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Given that physical activity (PA) tends to decrease with age during adolescence, addressing factors that affect change is important. This study examined the similarity and interdependence of PA as influenced by psychosocial factors among adolescent best friend dyads. A total of 660 adolescents, representing 330 best friend dyads, completed questionnaires with regard to PA, sitting time, perceived exercise benefits and barriers, physical self-perception and social support for PA. Dyads were also identified as reciprocal and non-reciprocal best friends; reciprocal means that both considered each other best friends and non-reciprocal were those in which only one considered the other a best friend. Data were analysed using a hierarchical linear model framework. Results indicated significant similarities between reciprocal best friend dyads for PA and sitting time, and for sitting time in non-reciprocal best friends (P values <.01). Psychosocial variables were associated with PA in reciprocal best friend dyads and with sitting time in reciprocal and non-reciprocal best friend dyads. Best friend gender, regular sports practice of the person, perceived exercise barriers of the best friend and best friend social support were the best predictors for PA.  相似文献   
庄华岳1935年考进国立艺术专科学校,与赵无极同班,感情甚笃,同是班里最为出类拔萃的.庄华岳在校学习时就显露出过人的天份和才能,成为老师眼中的奇才,作品受到业师吴大羽及同学赵无极的激赏.吴师拟荐庄出国留学,因抗战爆发终成泡影.后庄华岳几十年从事教育工作.赵无极毕业后赴法深造,成就为一代大师.1957年赵无极曾误信传言,...  相似文献   
晚唐五代著名诗僧贯休一生游历四方,交游众广。他的足迹几乎遍及整个中国南方,和他交游往来的有数十人之众。其中又以诗人文士居多。  相似文献   
从《红楼梦》以"情"为主旨的角度入手,谈了宝黛之情、祖孙之情、主仆之情、朋友之情、博爱之情等,得出"情本思想"贯穿《红楼梦》全篇的结论。  相似文献   
Building from the classic Wisconsin model of status attainment, this study examines whether a specific style of parenting, concerted cultivation, and a close friend’s school-related attitudes and behaviors mediate the relationship between a family’s socioeconomic status and their child’s academic achievement in the United States. Using a recursive path model on nationally representative panel data of high school students (N = 10,350), the results confirm a direct association between socioeconomic status and concerted cultivation. In addition, concerted cultivation and close friends are shown to mediate the relationship between a family’s socioeconomic status and their child’s academic achievement.  相似文献   
眷恋故乡和怀乡思归之情是全人类共同的文化心理。中国封建社会长期的诸侯纷争、边患不已、繁杂徭役以及投荒谪边等,造成了大量的游子现象,使游子思乡的哀歌久唱不绝。  相似文献   
莎士比亚十四行诗中爱的内涵随着时间的推移在不断地变化。同性朋友之间的爱在不同时期内涵不同,男女之爱与同性之爱纠缠不清,总体表现为同性精神之爱、对爱友的敬爱与痴迷、肉欲之爱、出于爱的谅解及诗人对自身美德的热爱。爱的内涵在十四行诗中的演变,反映了莎士比亚进步的人生观和艺术观。  相似文献   
图书馆之友是西方图书馆界争取社会援助的有力组织。在对我国寻求社会支持的必要性和可行性考察之后,笔者对我国建立图书馆之友组织的策略及方法进行思考,认为我国具有建立图书馆之友的广阔空间,但需要依靠政府、行业协会以及图书馆馆长、馆员的共同努力来谋求发展。文章对图书馆之友具体的结构模式和活动策划提出建议。  相似文献   
湖州作为江南环太湖地区惟一因湖而得名的重要州郡,在安史之乱后的大历至贞元年间,以颜真卿、皎然、陆羽为中心,以修订《韵海镜源》为主要任务,聚集了大批文人雅士,形成了一个较为固定的文人茶友集团。文人们将茶会活动融合在诗会中,他们在吟诗作赋、以茶会友、游乐山水、隐逸逃禅等文化生活之中,留下了大量的"交游酬唱"诗篇,形成了诗性化、审美化的日常生活。这既满足了文人茶友作为世俗生活中社会人的情感需要,又使他们获得了精神上的归属感。  相似文献   
如何妥善处理"关系稿”   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
姚红霞 《编辑学报》2001,13(5):299-300
针对目前编辑工作中存在“关系稿”的现象,分析“关系稿”的来源,提出妥善处理“关系稿”的方法。  相似文献   
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