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中国马术俱乐部实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
源于欧洲的现代马术运动在国内方兴未艾,成为部分人群的一种休闲方式.作为国内目前开展休闲马术的主渠道,马术俱乐部近年来发展迅速并出现了一些积极的新趋势,但同时也面临着诸多困难与挑战.为此,需要加强马术运动的宣传与推广,加强行业内及行业间的合作,开展多元化经营,推进行业标准与规范体系建设,加大人才培养力度,争取政府支持.  相似文献   
唐代马球运动的兴起与规则要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马球是骑马技术和击球技术紧密结合的一项运动。唐代马球兴起于唐太宗时期,马球运动不仅是训练骑术和马上砍杀技术的重要手段,也是一种很好的娱乐运动。由于唐朝皇帝的倡导,马球运动在军中将士、王公贵族乃至文人中深受欢迎,唐代的马球场与马球比赛规则也都有一套严格的规定。  相似文献   
通过对北京奥运会马术比赛成功举办的分析,对马道内涵进行了阐释,指出我们应当马道地对待赛马,并对北京奥运如何讲马道进行了探讨,希望能为有关部门和相关人员提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Although polo is a well-known equestrian sport, it is fundamentally misunderstood. The purpose of this study was to examine trunk and upper extremity kinematics and segmental velocities during the offside forehand polo swing between male and female athletes. Ten female and 17 male professional polo athletes volunteered. An electromagnetic tracking system collected kinematic data at 100 Hz while participants performed three offside forehand polo swings from a stationary wooden horse. One-way ANOVAs revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in all kinematic variables and segmental velocities. Specifically, males exhibited a greater mean difference (MD=23°) of trunk flexion at take away (TA) and top of backswing (TOB)(MD=29°) trunk lateral flexion at ball contact (BC)(MD=23°), trunk rotation at TA(MD=97°) and TOB(MD=118°), shoulder abduction at TOB(MD=64°), and shoulder elevation at TOB(MD=13°) and BC(MD=40°). Females displayed greater trunk rotation at BC(MD=91°), shoulder elevation at TA(MD=19°), and elbow flexion at TA(MD=90°). Additionally, females generated greater segmental velocities early in the swing, while the males generated velocity later. The movement patterns observed amongst the males suggest energy is being transferred more efficiently along the kinetic chain, thus more efficient swing mechanics, but further investigation into the role of the trunk and lumbopelvic-hip complex in reference to the polo swing is warranted.  相似文献   
我国马术运动员速度感测评研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对马术运动员速度感进行测评,为我国马术运动员心理选材和心理训练提供理论依据。采用《马术运动员心理诊断系统》对28名运动员(其中包括6名国家队队员)进行了4种实验条件下的速度感测试,并对其进行数理分析。结果显示:实验小球在变速运动条件下运动员速度感的准确性显著高于匀速运动条件下的准确性;在设置距离相同时,实验小球匀速运动使速度感准确性高于变速运动时,短距离速度感准确性高于长距离时的准确性;国家队队员速度感的准确性显著高于一般队员;实验小球无论在何种空间倾斜角度运动时,都会影响速度感的准确性,但是不同倾斜角度之间差异显著;马术运动员速度感准确性受其运动水平的影响。  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料法,分析研究我国古代马术的起源、发展以及演变过程,旨在概括我国马术运动的发展和前景展望.主要结论有:马术在中国古代则称作骑术,具有悠久的历史,是一项重要的体育运动,包括赛马,还有马戏等.中国古代的马术,主要是由于生产生活需要、战争需要、精神娱乐需要等方面发展起来的.建议:我国应充分利用自然的区位优势,良好的传统优势、广泛的群众基础、优质的马匹资源、丰富的饲养资源.如新疆、内蒙古等省区,从古至今马匹与当地人民生产、生活息息相关,优势得天独厚,为现代马术运动的发展提供了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   
运动录相观察法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对四川省马上运动的发展现状进行了研究,认为四川省马上运动具备良好的群众基础和民族地域优势,但由于文化、经济、地域差异等诸多因素的影响,使得马上运动区域发展不平衡,马上运动发展的生存环境受到挑战。就此提出发展四川省马上运动的对策:加强立法保护,重视民族文化传承;发展经济、多渠道筹集资金,建立民间马术训练基地;因地制宜开展马上运动,促进与旅游业的结合;依托民族运动会,进一步提高训练质量。  相似文献   
文章以西北各少数民族具有典型性的传统体育-马上体育运动项目为切入点,采用文献资料和田野调查相结合的方法,通过实地走访相关专家及传承人,分别从马上体育运动的历史渊源、发展现状、保护传承进行分析,借鉴现代体育的发展经验,结合其他产业多元化的发展模式提出马上体育运动保护传承措施。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、个案分析法等,对国内高校马术运动开展情况,以及武汉商学院开展马术运动的专业建设、人才培养等方面进行了全面的调查和分析。我国高校在开展马术运动方面处于较好的上升期,普通高校和专业体育院校陆续开设了马术学院用于培养马术专门人才,但当前要在短期内实现大面积开展尚有一定难度;我国高校马术运动开展具有很好的学生基础,开展形式以专业和社团居多;武汉商学院在马术运动人才培养体系等方面形成了较完善的体系,其发展模式具有很好的可借鉴性。可在马术运动开展较好的地区合理利用社会资源积极开展校园马术运动;加快、加大构建互联网+马术平台的步伐、力度;鼓励具备条件的高校积极申报马术运动专业。  相似文献   
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