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按照“三个代表”的要求和与时俱进的观点,认为搞好体育院校青年教师党员发展工作,首先要统一思想,深刻认识其重要性和紧迫感;第二,正视现实,增强其主动性和责任感;第三,明确思路,抓住重点,扎扎实实把工作做细做好。围绕这三个方面,理论结合实践进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   
第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段定位球进球分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段64场比赛的定位球进球进行观察与统计,指出定位球战术在比赛中仍占据重要地位,开场和邻近结束的时间是定位球进球的黄金时段,任意球是定位球进球的主要手段,头顶球在定位球进攻中起重要作用。  相似文献   
面对全球性的环境危机,人类不得不对自己的行为作出理性反省.环境伦理学的产生与发展正是人们对环境问题理性回应的结果.环境伦理学从人类中心主义发展到生态中心主义,标志着人类对自然认识的不断进步.环境伦理学倡导的是人地共生的绿色理念.  相似文献   
国际体育运动中的人权问题研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
长期以来,国际体育运动中的人权一直是个被忽略的问题,而其也应当属于国际人权法研究的范围。体育权已被认为是一项人权,作为人权基础的自由、平等和不歧视同样可以被视为体育权的基础。儿童、妇女、残疾人等弱势群体参与体育运动的权利应当得到特殊的关照,而第三代人权则与参与体育运动的权利关系更为密切。联合国组织和国际奥委会在以上方面进行的合作促进了体育权的实现。  相似文献   
运用文献研究法和案例分析法梳理和概括了中国新闻媒体在2010年温哥华冬奥会、2014年索契冬奥会、2018年平昌冬奥会宣传报道中的常见问题,并基于此提出北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会(以下简称"北京冬奥会")宣传报道策略:1)北京冬奥组委要统筹协调面向新闻媒体记者的服务工作;制定应对突发负面新闻舆情事件的宣传工作预案;讲好中国故事,展现大国形象。2)宣传报道北京冬奥会的记者要掌握一定的冰雪运动技能知识,扎实做好采访前的准备工作,灵活运用采访技巧,全面了解北京冬奥会设置的冰雪运动项目,采写的新闻作品要及时甚至即时发布;电视台记者在现场与新闻直播间连线对话时要增强镜头意识,要善于研究和改进摄录设备。3)北京冬奥会赛事解说员要全面而准确地掌握北京冬奥会赛事的相关信息;要对冬奥会项目比赛规则与裁判常用判罚术语的英文字母代码及其含义了如指掌;解说与评论宜客观与公正;不要使用带有攻击性的词汇和敏感性词汇。4)中国新闻媒体宣传报道北京冬奥会的内容中不宜对比赛结果作经验性判断,要传播人文关怀;中国新闻媒体既要平衡国内运动员和国外运动员的新闻报道量,又要平衡赛场内新闻和赛场外新闻的宣传报道量。  相似文献   
论图书馆伦理建设   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
图书馆伦理建设可从两个层面展开:一是构建图书馆的伦理价值体系,二是落实这一价值体系。图书馆伦理价值体系,包括表明伦理价值取向的伦理框架和体现在行为规范之中的伦理准则两部分。图书馆伦理价值体系的落实应从明确建设基点、加强组织协调、开展教育培训、提高自律能力、突出榜样示范和实施道德评价等方面着手。参考文献9。  相似文献   
浅析当前我国经济体制下如何增加居民收入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十七届五中全会,审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》。《建议》明确提出,要保障和改善民生,促进社会公平正义。这是十分正确的,也是十分必要的。文章将从以下几个方面进行简单的阐述:一、我国经济持续快速增长,但是,我国居民的个人收入却没有跟上经济的增长,以至于出现了"国进民退"、"国富民弱"的矛盾;二、我国要实现由投资、出口拉动型向消费型经济增长方式转变,增加居民收入是必然要求;三、如何使人民群众从经济增长中受益。  相似文献   
This paper comments on Darcia Narvaez's Kohlberg Memorial Lecture, published in this issue, with respect to her contrasting ethics and economics, or morality and market. My basic claim is that ethics and economics, properly understood, are just two sides of the same coin. One main point is that all morality solves cooperation problems and includes positive and negative sanctions to uphold it. The second claim is that competition in market economies is, in principle, ethically justified, and where it creates a problem, it is not just an ethical problem, but by the same token an economic one with which economists are concerned.  相似文献   
An analysis of the impact of stakeholder consultation during the conservation decision-making processes is presented. Defining and finding opportunities for stakeholder communication within conservation work is an ethical necessity when working with cultural heritage, but the limits and practice of this necessity are less clear. Case studies are used to explore which aspects of the conservation process stakeholders are most likely to be consulted about, and reviews the impact of their views. It asks whether conservators have a preference in which decisions they are prepared to share with stakeholders across three aspects of conservation: the initial appraisal, treatment and the display or storage. Where consultation relates to treatment, conservators are more likely to fall back on their own technical authority except when those consulted are regarded as fellow professionals. Other categories of stakeholder such as artists, originating communities, and religious groups were found to be more constructively consulted on the understanding of the object and on care related to display and storage. Conservators should be offered more explicit guidance on the ethics of consultation, the aspects of consultation that they should engage with and on the ethical ways to deal with conflict arising from consultation.  相似文献   
This paper examines the context and impact of the industrial materials and processes of the mid-twentieth century on Donald Judd's works, focusing on galvanized steel, cellulose nitrate paints, anodizing, and the RAL color matching system. Exploration of the industrial materials and methods Judd utilized provides a greater understanding of his processes, choices, and ultimately his art, its care, and legacy.  相似文献   
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