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This study examines Chinese tertiary award-winning tutors’ perceptions and reported practices of classroom-based assessment. Seventeen tutors in the final stage of a national university teaching contest were individually interviewed. An interview framework was developed using three process dimensions of assessment for learning (AfL). A sequential and iterative analysis of resulting data was conducted based on Miles and Huberman’s protocols for qualitative analysis. Participants demonstrated a complex set of connections between perceptions and practices around issues of sharing standards, delivering feedback and response to external assessments. Results deviate from widely promoted principles of AfL and classroom-based assessment espoused in the international literature; in doing so, they challenge existing research and assumptions about the standardised and international nature of award-winning instructors’ assessment practices. Findings are discussed in relationship to understanding best practices in tertiary assessment, given emerging tertiary education markets. Practical implications for the further development of learning and assessment practices and theoretical implications for the AfL theory are also discussed.  相似文献   
本科生的导师制在西方部分高校具有悠久的历史。国内在教学改革背景下也开始了本科生导致制的探索。大多研究都集中在如何制定制度与规范、导师制的评估、导师制与其他相关制度之间的关系以及导师制实行的必要性等方面展开。导师制的实行应注重中外的文化与社会差异,合理确立导职责和导师权重,注重学生的反馈与需求。  相似文献   
Student interaction in school contexts is a topic that has been researched from many different perspectives. However, the role of students as tutors scaffolding other peers is not normally addressed, since studies are usually focused on the teacher. Moreover, considering the many technologies that can support students’ work nowadays, studies describing specific practices are still needed in order to understand the many possibilities and constraints that can emerge from the use of these tools in the field of education. This exploratory case study aims to extend research on scaffolding between students, presenting data from an ethnographic study where a commercial video game was introduced as part of the curricular activities. Analytically, the scaffolding metaphor is the departing point to describe in detail how the scaffolding process took place, focusing on its purposes and on the role of students as tutors. Our findings reveal how students offered mostly procedural scaffoldings, performing tutor functions such as highlighting relevant features, reducing levels of freedom or controlling the frustration. Results highlight that students can perform scaffolds, and this should be considered as part of the classroom design, making this process visible. Moreover, specific features of the video game enhanced these interactions, which should also be considered when designing game learning environments in the future.  相似文献   
现行研究生教育在技术主义、工具理性的驱动下显现出对科学价值和经济价值的无上追求。研究生德育的情感性、人本性的表达早已无处安放,正遭受着所谓"无用"和"无实"的批判。这使得研究生导师的教育爱在研究生教育中失去了生成与实践的空间。为摆脱这一困境,必须疏解研究生导师教育爱得以生成的诸多要素,从其人性善的原初意涵、自愿性的自然基础、驯服的天然情境与尽责的实然动力等方面来把握研究生导师教育爱的本质属性与生成逻辑。通过研究生导师对内在心灵的丰盈与引领、对外在制度的反思和突破等方式,推动研究生导师教育爱的生成及其实现。  相似文献   
把握原则、掌握分寸是做好高校政治辅导员工作的重要方法.具体讲,高校政治辅导员在工作中,要牢牢把握讲政治大局的首要原则和人文关怀的核心原则,要建立言传和身教相统一的基本原则,要坚持原则与方法并重、并举的实效原则.  相似文献   
随着时代的发展与人们思想观念的变化,高校辅导员队伍自身问题日益凸显,在很大程度上影响了思想政治教育的成效。本文从四个方面探讨了辅导员队伍自身存在的问题,并提出了加强辅导员队伍建设的新思路。  相似文献   
高校政治辅导员应在学生思想政治工作中发挥非权力性影响力,切实以良师益友的身份,与学生密切合作,言传身教,相互协调,使思想政治工作落到实处,使各项学生工作高效完成。  相似文献   
通过对目前地方高等院校学生学风存在的问题、辅导员工作的性质,提出了辅导员在高校学生学风建设中应发挥其自身作用,即:落实“三个抓住”;贯彻“三心”原则;抓好择业教育;抓好宿舍文化建设,从而进一步提高高校人才培养质量。  相似文献   
概率比检验是一种重要的统计检验方法,在解决生产过程质量控制方面有着广泛的应用。序贯概率比的显著性水平、功效函数及其检验过程平均所需样本大小都可以通过近似计算得到,由于这种检验具有一般性和简单性,因而得到了很好的应用。本文给出了产品观测值为正态分布时的两点检验以及对称情况的两点检验,直观地阐述了这种方法的实例应用。  相似文献   
研究生培养机制改革下导师制度的变化和缺失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生培养机制改革背景下导师制度发生了深刻的变化,表现在招生制度、科研资助制度、导师遴选制度等方面。导师制度中的这些重要内容在改变中固守或产生许多问题,加上目前的导师制度仍然缺失了很多重要内容,且配套制度改革也未跟进上,因此,以建立长效研究生质量保障机制和激励机制的为目标的研究生教育全面改革尚处于初级阶段,在这轮改革中,导师制度是关键。  相似文献   
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