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拉康结构主义精神分析批评关于自我与他者、能指与所指的理论形象地阐述了主客体的差异性问题.基于此,我们对<百种神秘感觉>中李宽的疯癫意向进行了解析,指出其实质是错误的自我认识和对能指与所指的混淆;并揭示出李宽等三人的中国之行在于完成一个能指的游戏,即认同父亲并成为一个母亲,并通过拯救他人而实现自我价值的提升.  相似文献   
足球运动员的时、空感觉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了足球运动员时、空感觉的生理学基础,视觉与肌肉本体感觉、平衡觉感受器对运动员时、空感觉的影响及其对运动员技术水平的重要意义,并提出加强足球运动员时、空感觉敏感性的方法。  相似文献   
This article focuses on senses, emotions and cultural practices such as writing, reading and speaking in West Germany after 1945. The period immediately following the end of the Second World War – the so-called Stunde Null, or “zero hour” – has generally been seen as a time of new beginnings, also with regard to cleansing the German language and breaking the silences of the past. This historical examination of sensory-emotional and material contexts and related cultural practices takes as its source Hanns-Josef Ortheil’s autobiographical novel Die Erfindung des Lebens (The Invention of Life), published in 2009. Ortheil’s novel is about a child’s enormous struggle to learn how to feel, see, read, write and speak. This so-called “ego document”, told by a first-person narrator, focuses on the links between things, objects, senses, emotions, and the acquisition of cultural skills and techniques while at the same time providing subtle commentary on post-war West German society.  相似文献   
The body has become a vital research object in several disciplines in recent years. Indeed, in the social sciences and humanities, a corporeal turn in which embodiment has become a key concept related to learning and socialisation is discussed. This cross-disciplinary paper addresses the epistemological question of how we know what we know and theoretically and empirically contributes to current arguments of a shift from embodiment to emplacement. In other words, this study strives for understanding of the intersection of mind, body and place through a focus on how bodily knowing is formed as part of a moving world. The purpose of the paper is to explore the kinaesthetic experience as bodily knowing in emplaced semi-formal teaching. Through long-term ethnography in a Swedish skateboard setting and in-depth analysis of digital visual material, this paper demonstrates how kinaesthetic experience might be viewed as knowing and how a particular type of this experience might be interpreted as explosiveness and, as such, an act of physical remembrance and energy transformation. Knowing is formed along paths of movement and rhythm, and kinaesthesia is identified as a multisensory experience. It is argued that a fruitful way of bridging the mind–body divide is to view the body as un/knowing, rendering it both knowing and not knowing simultaneously. Moreover, emplaced via its senses in a sociocultural and spatio-temporal environment, this conceptualisation of a moving body in a moving world might allow for re-thinking regarding how a body in context knows, teaches and, possibly, learns.  相似文献   
大学新生进入新的学习、生活环境需要经历从感知、认知到自我定位的适应过程.安徽大学历史系遵循学生心理适应规律,紧扣大学新生适应性教育需要,创新地开展了“三感”(归属感、认同感、责任感)、“三我”(我是、我愿、我来)主题教育活动.通过尝试和探索,在新生适应性教育的内容、形式和途径上积累了一些经验和成果.  相似文献   
通过语义分类、义项分析、本义及其引申探讨三个方面对《论语》动词语义面貌进行描述,可以看出《论语》动词在语义上的某些特点。  相似文献   
在对谭恩美的小说进行细致地阅读后,笔者发现在其小说创作中存在着一种隐性的三维交叉模式,这在其第三部作品《灵感女孩》中表现最为突出。本文旨在开辟一个新的研究方式,从科学研究的立体思维观点出发,对谭恩美之创作(以《灵感女孩》为个案)进行分析,探析其作品中的三维交叉模式,以开拓对谭恩美小说研究的新方向。  相似文献   
华裔女性作家谭恩美和非裔女性作家托妮.莫里森是生存在美国白人主流文化里的边缘作家,她们的身份和她们的文学一样被烙上了"他者"的标签。从后殖民女性主义视角,特别是斯皮瓦克的"属下"理论,我们可以看到谭恩美作品《百感神秘》和托妮.莫里森作品《所罗门之歌》里女性人物的具有浓厚的属下气质。但是"属下"女性们用她们的方式在"说话",同时她们的属下气质不会因为"说话"而得到消解。  相似文献   

There is clear evidence of inequalities in the health status of minority ethnic groups in Britain. This includes a number of conditions which may be alleviated or prevented through increased levels of physical exercise. Other research has shown lower levels of activity and raised body mass among Asian groups. There remains some scope for argument about the reasons for these differences. It is, for example, suggested that health education materials are poorly targeted at South Asian communities, or that certain cultures discourage involvement in recreational physical activities. It is known that both motivation and self-image are important to physical activity behaviour, from school age upwards. A lifestyle survey sponsored by the Health Education Authority, and qualitative research, provide an opportunity to examine the degree to which there are distinctive 'ethnic' barriers to exercise or other healthy physical activity amongst communities of South Asian origin living in England. While there are many similarities with the reasons given by members of the white population for 'not exercising', there are some subtle differences between communities, and a number of issues which appear to be specific to the minority populations. Some are particular to a religion, gender or generation. Attention to these, including questions of modesty, gender segregation, and safety, would improve the accessibility of recreational activities to this target group. At the same time, it is clear that individuals from these communities are well informed and well motivated, and do take advantage of local facilities when they can. The question of both institutional and personal racism cannot be excluded from a strategy for promoting healthy physical activity; equally, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of particular communities to gain their confidence. A 'colour-blind' or homogenous approach may be counterproductive.  相似文献   
“人从何而来?又向何而去?”生命的起源与生命的目的和意义问题,是哲学与宗教思考的基本问题。哲学家和宗教家生命起源问题的关注其实都是他们对人生目的与意义的关注方式之一。作为一名宗教哲学家和思想家,池田大作从未放弃其本位的立场,他相信人的内在精神革命有着社会革命的优位性,但是,怎样才能实现人的内在的精神革命呢?池田认为,唯有认识了“人”的本质,人的革命才有切入之处,而构成池田“人的革命”的哲学基础,就是由户田城圣(创价学会第二任会长)所提出并由池田进一步发展的“生命论”。  相似文献   
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