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谢灵运的《拟邺中》以建安时代邺下诗人为模拟对象,成功地模拟了曹丕记忆中“欢愉之极”的生活。但是,在拟诗中的诸子放弃了各自的理想,安于享乐生活,且忽略了曹氏父子与邺下文士之间的矛盾和摩擦,这并不完全符合史实。邺下之游是存在于曹丕脑海中的完美记忆,而谢灵运却将它扩大为一个时代一个精英群体的集体性完美记忆。  相似文献   
1前言第18届亚洲男子自由式摔跤锦标赛于以刃5年5月26日一刀日在湖北武汉举行,来自亚洲巧个国家和地区的84名运动员参赛,经过两天的激烈比赛,决出7个级别前八名和团体前3名。中国队派出7名队员参赛,最终获得第l名、第2名、第3名、第5名和第8名各l名,团体第8名。笔者对此次  相似文献   
This article explores how the library-student liaison program at Eastern Washington University (EWU) Libraries has evolved into an opportunity for students to develop leadership skills. Originally designed to foster better communication between the EWU Libraries and students enrolled at the university, we recognized that the process of achieving established goals for the program provided a vehicle for students' leadership-skill development. To facilitate the leadership process, librarians employed the Social Change Model. Designed specifically for college students, this model engages the student to develop individual capacities to strengthen group activities that foster positive changes in the community and society.  相似文献   
Education researchers, policymakers, and practitioners are concerned with identifying and developing talent for students with fewer opportunities, especially students from historically marginalized groups. An emerging body of research suggests “universally screening” or testing all students, then matching those students with appropriate educational challenges, is effective in helping marginalized students. However, most tests have focused on two areas: math and verbal reasoning. We leverage three nationally representative samples of the U.S. population at different time points that include both novel cognitive measures (e.g., spatial, mechanical, and abstract reasoning) and non-cognitive measures (e.g., conscientiousness, creativity or word fluency, leadership skill, and artistic skill) to uncover which measures would improve proportional representation of marginalized groups in talent identification procedures. We find that adding spatial reasoning measures in particular—as well as other non-cognitive measures such as conscientiousness, leadership, and creativity—are worthwhile to consider for universal screening procedures for students to narrow achievement gaps at every level of education, including for gifted students. By showing that these nontraditional measures both improve proportional representation of underrepresented groups and have reasonable predictive validity, we also broaden the definition of what it means to be “gifted” and expand opportunities for students from historically marginalized groups.  相似文献   
胡锦涛总书记在今年1月17至18日,全国加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作会议上,指出切实加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作,使大学生们能够与时代同步伐、与祖国共命运、与人民齐奋斗。而学生的思想问题一般都在以宿舍为中心的环境里产生。所以,对大学生的思想教育要抓好宿舍管理这一环节。对学生平时发生的思想变动,有针对性的进行教育和管理,使学生的思想在大的方向和小的问题上有及时的指引。  相似文献   
冰心散对五四新学的贡献主要表现在体的创新上,从对体影响最大的相互关联的体裁、语体、风格这三个要素来看,主要表现在:最大限度地将她的“爱的哲学”及其女性意识这一丰富的思想内容,比较完美地纳入到散这一体裁之中;对散语体光彩照人的创新;体裁、语体同体的其它因素完美结合形成其散的风格特色,这都具有继往开来的历史意义和价值。  相似文献   
《山居秋暝》是唐代诗人王维的代表作。这是一首融诗情、画意、乐理、禅趣于一体的优秀山水诗。诗人用独特的艺术构思、巧妙的描摹方法,在诗歌领域中创造了神奇而迷人的境界。  相似文献   
陈衍和沈曾植均为近代同光体之代表诗人。作为同光体的理论家,陈衍最重要的诗学主张就是所谓"三元说",即学诗应该以盛唐开元、中唐元和、北宋元祐诗人为楷模。然沈曾植在与陈衍论诗、得悉陈衍"三元说"内涵并为之诠释后,又提出"三关说",即学诗应该打通"三关":宋之元祐、唐之元和、晋之元嘉。过去讨论同光体,着重在其成员创作和理论的共性特点,对其间所存在的差异,论述不多。其实,作为近代人员最多、影响最大的诗歌流派,其内部无论创作,还是理论,都有差异,尽管他们都集结在学宋的大旗之下。陈衍"三元说"与沈曾植"三关说"的差异,首先是学习的对象不同,"三元说"有开元,而"三关说"将其易为元嘉;其次是学习的时序不同,"三元说"是顺下,"三关说"是逆上;再次是学习的内容不同,"三元说"仅局限在诗歌的范围内,而"三关说"则将写诗之功夫,拓展到儒学、玄学和佛学,即学术的范畴,同时,又与时代之现实内容挂钩。  相似文献   
严复与"同光体"成员关系密切,他与郑孝胥的交往长达数十年,与陈三立相见较晚但惺惺相惜。严复诗风亦受"同光体"影响,可谓宋诗派外围成员。在政治思想、文学思想上,严复与"同光体"成员也多有契合之处。从严复和郑孝胥、陈三立等"同光体"成员的交往亦可窥见向现代知识分子转型过程中近代士大夫的分化情况。  相似文献   
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