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近年来,未成年人刑事犯罪案件时有发生,针对是否降低未成年人刑事责任年龄问题,一直是学界讨论的热点话题。针对这一问题,学界形成的学说主要有降低论、不变论和弹性论,但各个理论都有自己的侧重点,如降低论学说侧重于扩大刑罚的打击范围;不变论则侧重于犯罪的社会预防;弹性论侧重于赋予法官的裁量权去防范该类犯罪。但从刑法的正当性依据、社会责任及我国法律体系一致性的需要角度来看,目前我国仍应保持当前刑事责任年龄不变。  相似文献   
道德是社会生活中调节人与人之间、个人与社会之间相互关系的行为规范总和,它是一个国家文明的象征,最能反映一个国家国民素质的高低.未成年人是祖国的未来,青少年强则国家强,青少年兴则民族兴.而当今的未成年人在现实生活中所表现出来的道德行为不能令人满意,必须加强对青少年的思想道德教育,使祖国的未来健康成长,从而成为社会有用的人才.  相似文献   
This article discusses the possibilities and the challenges of conducting participatory action research (PAR) with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and youth. Drawing from a PAR project with 12 unaccompanied asylum-seeking girls in a Finnish reception centre, the paper explores the P, A and R of PAR asking the following questions: what kind of participation is relevant in such a challenging phase of life, being in a new society without families; what is ‘good’ action in these circumstances; and, finally, what is the involvement of the children in conducting the research when they find the practical end product clearly more interesting? The results show that as a flexible and child-centred research method, PAR can be used to promote the participation of children and youth in a reception centre. However, participation in research should not be mandatory: unaccompanied children who have often had too many responsibilities and inadequate protection in the past desire to be assured that it is the adults’ responsibility to make the right decisions concerning the improvements of the children’s lives.  相似文献   
家庭教育影响孩子一生,家长应该肩负起加强孩子思想道德、人身安全、心理健康、行为习惯等教育任务的主体责任。可是,对于一些留守、流动、孤残等特殊困境儿童,家庭教育的实施还存在很大困难。为了保障特殊困境家庭的未成年人健康成长,重庆等一些地方通过地方立法,界定了政府、学校和社会为特殊困境未成年人提供家庭教育指导服务的法律责任,产生了良好的社会效果,但也存在一些保障范围不足的问题。为此,地方立法应该建立一种家庭尽责、政府推进、学校指导和社会参与的家庭教育关爱机制,让更多的特殊困境未成年人能够享有科学优质的家庭教育指导服务。  相似文献   
新颁布的《普通高级中学语课程标准》强调了语教育的人性。利用中学言教学,充分发挥中国古代学这一民族瑰宝在人素质中的影响是加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设、提高学生人素质的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
BackgroundHomeless, runaway, and youth exiting foster care are vulnerable to sexual exploitation, but little research has parsed the societal, community, and individual factors that contribute to their risk.Objectives(1) To estimate child welfare characteristics in a sample of homeless young people who engaged in commercial sex (CS); and (2) To compare young people who were sex trafficked (ST) to those who engaged in some other form of CS.Participants and settingThis study includes 98 homeless young people in Philadelphia, PA, Phoenix, AZ, and Washington, DC, who were interviewed for a larger study of ST and endorsed engagement in CS.MethodsWe used a non-probability, purposive, maximum variation sampling procedure. Interviews were recorded and responses were simultaneously noted on a standardized interview form. Data were analyzed through means, frequencies, and bivariate tests of association.ResultsAverage age of the full sample of 98 homeless young people was 20.9 years; 48% were female and 50% were Black/African American. Forty-six percent of the full sample was sex trafficked. The full sample and the victims of ST differed significantly in three child welfare characteristics, with the ST group more likely to have been maltreated as children, more likely to have had family involvement with the child welfare system (CWS), and more likely to report higher rates of living someplace other than with their biological parents as children.ConclusionsST victims differ from those who engaged in other forms of CS in histories of maltreatment, involvement with the CWS, and exposure to residential instability while growing up.  相似文献   
市场经济和信息社会的变化,使学校和家庭为主的传统教育模式受到严重冲击,社会环境影响日益扩大。在对北京150个社区调查的基础上发现,未成年人社区教育虽在近年已受到重视,却仍然存在着场地经费不足、内容形式吸引力不强、管理人员机构缺乏规范等问题。应加强社区管理机制,充分挖掘和利用社区资源,创造社区有特色的活动模式。  相似文献   
由国际经合组织(OECD)开展的"国际学生素质评估项目"项目(PISA)专门针对15岁的学生进行素质评估.通过分析PISA的科学素质评估体系,总结了其对我国"未成年人"科学素质评估工作的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
末成年人的成长问题是一个普遍的社会问题,净化未成年人的成长环境是一项长期而艰巨的任务。建立立体的科学的网络结构体系,调动全社会的力量,在宏观和微观方面加大管理和监控力度是适合鸡西实际需要的净化未成年人成长环境的对策。  相似文献   
周左 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(9):101-102
当前,随着儿童权益的日益重视,教育中"惩戒"教育的作用日益被弱化,教师很大程度上失去了"惩戒"这一育人的重要手段,出现了部分学生无视教师权威,而为所欲为。未成年教育越来越需要在法律的框架中探讨惩戒权及其行使,以求发挥其应有作用,同时最大限度保护儿童权利不受侵犯,切实发挥育人功能。因此文章认为,只要存在学校教育,只要需要教育发挥其在促进儿童社会化方面的职能,只要教师的教育对象是未成年人,教师惩戒权就有继续存在的必要性。  相似文献   
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