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杨逵被称为"台湾文学的脊骨",这不仅对其文学创作给予了极高的评价,更是对他的人格魅力的充分肯定。杨逵一生未曾见过鲁迅,他对鲁迅的解读与接受是通过鲁迅的作品与友人的介绍得以实现的,然而,在这两位中国大陆与台湾现代文学史上产生巨大影响的作家身上却有着割舍不断的联系。  相似文献   
《玻璃动物园》是田纳西·威廉斯的一部带有强烈自传色彩的戏剧,剧中的三个主要人物,即阿曼达,劳拉和汤姆都一概被评论家们贴上了“逃避者”的标签。然而通过对这三个人物更深层的探讨,不难发现这一标签贴得过于一概而论。该文由心理分析学派学者阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒的自卑情结理论及卡尔·荣格的人格面具理论作为理论依据,深入探索人物内心,从而得出结论:人物阿曼达并非所谓的“逃避者”,相反,她敢于面对现实,活在当下;而她的一双儿女劳拉和汤姆却实实在在是逃避主义的奉行者。  相似文献   
祝小玉 《海外英语》2014,(5):216-217
There are a lot of,or precisely speaking,a train of patterns in Amy Lowell’s Patterns for it seems to be consisted of disparate patterns but as a matter of fact these seemingly disrelated patterns disclose one pattern together from the points of both feminism and psychology.And this paper is aimed to discover the inherent co-relationship among these different patterns and shed light on the theme of this pome,in other words,the feminism of this pome.  相似文献   
戴涛 《海外英语》2014,(20):193-194,208
This thesis makes an analysis of the heroine’s mental growth from the initial phase of the heroine’s mental trauma to the struggling phase and to the mature phase. It analyzes the reasons and manifestations for her mental solitariness,expounds her confusion and struggling during her growth from the perspective of psychoanalysis and reveals her mental maturity in the end after a series of setbacks and conflicts during pursuit of affection,friendship and kinship. In some senses,the heroine’s mental growth displayed in this thesis is the psychological portrayal of some contemporary college students,which has certain educational significance to the student readers especially those who possess the similar life experience and accesses them to have an incisive understanding of real life.  相似文献   
在大学生心理咨询工作中,精神分析是一种可供采用的方法。精神分析可以丰富大学生心理咨询理论,并且,其基于自由联想法的临床治疗技术如对移情的处理、恰当干预与合理阐释等等,一方面比较适合当代大学生的心理实际,另一方面,也能起到很好的临床治疗作用。  相似文献   
影响大学生交往的主要动机有归属动机、自我实现的动机、社会比较动机、友情动机和利益动机。  相似文献   
文章运用精神分析学分析<寒夜>三个主要人物的潜意识、思想、心理和精神.阐述了生存的严重压抑与活着的意志的冲突、性本能的压抑与超我的爱的交错和冲突、俄狄浦斯情结与传统伦理的冲突和纠缠的三个观点,在人格结构上总括为人物本我与自我、超我的交错和冲突.  相似文献   
Our contemporary moment is characterized by the pervasiveness of economics in social life, and the extension of “incentives” into new areas represents this movement’s keystone. Originally a fairly narrow term from neoclassical economic theory, politicians, journalists, and cultural ?gures deploy “incentives” to explain all manner of activity: judicial rulings, gendered wage gaps, and even whether soccer players score penalty kicks. To address this, I elucidate the trope of metastasis – the rhetorical mechanism by which social life is “economized.” Metastasis entails a ?gurative displacement, wherein cause shifts from one place to another. More than simply a spread of narrow economic ideas into culture, incentive rhetoric metastasizes. It displaces alternative explanations onto neoclassical market axioms. Since its proponents insist that incentives are causal mechanisms, I introduce Jacques Lacan’s interpretation of Aristotle’s discourse on causality. Lacan rereads Aristotle’s “?nal cause” from a rhetorical perspective, and forwards the retroactive causality of the symbolic order. Incentive rhetoric exempli?es this concept, in which all outcomes are explained as having been caused by a prior, unseen market force. Incentive rhetorics promise a universal code that unlocks the mysteries of human behavior that reduces all context to discrete individual choices, thereby providing a discursive alibi for economic inequality.  相似文献   

I situate myself in the context of an evolving conversation in relation to what it means to be a woman. In my mother’s generation, the first wave of feminism forced a collision between traditional western female values grounded in a subversive authority and the desire to emerge from that type of repressive position. From the standpoint of my daughter’s generation, I may be tilting at windmills, trying to find my own authority in relation to a paternal authority that I feel deauthorises and devalues the voice I am trying to find. I take that consultation seriously, inviting me to think about relationships between what can and cannot be seen from any particular vertex. Given that maturation requires our ability to come to terms with difference and with limit, how can women more effectively enact and pass along the process of becoming oneself as a fundamental value?  相似文献   
What is the use of theory? A psychoanalytic discussion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Freud asking whether psychoanalysis could be taught in the university, and then whether it could be learned, provides an occasion for asking about the emotional uses of theory. The paper draws from literature, clinical writing and pedagogy to build a psychoanalytic discussion of teaching and learning that takes seriously phantasies of knowledge made from the creation, conveyance and reception of theory. This learning complex involves symptoms in education: resistance to theory, fear of theory, fear of words, and writing inhibitions. Freud’s third model of psychoanalysis, ‘working through’, suggests a new approach to the use of theory in university.  相似文献   
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