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光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察表明,金钱豹属(广义)花粉明显分为两个类型:Campanumoea inflata和C.javanica subsp.laponica的花粉5~8沟,外壁具相对密的短刺,刺高不过1μm,而C.lancifolia,C.celebica和C.parviflora的花粉3孔沟,外壁刺稀疏,高于2μm。种子表面纹饰也同样可分为  两类,前两个种一类,其种子表面网状,网眼规则而多角形,直径大于网脊宽度,网脊上的次级纹饰为念  珠状,而后三种为一类,其种子表面网眼不规则,直径与网脊宽度近相等,网脊上的次级纹饰绳索状。可  见花粉特征与种皮性状是高度相关的。后三个种所属的分类群就是被归并了的属Cyclocodon Griffith。  综合花粉、种皮及外部形态,这个属应予恢复。其近缘属应是Platycodon,而不是Campanumoea。  相似文献   
本文以近缘广布种泡沙参为对照,对濒危物种裂叶沙参进行了大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育的研究。裂叶沙参的药壁发育为双子叶型,绒毡层为腺质型,细胞含两核。小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为同时型。小孢子四分体为四面体型,成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型。胚珠倒生,单珠被,薄珠心,大孢子四分体为线形排列,胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中两极核在受精之前融合为一个大的次生核。当胚囊发育至单核胚囊时,珠被的最内层细胞发育为珠被绒毡层。濒危植物裂叶沙参在大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体的发育过程中,未见有败育及其它异常现象;与对照种泡沙参相比,也未见有差异,这说明裂叶沙参的致濒原因不在于有性生殖过程。  相似文献   
本文对蓝钟花属Cyananthus及整个狭义的桔梗科Campanulaceae(s.str.)的花粉、   染色体和形态性状作了深入的系统研究,表明蓝钟花属是该科的最原始类群,它的亲缘属有党   参属Codonopsis和细钟花属Leptocodon。  对蓝钟花属中各个种及它的亲缘属的地理分布分   析,揭示了该属是典型的中国-喜马拉雅区系的成分,横断山地区是该属的频度和多样性中心;   认为中国西南部及其邻近地区至少是桔梗科原始属的保留中心,甚至可能是该科的起源中心。   作者最后对蓝钟花属各个种的性状作了生物统计分析,在此基础上对全属进行了全面的分类   修订,把原有的26个种9个变种归并为19种(包括2亚种);对该属的次级分类也作了修订。   首次报道了该属的染色体数目和细钟花属的花粉形态。  相似文献   
通过紫外可见分光光度计测定的方法,比较了4种澄清剂对桔梗橘皮酒的澄清效果.结果表明,4种澄清剂都有澄清效果,明胶与壳聚糖澄清效果最好,最适加量分剐为:明胶1.5g/L、壳聚糖1.75g/L;琼脂与皂土澄清效果相对较差,建议加量琼脂为0.175g/L,皂土为3.0g/L.用波长700nm测透光率,600nm测吸光度值可作为桔梗橘皮酒澄清度和色度的测定指标.  相似文献   
Echicocodon  Hong (Wahlenbergieae);  Gen. nov.      Calyx 2-5-saepe 4-fidus;  lobis utrinque 2-4-lobulis spiniformibus praeditis. Corolla tu- bulosa;  ad medium parterm (3-) 4 (-5)-lobata. Stamina (3-) 4 (-5);  libera;  sed inter se eonniventia; filamentis basi parum expansis. Ovarium fere inferum;  3-5-1oculare; stig- mata 3-5;  demum recurva;  linearia; ovula ∞. Capsula globosa;  3-5-locularis;  spice locu- licide dehiscens;  valvis calycis lobis alternantibus. Semina ∞ ;  minima;  ellipsoidea;  obtuse tri- quetra.——Herbae perennes;  lactesentes;  radicibus palaribus crassiusculis. Folia alterna;  pin- natipartita. Flores solitarii terminalesque vel 2-3 in cymam conferti.      Genus monotypicum;  in provincia Hubei Sinae cresens.      Typus generis: Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong.      Echinocodon lobophyllus    Hong;  sp. nov. plate 1      Herbae diffusae;  omnino glabrae;  radicibus palaribus ad 5 mm crassis. Caulis ad 40 cm longus;  ramosissimus. Folia alterna;  petiolis 5-10 mm longis;  laminis ellipticis;  5-20 mm longis;  3-15 mm latis;  basi anguste cuneatis;  apice obtusis;  pinnatisectis vel ad medium pinnatipartitis.      