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中外情报学论文创新性特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 综合运用定性与定量相结合的方法对近年中外情报学论文的创新性进行分析和对比,揭示情报学领域研究的创新性特征,发现领域学术论文中创新句内部的知识关系,进行更细粒度的论文创新性分析,为研究领域创新点深层次利用提供条件,同时丰富科技论文创新性监测的途径,促进科学研究创新。[方法/过程] 从句子级创新性识别出发,选取中英文各两种情报学期刊作为样本,采用信息抽取和机器学习的方法,将创新句的抽取从现有的摘要扩展到全文,充分利用句子结构和句法特征识别领域创新内容,探讨近年中外情报学论文在创新对象、主题、类别等方面的特征,并做对比分析,最后通过对自动分类的论文集合进行定性的内容分析,总结归纳出中外情报学论文创新的表达范式。[结果/结论] 从创新的表达来看,中外情报学论文创新句的分布情况基本一致,英文期刊论文创新的表达更丰富。从创新性特征来看,英文情报学期刊论文创新主题较集中,而中文主题多样和分散;具体方法的创新是近年情报学领域的创新热点,而在研究方法上创新不足;中英文情报学期刊论文的创新性特点都反映了应用研究、实证研究的成果较多,而理论创新推动缓慢的趋势。  相似文献   
古代汉语中,"来"的用法异常复杂,仅其助词属性下就又可以细分出六七种不同的用法,但这些用法大多并未能沿用到现代汉语共同语中,这也包括用作动态助词的"来"。从历时发展来看,动态助词"来"产生之后,在唐五代、宋元、明清三个阶段的使用并未呈现出持续上升的态势,而是在共同语中逐渐衰落了,今天仅在偏南方的一些方言中还有所使用。作为动态助词,"来"的衰落动因是多方面的,既有"来"自身功能负担过重,以及在使用中受限制过多的内因作用,也有系统内部成员竞争的外因作用。  相似文献   
In social networking services (SNSs), users’ unclear understanding of the large and invisible audience increases the chances of online turbulence, which is a key source of SNS-induced stress. This growing phenomenon has gained increasing attention in academia and industry due to the undesirable consequences for users and SNS platforms. In this study, we draw from the transactional model of stress to examine how audience management strategies impact online turbulence and lead to neglected unintended audience concern and lurking. We also investigate the role of self-monitoring as a stress inhibitor. We test our model with data collected from 301 SNS users. The results show that the four types of audience management strategies have different effects on online turbulence, which significantly impacts neglected unintended audience concern especially when users have high self-monitoring skills. We believe that this work contributes, both from scientific and practical standpoints, to the understanding of the interventions and stressful responses of online turbulence in SNSs.  相似文献   
We extend previous theoretical and empirical work by examining the role that emotions and epistemic judgments play when learning from different refutation plus persuasive and expository plus persuasive texts. We examined how variations in messages designed to change misconceptions and attitudes about genetically modified foods (GMFs) might differentially impact the extent to which individuals engage in epistemic judgments; the emotions individuals experience during learning; and, how epistemic judgments and emotions might facilitate or constrain conceptual and attitudinal change. One hundred twenty-five undergraduate university students were randomly assigned to one of four text conditions: refutation plus positive persuasive text, refutation plus negative persuasive text, expository plus positive persuasive text, or expository plus negative persuasive text. Students were asked to think and emote out loud during learning to capture epistemic judgments and emotions as they occurred in real time. After the learning session, students also self-reported the emotions they experienced during learning. Results revealed that students who were given positive persuasive texts experienced more positive emotions (both intensity and frequency) during learning, whereas those who were given negative persuasive texts experienced more negative emotions (frequency) during learning. Students who were given positive persuasive texts engaged in more epistemic judgments and changed more misconceptions about GMFs compared to students in the other three text conditions. Finally, epistemic judgments were significant positive predictors of conceptual and attitudinal change, and both positive emotions and negative emotions predicted attitudinal change. Implications for theories of conceptual and attitudinal change are discussed.  相似文献   
Most studies on O2O services have focused solely on the technological merits of mobile applications, overlooking the role of the value systems that underlie people’s lifestyles.In contrast, this research sheds light on how people’s value systems influence their decision to adopt food delivery applications. Particularly, it proposes that people’s moral obligation in meal preparation can change the mode of thinking that guides their adoption decision. Namely, moral obligation is assumed to restrict people from acting on their basic convenience orientation in meal preparation. Empirical results have supported this assumption by showing that people with a high moral obligation (or married people) are more reluctant to convert their basic convenience-seeking tendencies into actual adoption intention than those with a low moral obligation (or single people). The important theoretical and managerial implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   
女性作家群体的崛起是河南文坛的新现象。以邵丽、乔叶为代表的女性作家最初大胆书写女性情感经验,接受后现代主义观念,质疑由男性作家主导的本质化宏大叙事,为河南文学提供了新的面相,冲击了当代文学中以表现乡土苦难、批判乡村权力见长的"中原经验"。女性作家的创作在走向成熟的过程中,逐渐摆脱了单向度的女性意识表达,对社会历史的复杂性有了深入的体认,开始直面城镇化转型中的中原大地现实,创作出了社会关怀强烈、生活观照深入、情感指向博大的作品,较好地丰富了当代文学中的"中原经验"。  相似文献   
顶岗实习是实现高职人才培养目标的重要途径。鉴于当前高职顶岗实习中学校、学生及教师各层面都存在的问题,重新设计了顶岗实习的流程体系,通过校、企、师、生、家五方联动,构建了五途径保障实习岗位、两维度驱动实习成效、四层次规范实习管理、三主体强化实习评价的“五二四三”顶岗实习模式,实现学生、企业、教师、家长、导师和学校的六方共赢。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 优化藏书采访工作和流通管理,实现对藏书采访、藏书总量和结构等状况适时监测、评估、调控等的标准化管理。[方法/过程] 通过对H类指数中的H指数、A指数和G指数相关性、变异性和适应性分析,遴选适用于图书流通数据分析的A指数,并根据帕累托定律采用A指数对西北农林科技大学图书馆2014-2018年的前20%的图书流通数据分别进行统计分析。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明:平均A指数对中图法一级类目与读者性别、读者专业、读者年级以及图书出版社、图书出版年、单位等数据统计分析具有较理想的表现,能够更全面、准确地遴选核心读者群、核心出版者和核心出版年;同时发现,布拉德福定律不仅能够应用于期刊管理,而且能够应用于藏书管理。本文研究能够为探索H类指数分析高校图书馆藏书流通数据提供参考依据。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 论文出版过程中,若能够合理有效地呈现出一篇学术论文的核心观点,不仅可以大大减少科研人员在查找和筛选文献上花费的时间,而且有助于阅读与理解。[方法/过程] 通过标注385篇XML格式期刊论文,构建了研究语料库,再利用关键词分析法对亮点的语言学特征进行分析,借助自然语言处理算法探索亮点的分布特征。[结果/结论] 亮点是一组规范的、语义明确的短句的集合,是一篇学术论文与其他论文相比较的新观点、新视角、新方法、新思路、新结果、新结论等内容的体现。亮点具有新颖性、简明性、易读性、"宣传"性等特点。亮点分为研究创新型亮点、研究方法型亮点、研究过程型亮点与研究结论型亮点,本文发现了亮点在正文和各章节的分布情况。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   
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