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一般认为,黑人英语已有四百多年的发展历史,它同标准英语目前仍有很大不同。本文论述了英国黑人英语的演变历程及其语音、语义和句法特征。文章认为英国的黑人英语教育是政府英语国际化同化战略的组成部分,然而鉴于非-加后裔的青年文化(囿于各种种族歧视矛盾中)和黑人特立独行维护自我的生存意识,黑人英语在英国从语言学角度看将继续自我发展下去。  相似文献   
交际语、洋泾浜语和克里奥尔语这三个概念容易混淆。从语言学角度来看,交际语是一种多语接触区各语种社区通用的语言,它有可能是一种自然语言,也可能是一个混杂语,洋泾浜语是由一个上层语言(superstrate)和一个或多个下层语言(substrates)混合而成的混杂语言,它不够完善、功能有限,不是任何一个语言社区的母语。克里奥尔语是洋泾浜语基础上发展起来的较完备的语言,它能覆盖一切生活中需要表达的现象,是洋泾浜语使用者后代的母语。  相似文献   
In an attempt to understand how a narrowed version of accountability in the form of high-stakes assessment deepens inequity rather than improves educational equity, we examine three education documents in Jamaica using critical discourse analysis. Our two research questions were: How did each government document position the Grade Four Literacy Test? What did that positioning signify in terms of accountability and equity? Our analyses reveal that the discourse of equity becomes silenced or overpowered in the presence of powerful discourses of accountability. It is to this extent, we contend, that a narrower version of accountability in the form of high-stakes testing serves to compound and complicate inequities in education. We offer the view that a more comprehensive framework for accountability in which teachers are supported and literacy projects are comprehensive and sustained moves closer to achieving, over the long run, the equity that is needed in literacy at the primary level in Jamaica.  相似文献   
克列奥尔白人上层领导集团在西班牙美洲独立运动中的政治心态矛盾而复杂。这一集团参与并领导独立运动的动机是对抗波旁王朝的“非美洲化”改革。在整个运动过程中,他们经历了一个由积极参与自治到被迫卷入独立运动的过程,表现出狭隘的政治动机。在独立后,这一心态助长了考迪罗主义的泛滥。  相似文献   
靖碧话是一种混合语。它与丽水话有较多的同质成分,并有着相当多的松阳话的语言特点,同时还具有一些跟丽水话与松阳话都不相同的语言特征。  相似文献   
西班牙波旁王朝在拉丁美洲推行“非美洲化”的改革,在政治领域逐步剥夺了由克列奥尔精英控制的美洲地方行政权利,在经济领域逐步在全帝国体系内建立“自由贸易体系,”同时还推行更加宽容的种族政策。克列奥尔精英一方面嫉恨宗主国当局逐步削弱他们的政治特权和变相掠夺他们的经济收益,另一方面又担心下层民众反抗西班牙专制统治的斗争会波及到他们现存的社会地位。当斐迪南七世的镇压使克列奥尔上层的自治迷梦破灭后,他们最终走上了独立的道路。  相似文献   

Accounts of the influence of Stuart Hall's thought on subsequent developments tend to neglect his work at the Open University. This unjustifiable neglect is illustrated by the example of his contribution to the course on Beliefs and Ideology, especially his article on 'Religious ideologies and social movements in Jamaica' [Hall, S. (1985). Religious ideologies and social movements in Jamaica. In R. Bocock & K. Thompson (Eds.), Religion and ideology (pp. 269–297). Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press].  相似文献   
大多数非洲裔美国人使用一种有特色的英语变体。这种黑人方言引起语言学家的浓厚兴趣。随着中美两国在体育、艺术、文化等领域的交流,中国人或多或少也接触到黑人英语。挖掘美国黑人英语的起源有助于分析美国黑人英语的诸多特点,然后探究黑人英语与种族和社会阶层的关系。  相似文献   
简·里斯在小说《藻海无边》中主要塑造了安托瓦内特一家人作为克里奥尔人的典型代表,他们被赋予了不同的话语能力,然而悲剧性的结局却几近相同。文章从人类学的角度对其悲剧命运进行了阐释,认为他们的悲剧命运不是偶然的,不论从先天的生理特征还是后天的心理特征来说,他们自始至终都游离于主流权利话语之外。殖民者白人和本地土著黑人为了维持他们群体的各自意义系统的稳定,一切不满足他们神话标准的个体都会被强制驱逐与边缘化,安托瓦内特一家人正是他们献祭的替罪羊。  相似文献   

This article assesses the position of post-colonial societies within a neoliberal paradigm through an analysis of the role of language in education and the importance of adequate academic preparation for social development. Generally, teacher–student interactions constitute the foundational substance of learning processes. Since education revolves around language, omitting the way language affects classroom instruction amounts to omitting a key factor that might impede or facilitate education. Because these interactions tend to happen around textbooks, and given that textbooks are often ideologically saturated, an analysis of interactional patterns and textbook discourses may help to assess how the education system can improve students’ academic development and the external efficiency of the system. The article makes the case for post-colonial societies to define strategic visions that are in concert with their specific needs, as opposed to being strangled into grand narratives such as neoliberalism that may be counterproductive for the growth of their societies.  相似文献   
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