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普通高中基层弹性教研组织的建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
普通高中基层教研组织是学校的基本单位,是教师成长、发展、互动的群体。尽管传统教研组织在“教师职业化”方面意义深远,但其在现实中过于彰显科层性管理功能:只涉及问题的解决,而不注重问题的发现和问题的界定;高扬的“工具理性”阻碍了“教师职能的专业化”的发展。面对走向“专业化的教师职业”问题,本研究认为:对教研组的研究和改型变得十分必要;构建一个弹性教研组织作为教师反思、批判和发展的平台已势在必行。  相似文献   
司法审查中美国法院特殊身份取得原因解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权力制衡原则决定了美国法院不能以司法机关的普通身份来进行司法审查,而应以体现最高民意的宪法的代表机关这一特殊身份来进行。此特殊身份取得首先由司法审查的本质--宪法解释权来决定。美国法院的双重属性、法的普通法传统和制宪者对立法机关的不信任三方面决定了此权力只能赋予法院。  相似文献   
高校官僚主义表现原因及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章在分析高校官僚主义的各种表现,危害,基本特征及高校官僚主义的形成原因的基础上,提出了消除高校官僚主义的有效措施和一些途径。  相似文献   
This study deals with the question of tenure/non-tenure of the Greek school principals and its possible impact on their role in the light of the international influences. In developing our theoretical perspective, we draw on the tenure/non-tenure discourse and the centralised bureaucratic and new public management model. After examining the relevant legislation issued from 1836 up to 2015 by following the qualitative content analysis, we find out that in the 1836–1981 period, tenure had become an integral part of the centralised educational system. Since 1981, the introduction of decentralised policies along with the abolition of tenure has resulted in the renewal of the same politics. By linking in a direct way the tenure/non-tenure topic with the international policies, we support the view that in the Greek centralised educational system, school principals have limited power to bring about effective changes at schools regardless of their tenure/non-tenure status.  相似文献   
形式理性法是指具有高度预测性的法律规范体系,可以用于任何调整目的。官僚型的政治统治类型、主体权利不断扩大、三权分立及相互制约、法律职业共同体的形成以及法学思维的更新是其形成的政治条件。中国法治需处理好传统、现代、后现代三种思潮关系,只有在公权力受到制约,人民权利得到保障,法律职业家团体成熟的背景下才可能实现。  相似文献   
辛亥革命之后,杨增新接替袁大化主政新疆,其执政之初便面临着政治、经济、军事、外交等诸多方面难题,为了稳定社会局面巩固统治地位,杨增新采取了一系列吏治改革措施,对当时和以后的新疆社会都有着重要的影响。  相似文献   
从出土资料内容可知,汉代关津职官系统一般有关令、关长、关丞、关都尉、关候、关尉丞、关候丞、关啬夫、关门啬夫、津啬夫、关佐、关执奸等职官,层级体系即为令、长、尉、丞、候、尉丞、候丞、啬夫、佐、执奸。从关令、关长、关都尉的具体设置来看,他们因关口险要和历史情况的不同,都曾为关口的一级主管长官。这些内容都可补文献之阙。  相似文献   
传世文献资料关于汉代侯国职官的记载不全面,幸好在出土资料中发现大量汉代候国职官的内容,这使得我们能更进一步认清汉代候国官制本来清晰的面目。从出土资料内容可知,西汉末年东海郡属侯国的职官体系为:相、丞、尉、令史、狱史、官啬夫、乡啬夫、游徼、游击、牢监、尉史、官佐、乡佐、邮佐、亭长、侯家丞、仆、行人、门大夫、先马、中庶子共21种。其中,丞、尉、令史、狱史、官啬夫、乡啬夫、游徼、游击、牢监、尉史、官佐、乡佐、邮佐、亭长、侯家丞、仆、中庶子皆不见于文献所载之侯国职官系统。这些职官可补阙汉代官制的内容,具有重要的学术价值。  相似文献   
新中国成立六十多年来,我国的反封建斗争取得了显著成就。然而,由于种种原因,封建主义残余影响在我国现实生活中仍广泛存在,严重阻碍了现代化建设进程。因此,肃清封建主义残余影响,仍然是发展中国特色社会主义所面临的重大课题。  相似文献   
This article focuses upon a crucial aspect of Max Weber's work, one that has been largely neglected by scholars of organization, in cultural economy as much as in economic sociology more generally. That is Lebensführung, the conduct of life. The article argues that Weber's approach to questions of Lebensführung locates him as a late but prodigious practitioner in a tradition of the ethics of office, particularly as the latter becomes a defensive doctrine. In making this case, the vocabulary of office in Weber's work is explored and its importance for an understanding of the ethico-cultural constitution of a variety of instituted personae is highlighted. The article concludes by briefly suggesting why and how a Weberian ethics of office remains a key resource for scholars of organizational life, including those operating in the emergent field of ‘cultural economy’.  相似文献   
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