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文章梳理了中国科学院(简称"中科院")6次办院方针调整的历史背景、主要内容、政策逻辑和引领的改革实践。重点回顾了中科院"率先行动"计划的逻辑起点、主要举措和第一阶段的主要成效。从中科院办院方针调整及相应改革实践历程中初步提炼总结了国家战略科技力量发展的经验启示。  相似文献   
《平凡的世界》全景式地描写了中国现代城乡生活,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,刻画了社会各阶层普通人民的形象,向我们展示了传统现实主义从题材处理、结构安排、人物塑造到艺术风格、审美趋向等方面所表现出的巨大魅力.论文从文化心态和文本的角度论述了民间众生对自我角色的确认,其中包括昂扬不屈的创业者、乡村生活的固守者和交叉地带的陪衬者.这些人物的塑造具有深远的民间意义.  相似文献   
沈敦和是红十字运动在中国的开拓者与大力推进者,为红十字运动在中国的起步与发展作出了巨大的贡献,是公认的中国红十字运动第一人。深入研究沈敦和,不仅对于发展中的中国慈善事业有着重要的伤值,而且对于弘扬人道主义,激励今人投身慈善事业具有重要的意义。同时,研究沈敦和对于深入研究近代上海社会乃至近代宁波帮都具有不可或缺的价值。  相似文献   

How the humanities subjects are represented in primary schools in Wales has been influenced by curriculum developments including Curriculum Cymraeg, the Skills Framework and the Foundation Phase. A central tenet of Welsh Government policy has been to actively encourage schools to promote a sense of ‘Welshness’ through curriculum content, pedagogies and school policies. In addition, early years’ education has been extended to 5–7-year olds and at Key Stage 2 skills and competencies are priorities, with subject content providing the context for learning. In 2015, the Donaldson Review’s recommendations were fully implemented in the Government’s plans for a new 3–16 Curriculum for Wales to be fully implemented by 2021. Humanities became one of six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) with the curriculum content to be developed by an all-Wales partnership team which includes the Pioneer Schools’ network. This article traces the post devolution build-up to this latest ‘radical change’. It suggests that for stakeholders developing the humanities curriculum the challenge will be considering how the key concepts of different ‘subject pedagogies’ are represented, while fulfilling the Government’s emphasis on early years’ pedagogy and its focus on a competency-led curriculum.  相似文献   
Gentrification is one of the most important and talked about contemporary urban issues. Critics have tended to treat the class remake of urban neighborhoods as a geographical and sociological phenomenon. This article critically examines gentrification as symbolic action. Focusing on press coverage of artist-led gentrification, I argue that reporters present a diffusion narrative that casts artists as both urban pioneers and victims of gentrification and glosses over the function of artists as the first gentrifiers in some urban neighborhoods. Ultimately, press accounts of artists as victims of gentrification reflect an underlying desire to find and maintain bohemian spaces in the face of homogeneous and sterile corporate urban revitalization projects that have contributed to a broader sense of urban placelessness. Yet, this vision is based on a bohemian image of the city that consists of young white artists while stigmatizing (through a frontier discourse) the more diverse population(s) that lived and worked in the urban neighborhood prior to the arrival of the artists.  相似文献   
张謇倡导“棉铁主义”,力主“开放主义”,注重培育人才,其“实业兴国”主张及做法,对于在当今世界经济全球化的趋势下如何抓住机遇、加快发展,给了我们很多启示。弘扬张謇的创新精神,加快南通工业发展,必须立足原有基础,发挥比较优势,寻求新的突破。  相似文献   
赵勋 《嘉应学院学报》2005,23(1):100-101
面临空前开放的艺术世界,安静已久的院校教学也产生了思维动荡,如何摆清理念,需广大教育者来论证。文章中并非反对现代艺术教学理念,也并非提倡完全传统的教学方向,只是站在一个传授者的角度为我们的学生想想问题,要使学生懂得,求变的基点都来自于坚实的绘画基础  相似文献   
入话手法是古今中外叙事性文学作品中普遍使用的叙事策略。在中国古代小说中是“入话”,在外国古典小说中是“故事套故事”。中国现代文学中,从精英文学到通俗文学都使用了入话的手法,催动了中国现代小说叙事技巧的革新。中国当代先锋小说中的“元叙事”,在一定程度上借鉴了传统小说的入话手法。  相似文献   
鲁迅的《铸剑》和余华的《鲜血梅花》是两个关于复仇的小说。复仇对眉间尺和阮海阔来说,是命运给他们开的一个尴尬玩笑,他们不可能完成复仇任务。两篇小说虽然最后都以复仇的完成作为结局,但复仇已经超越了复仇本身。眉间尺的复仇完成了对自我的重塑,阮海阔复仇的形式被美丽的漂泊消解,变成对复仇本质的嘲讽。眉间尺的复仇体现了鲁迅真正的启蒙叙事立场,而阮海阔的复仇则暴露了余华精神资源的缺乏带来的"伪先锋"纯情的痞性本质。  相似文献   
从教育创业的视角审视陶行知的一生,他并不仅仅是中国近现代著名的教育家,他还是一个伟大的"教育创业者",是一个不为金钱奋斗的"创业家"。早期的宗教影响,中国传统知识人的淑世救国情怀和教育科研者的实践理性是促使陶行知成为教育创业垦拓者的主要因素。晓庄师范、山海工学团、育才学校和社会大学是陶行知典型的四次教育创业活动,它们彰显了陶行知宽容博爱、不断创新、勇于担当的"双家"精神,其教育创业的励志事迹和启人深思的"双家"精神对当今教师教育专业学生的培养具有重要教益。  相似文献   
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