Flores solitarii terminales vel 2-3 in cymam conferti;  pedicellis 1-5 cm longis. Caly- cis lobi ovato-lanceolati;  2-6 mm longi;  lobulis spiniformibus exclusis 1-3 mm lati. Corol- la purpureo-caerulea;  tubulosa;  3-4.5 mm longa;  ad medium (3-)4(-5)-lobata;  lobis la- te ovato-diltoideis;  ad 3 mm latis. Stamina inter se conniventia;  filamentis liberis;  1.5 mm longis;  basi expansis;  ciliatis;  antheris oblongis;  1 mm longis. Stylus 1 mm longus; stigmata linearia;  demum recurva. Capsula globosa;  3-5 mm diam.;  sed parte supera conica et 2 mm longa. Semina minima;  luteo-fusca;  ellipsoidea;  obtuse triquetra;  0.3 mm longa.      China: Hubei Province;  Yunxi County;  near the town;  300 m alt.;  1 Jul. 1983. Ma Yu- an-jun and Hong De-yuan PB83006 (holotype;  PE); the same locality;  11 Jul. 1978;  Ma Yuan-jun 3921.      The new genus;  Echinocodon Hong;  shows its systematic position in the tribe Wahlen- bergieae by the inferior ovary and capsule which loculicidally dehisces above the calyx and is closely related to the genera Codonopsis;  Platycodon and Wahlenbergia;  from all of which it differs in having the calyx lobes with spinelike lobules and the pinnatisect or pinnatipar- tite leaves. From Codonopsis it differs also in having the linear stigma lobes; from Platyco- don also in the capsule valves alternate with the calyx lobes and from Wahlenhergia also in having the 4(5)-colpate pollen grains.       Meiosis in pollen mother cells was examined and;  8 bivalents in MI and 8 chromoso- mes in MII were always observed (Plate 2: 1-2).  The chromosomt number is thus de- termined to be n=8.       The pollen grains taken from the flowers which were fixed in the fields with Carnoy II fixative (6:3:1 absolute alcohol/chloroform/glacial acetic acid) were examined without further treatment under SEM;  and under LM after acetolysis. The result shows that they are oblate;  4(5)-colpate (Plate 2: 3-4);  with colpi 10.5μm long and 2.5μm wide and with a smooth colpus membrane (Plate 2: 5). The exine is 2-layered;  with a distinct bacu- late layer (Plate 2:7-8). The sexine surface is covered with spinules almost regularly spa- ced;  0.6μm high and basally divided. The sexine between spinules consists of short ridges (Plate 2: 6).       The new genus is closely related to the genera Codonopsis;  Wahlenbergia and Platyco- don from gross morphological point of view;  but its pollen grains differ markedly from all of them. The pollen grains in Codonopsis are longly 5-colpate;  and with the sexine consis- ting of a low relief reticulum; those in Platycodon longly 5-colporate and those in Wahlen- bergia 3-porate. The pollen type of the new genus Echinocodon with short colpi is therefore probably derived from the longly colpate type of pollen like that of Codonopsis or directly from longly colporate type like that of Platycodon;  and is likely more primitive than thatin Wahlenbergia.  相似文献   
 Two new species of Codonopsis, namely C. parvitubulosa Z. T. Wanget G. J. Xu and C. retroserrata Z. T. Wang et G. J. Xu are described  相似文献   
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