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汉武帝和陈皇后、卫皇后、李夫人以及钩弋夫人都有过缠绵的感情,可是都以悲剧告终。陈皇后先是失宠,继而被废,郁郁而终;卫皇后因巫蛊事件被废,自杀;李夫人因病早逝,让武帝思念不已;钩弋夫人因为可能危及皇权而被武帝处死。帝王和后妃之间的不平等关系和功利性、政治问题以及一夫多妻的婚姻制度等因素在很大程度上注定了他们感情上的结局,因此,汉武帝和后妃的情感故事堪称是一曲哀婉的悲歌。  相似文献   
How specialist repair work restored Windsor Castle to its former glory.Many people in Britain and across the world can remember the night a few years ago when Windsor Castle caught fire.  相似文献   
How do firm-specific factors impact strategic IT decisions such as IT outsourcing? Do non-financial factors influence these decisions? Whereas prior IT outsourcing research has focused primarily on normative, economic drivers of IT outsourcing, we find evidence of firm-specific non-financial factors influencing IT outsourcing decisions. We focus on the social influence perspective and use IT outsourcing decisions as exemplars of strategic IT decisions. Using a data sample of 77 outsourcing contracts from the automotive industry from 1995 to 2010, we find that even after controlling for financial factors, industry average levels of outsourcing can be used to distinguish strategic outsourcing behaviors of firms for IT enabled services. Firms with above-average levels of IT outsourcing tended to further increase outsourcing, a behavior consistent with perceived Red Queen competitive pressures. Firms with below-average levels of IT outsourcing showed no measurable trends of either increasing or decreasing outsourcing levels. This suggests that firm-specific factors influence IT outsourcing decisions and deviations from non-financial industry norms can indicate how firms make strategic IT decisions.  相似文献   
哲理诗《麦布女王》是19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人雪莱的一首长诗作品,因其中对于宗教及教会的激烈抨击被作者称作是其反叛基督教的宣言书,然而研究发现,这部作品与基督教圣典-《圣经》却有着千丝万缕的联系;试图通过对该作品中涉及到的典故、意象、人物方面与《圣经》的对比研究,来透视雪莱对于基督教既反叛又承袭的复杂二元对立关系,希望从这一崭新视角来全面解读雪莱。  相似文献   
伴随着后奥运时代的到来,大学教育受众群体的主力军"80后"大学生呈现出许多不同以往的群体特征。本文揭示了"80后"大学生的生存外部环境与内心世界,并提出了如何在新形势下根据"80后"大学生的特点对其进行加强校园文化建设、倡导和谐教育理念、宣扬主流价值标准等教育的有效途径。  相似文献   
隆裕太后于1913年2月22日突然逝世,从而引起了强烈的社会反响,舆论主要集中在其逝世的原因、清宫内廷主持的确立、丧事筹备等方面,由此折射出新旧体制鼎革时期人们对隆裕太后逝世反应的复杂社会面相。本文的目的就在于通过对这种复杂社会面相的分析和探究,来揭示在历史事件中的各种复杂的社会现象,以此给我们提供深刻的历史借鉴意义。  相似文献   
城堡, 是欧洲典型的建筑之一, 每个城堡都有一个美丽的传说或是一段历史。从本期开始, 我们将推出“城堡之旅”, 带各位读者去浏览、观赏欧洲各地的城堡, 开始一段文化与历史的旅途!  相似文献   
2007年6月,澳大利亚维多利亚州教学协会制定了新的教师教育课程标准《职前教师教育课程的评审标准、指导方针及评审程序》。该教师教育课程标准的设计理念是"教师专业化",设计模式是"泰勒模式",突出重点是"实习"。它对我国制定教师教育课程标准具有一些借鉴意义,如更新理念,注重学生需要;重视实践,促进教师专业化;加强合作,构建学校伙伴关系;规范的评价体系是质量的重要保证。  相似文献   
This paper concentrates on a seminal figure in the history of Canadian education who has never previously been the subject of historical examination: Duncan McArthur. As Deputy Minister, then Minister of Education, in Ontario between 1934 and 1942, he guided the province’s public schools during a period of dramatic reorganisation within a context transformed throughout the interwar years by modernity, economic instability, urbanisation and industrialisation. Under McArthur’s leadership, revised programmes of study formally introduced the rhetoric of progressive education into Canada’s most populous public school system. This rhetoric wove together three distinct themes – meliorism, efficiency and child study – articulating a progressivist educational vision for Ontario’s teachers and students.  相似文献   
英国都铎王朝最后一代君主伊丽莎白一世是世界历史上一个颇为引人注目的女王。她凭借柔中带刚的高超领导艺术,在一个女性普遍受到轻视的年代里成就了自己的赫赫声名,也使都铎王朝晚期的英国避免了分裂的命运,由弱转强,走过近代化的关键阶段,成为欧洲政治舞台上的重要角色。伊丽莎白一世赢得了国民、朋友和敌人的普遍尊重。本文分别探讨女王与人民、与上层统治者、与教会的关系,对其统治技巧进行概述与分析。伊丽莎白一世政治上的现实主义与女性独有的坚忍不拔的力量是其统治成功的基本要素,本文试图从伊丽莎白一世的血统与早年经历探讨这些统治特质的形成之因。政治家的个性素质往往对历史有一定影响,伊丽莎白一世的某些领导艺术也值得今人学习,因此对这位16世纪女王统治技巧的回顾具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
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