哀牢濮人们在生产和生活实践中自发形成的朴素的生态适应性并没有因民族衍变而消失,而是超越环境的变迁顽强地传承下来,成为我们今天调适人与自然环境,处理人地关系的很好借鉴。  相似文献   
A great number of Central Asian wall paintings, archeological materials, architectural fragments, and textiles, as well as painting fragments on silk and paper, make up the so called Turfan Collection at the Asian Art Museum in Berlin. The largest part of the collection comes from the Kucha region, a very important cultural center in the third to ninth centuries. Between 1902 and 1914, four German expeditions traveled along the northern Silk Road. During these expeditions, wall paintings were detached from their original settings in Buddhist cave complexes. This paper reports a technical study of a wall painting, existing in eight fragments, from the Buddhist cave no. 40 (Ritterhöhle). Its original painted surface is soot blackened and largely illegible. Grünwedel, leader of the first and third expeditions, described the almost complete destruction of the rediscovered temple complex and evidence of fire damage. The aim of this case study is to identify the materials used for the wall paintings. Furthermore, soot deposits as well as materials from conservation interventions were of interest. Non-invasive analyses were preferred but a limited number of samples were taken to provide more precise information on the painting technique. By employing optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and Raman spectroscopy, a layer sequence of earthen render, a ground layer made of gypsum, and a paint layer containing a variety of inorganic pigments were identified.  相似文献   
战国秦汉时期的里社与私社   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来长江流域出土的简牍材料表明,战国秦汉时期南方楚地存在着很多里。里皆有其社,社主又有“地主”、“侯土”等异名。围绕着里社的巫术活动十分盛行。从战国至汉代,里、社合一之制基本得到沿续,然而里、社分离的历史趋势已明显存在。西汉晚期,民间百姓在里社(官社)之外另立私社。东汉初年的《序宁祷券》证明了此种私社的存在,西汉中期邗江汉墓的《神灵名位牍》和秦朝末年的周家台秦简《日书》中关于私社的内容,比文献中唯一一条材料(见《汉书.五行志》)要分别提前36年和177年。  相似文献   
作为一种具有鲜明地域特色的文化形态,荆楚文化内容丰富,对荆楚文明的传承与发展起到了十分重要的作用。随着高校教育的创新发展,文化与教学的融合愈加密切。以具体学校的教学为对象,以"筚路蓝缕"的创业精神、以"抚夷属夏"的开放精神、"一鸣惊人"的创新精神、"深固难徙"的爱国精神及"止戈为武"的和合精神为荆楚文化精髓,就荆楚文化在高校体育教学中的融合与应用进行阐述。  相似文献   
Social media are increasingly important in protest movements for communication and organization. As such, scholars should consider these ephemeral messages as a tool for understanding such movements’ rhetoric. This article draws on Kjeldsen’s method for the critique of visual political rhetoric and adds consideration of intertextuality, synecdoche, and metaphor to demonstrate a method for the rhetorical analysis and a critique of Internet memes as visual, political rhetoric. The Pepper Spray Cop meme arising from Occupy Wall Street is presented as a case-study example. The article considers the centrality of the intertextual nature of memes as a unique form of visual rhetoric in activist contexts and contributes to the literature on user-generated and activist rhetoric.  相似文献   
八旗制度是清朝的根本社会制度,清历朝皇帝认为它是“国家之根本”。因此,由官方先后编纂了两部重要文献,分别命名为《八旗通志初集》和《钦定八旗通志》,两部文献既有关系,又有不同。因此,笔者利用有关档案文献、历史文献及学者研究成果,明确了清朝八旗制度方面的重要文献《八旗通志初集》之“初集”称谓的来历和产生的具体时间,并在此基础上指出该称谓的产生与嘉庆年间成书的《钦定八旗通志》没有直接关系。再次,针对《钦定八旗通志》被称为是M《八旗通志初集》的续编或二编的看法,提出了两部《八旗通志》既有联系又是完全独立的两部文献的看法。  相似文献   
英国入职教师教育国家课程探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国入职教师教育国家课程对合格教师资格标准,课程总要求,英语、数学、科学和信息交流技术在学科教学中的应用等几个方面进行了规定,并提出了较为具体的要求。实施其课程的目标是达成合格教师资格标准。该课程具有实践性,注重信息交流技术在学科教学中的作用,注重中小学在教师教育课程中的作用。这些启示我们要尽快制定教师资格标准,强化实践性入职教师教育课程并注重对其实施效果进行指导和监督。  相似文献   
高等职业技术教育作为高等教育的重要级成部分,在华夏大地迅猛发展,珠算教育在高职教育中至关重要,从培养目标,招生对象,专业设置,职业资格,国情实际,国际经验,科学知识淘汰率及党和国家领导人重视珠算等诸多方面都可以看到加强高职教育中的珠算教育的必要性。  相似文献   
争霸称雄的春秋战国时代,秦国的西部开发极具典型意义。秦国之所以成功地开发西部,并最终统一中国,客卿制度的实施,无疑是重要的因素。  相似文献   
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