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Field narratives that (re)classify technical genres as liberating for women risk supporting the notion that feminism is a completed project in technical communication scholarship. This article suggests that technical communicators reexamine the impact of past approaches to critical engagement at the intersections of gender studies and technical communication; cookbooks provide a material example. The authors illustrate how a feminist approach to cookbooks as technical/cultural artifacts can productively revise field narratives in technical communication.  相似文献   
许多评论家谴责威廉·福克纳的小说《喧哗与骚动》中的女主角凯蒂·康普生是一个堕落的女人,认为她使康普生家走向了衰落,另有一些人赞扬她是一个敢于反叛传统家庭与社会的英雄。我们认为,这两种观点都欠公正。其实,凯蒂从一个纯真美丽、勇敢自信并具反叛精种的女孩沦为妓女,并最终沦为纳粹军官的情妇有其特殊的社会原因。应该说,她是美国南方妇道传统与双重标准的牺牲品,凯蒂的堕落和毁灭是来自男权制家庭和社会的各种势力共同作用造成的必然结果。福克纳借凯蒂的悲剧批判旧制度,谴责各种非人道的道德和社会势力对人性的摧残。  相似文献   

The paper argues that the formation of modern gender identities in early‐twentieth‐century Kerala was deeply implicated in the project of shaping governable subjects who were, at one and the same time ‘free’ and already inserted into modern institutions. Because gender appeared both natural and social, both individualising and general, it seemed to be a superior form of social ordering compared to the pre‐existing order of caste. The actualisation of a superior society ordered by gender was seen to be dependent upon the shaping of the fully‐fledged individuals with strong internalities and well‐developed gendered capacities that would place them in distinct social domains of the public and domestic, as ‘free’ individuals, who, however, were bound together in a complementary relationship. While this model still remains dominant in Kerala, by the 1930s, the public/domestic divide came to be blurred with the rapid spread of disciplinary institutions. Womanhood came to be associated not with a certain domain but with a certain form of power. This legitimated the entry of Malayalee women into public life, undergirded the much‐discussed ‘Kerala Model’ of development, and still holds up the highly ambiguous sort of ‘liberation’ elite Malayalee women have experienced. It has also strongly influenced the specific shape the resistance to patriarchy has taken in Kerala in the twentieth century.  相似文献   
吴迎春 《海外英语》2012,(3):216-218
《宠儿》是美国当代著名黑人女作家托妮·莫里森的代表作之一。该书为莫里森获得1993年度诺贝尔文学奖起了决定性的作用。该文重点分析了莫里森独特的奴隶叙述方式及其在整个黑人文学中的文学地位。莫里森以奴隶尤其是女性奴隶的角度描写了奴隶的真实内部生活,改写了黑人女性在传统的奴隶叙述及主流文学中的刻板形象,揭示了掩盖黑人真正历史的沉重黑幕!填补了以往奴隶叙述的空白,为重建黑奴文学做出了贡献。  相似文献   
Signithia Fordham’s theory of “racelessness” purports that while interacting with teachers, administrators, and peers in the school setting, academically successful Blacks must suppress the racial identities of their home worlds to secure and maintain the label of high achiever. My objectives were to examine how young Black women navigate between racially homogenous public schools in their neighborhoods to a racially integrated setting, and to highlight their involvement in work groups and social clubs as a way of expressing their racial identity and burgeoning womanhood. This study used interviews and questionnaire data gathered from a cohort of high-achieving young Black women in a highly selective honors high school to dispute Fordham’s theory, and to examine the various strategies that these women use to become and remain academically successful. This study revealed that through social club participation these female students are not raceless, and consciously identify as Black, and develop and demonstrate versions of Black womanhood that allow them to negotiate diversity. Implications for promoting racial integration, the development of Black identity, and the academic success of Black female students are provided.  相似文献   
以东渡日本参加革命为界限,秋瑾的女性话语可分为两个时期:东渡前,秋瑾是“名门闺秀”,她的女性话语特征表现为“风花雪月、闲愁离恨”;东渡后,秋瑾参加了革命,她成为孙中山先生创建的中国同盟会浙江分会的领导人,她的女性话语则表现为五个特征:对清廷出卖国家、民族利益的揭露:表达她救国的雄心壮志;控诉封建礼教对妇女的迫害;宣传男女平权;表现她国事第一的崇高品质。在新生代女作家正从事“身体写作”的今天,我们重提秋瑾,具有积极意义。  相似文献   
人性的关注是张爱玲小说创作的一个极为突出的特征。从女性视角出发,张爱玲的人性关注主要体现为对于女性问题的独特而深刻的思考。在张爱玲的笔下,女人们一方面为旧的生活所拘束,另一方面又为新的生活所威慑。新旧生活的双重压力使她们陷入了一种左也不是右也不是的为难处境,为了生存而不得不将自已作为人的内涵一点一点地散失。  相似文献   
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