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本文认为隐喻、移位法与拟人法这三个英语辞格是人类思维中三种性质不同的方式的产物,并分析了其表现形式的不同。  相似文献   
While most German anatomy institutes provide only limited information about body donors and their lives, students have expressed a desire to learn more about these individuals, especially about their motivations to donate their bodies for the sake of medical education. In order to gratify this wish, as well as to further humanize body donors, an educational film was compiled, and a study designed to capture the film's effects on medical students. This is the first study using standardized, validated psychological tools to evaluate the impact of an educational film about body donors on students’ empathy and psychological stress levels. The study followed a longitudinal, controlled, and cluster randomized design, including 77 (48 females/29 males) participants who watched the video either before, midway, or after the dissection course. Questionnaires were completed at four points in time applying the Jefferson Scale for Empathy (JSPE-S) and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) to measure empathy. Psychological stress levels were recorded by the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Overall, students recommended the film to be shown to all students (median 6.0; maximum on the six-point Likert scale). Viewing the film revealed no significant changes between study groups or over time in JSPE-S sum scores. All groups demonstrated a significant reduction of BSI values before the dissection course actually started and increased values during the course, but both developments appeared not to be associated with the intervention. Overall, the educational film did not correlate with any negative effects on students’ empathy and psychological stress levels, and it was strongly approved of by students, as it provided more humanizing personal information about body donors without violating their anonymity.  相似文献   
普惠金融理念注重弱势群体享受金融服务的权利,正在被社会各界所接受。本文从普惠金融视角出发,分析现代农村金融制度的特征,面临的困境与前景等问题,并进一步剖析了当前新型农村金融定位、发展现状与前景、存在的问题与困境,提出了"加大对农村新型金融机构的补贴"、"发挥地方政府的积极性,建立激励约束机制"等建设性的政策建议。  相似文献   
本文吸收国内外相关理论成果,并结合翻译实例探讨语言文字意味翻译问题。在介绍语言文字意味的一般概念和对译味进行对比分析的基础上,作者提出译味的本质是中国情感生命体,进而联系实际具体讨论译味的几项重要内容:"近似"的目标要求,文本基调的主宰作用,对原文的风格适合,"人化文章"的重点在"人",以及译味的根本途径是移情作用等。  相似文献   
在全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,要坚持和完善公有制为主体的基本经济制度,必须使公有资本不断地保值增值,需要充分发挥公有资本人格化的道德力量。如何实现公有资本人格化,这是国有企业摆脱目前困境的根本途径之一,也是我国当前构建社会主义和谐社会的伦理道德基础。  相似文献   
美国作家斯蒂芬.克莱恩在《红色英雄勋章》中,为了达到逼真的战争效果而大量使用了明喻、暗喻和拟人修辞以及颜色词汇的独特艺术手法。在这方面克莱恩不愧为语言大师,尽管他自己没有上过前线,也没有战争的经历,但他通过非凡想象力和使用比喻、拟人和颜色词汇把小说中的主人公亨利.佛莱明以及士兵们的行为和内心世界活灵活现地表现出来,达到了逼真的效果。  相似文献   
Many Anglo‐American universities have undertaken a paradigm shift in how the dissection of human material is approached, such that students are encouraged to learn about the lives of body donors, and to respectfully “personalize” them as human beings, rather than treating the specimens as anonymous cadavers. For the purposes of this study, this provision of limited personal information regarding the life of a body donor will be referred to as “personalization” of body donors. At this time, it is unknown whether this paradigm shift in the personalization of body donors can be translated into the German‐speaking world. A shift from donor anonymity to donor personalization could strengthen students' perception of the donor as a “first patient,” and thereby reinforce their ability to empathize with their future patients. Therefore, this study aimed to collect data about the current status of donation practices at German‐speaking anatomy departments (n = 44) and to describe the opinions of anatomy departments, students (n = 366), and donors (n = 227) about possible donor personalization in medical education. Anatomy departments in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland were invited to participate in an online questionnaire. One‐tenth of registered donors at Ulm University were randomly selected and received a questionnaire (20 items, yes‐no questions) by mail. Students at the University of Ulm were also surveyed at the end of the dissection course (31 items, six‐point Likert‐scale). The majority of students were interested in receiving additional information about their donors (78.1%). A majority of donors also supported the anonymous disclosure of information about their medical history (92.5%). However, this information is only available in about 28% of the departments surveyed and is communicated to the students only irregularly. Overall, 78% of anatomy departments were not in favor of undertaking donor personalization. The results appear to reflect traditional attitudes among anatomy departments. However, since students clearly preferred receiving additional donor information, and most donors expressed a willingness to provide this information, one could argue that a change in attitudes is necessary. To do so, official recommendations for a limited, anonymous personalization of donated cadaveric specimens might be necessary. Anat Sci Educ 11: 282–293. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
何谓自然美,自然何以为美?尽管在中外美学史上论述颇多,角度不一,方法各异,其结论也大相径庭,但有一点则是共同的,那就是强调自然美的自由自觉性或自然向人生成。马克思从人类的社会实践活动考察了自然美的本源,认为自然美来自自然的“人化”和人的本质力量“对象化”,是人在社会实践中将其本质力量“物化”在对象上的结果。因此,实践性是马克思自然美论的逻辑起点。  相似文献   
This article discusses how children in New Zealand make meaning in their spontaneous pretend play from kindergarten (four years old) through to their first year of primary school (five years old). The findings discussed here are taken from a wider project investigating children’s storytelling where 12 child participants were video recorded during their everyday storytelling experiences over a three-year period. This article reveals how children’s engagement in pretend play often involves playing out an impromptu storyline where ventriloquism is used to talk objects into life through paralinguistic features such as gesture, gaze and voice prosody. These findings suggest that through the act of ventriloquism in pretend play children learn to engage in complex meaning making activities in playful ways, orally formulating characters and building coherent and systematic storylines that can be identified as early literacy practices.  相似文献   
辞格运用于语言是一种普遍现象.辞格所具有的特殊作用赋予了它在语言交际中不可替代的位置.使之有了久经不衰的广阔用武之地."拟人"以"通感"为其语义构成基础,在英语语言中有着自己独特的语用功效.  相似文献   
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