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宋夏战争中的乡兵与堡寨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在宋夏战争史上,北宋政府为了对付西夏军队的寇掠,除了在西北沿边地区部署大量正规军外,还积极招募弓箭手、蕃兵等乡兵部队配合禁军戍防和作战。自仁宗朝始,北宋政府在西北地区大量修筑堡寨,以构建防御西夏的军事屏障。在此过程中,乡兵和堡寨的紧密结合,很大程度上增强了北宋防御西夏的能力,并逐步扭转了长期对西夏战争的不利局面。  相似文献   
于洁 《天中学刊》2011,26(6):11-14
中国特色社会主义民主政治是马克思民主思想与中国实际相结合的产物,是马克思民主思想中国化的最新成果,是当代中国的马克思主义,这是因为马克思民主思想的人民主体论与我国国体高度一致;马克思民主思想的民主条件论与我国政体和谐统一;马克思民主思想的民主价值论与科学发展观理论内在契舍。  相似文献   
北京军阀政权在威权资源的整合过程中,丧失了政治学意义上的威权资源的合理性。由于军事实力只具有暂时的威权性,军阀们各个派系经常为争夺最高权力进行内斗;军阀们没有治理国家的经验,需要文人政客为其服务,从而造成军阀与政客交相为恶的局面;同时,民初思想文化极度活跃,这些因素都使北京政权的威权性大打折扣,从而使得民初北京军阀政权走向崩溃的边缘。  相似文献   

Purpose: This paper aims to reveal, and contribute to an understanding of, the processes that connect learning and innovation networks in sustainable agriculture to elements of the mainstream agricultural regime. Drawing on the innovations and transition literature, the paper frames the analysis around niche-regime interaction using the notion of niche-regime compatibility.

Design/Methodology/Approach: 17 Learning and Innovation Networks for Sustainable Agriculture (LINSA) engaged in agricultural food production, non-food and rural development were analyzed. In line with the project's transdisciplinary approach data were collected in a series of participatory workshops.

Findings: Five modes of LINSA-regime interaction are distinguished based on compatibility. The level of LINSA-regime compatibility influences the extent of the diffusion of LINSA ideas and practices into the regime. However, interaction processes within these modes reveal multiple and diverse connections between LINSA and regime entities suggesting a more complex relationship exists.

Practical implications: A range of connecting processes and activities (for example, certification, exemption from regulation, facilitation of networking) can bring about effective LINSA-regime interaction and could be externally supported.

Originality/Value: Empirical evidence from 17 case studies provides valuable insights from a number of different contexts across Europe. By directing analysis of interaction at the level of LINSA (niche project), rather than at the macro level, the study offers an original perspective. It suggests that the transition to sustainable agriculture might be understood as a complex of interactive processes leading to a series of adaptive changes, rather than as regime change.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the question of how technological transitions (TT) come about? Are there particular patterns and mechanisms in transition processes? TT are defined as major, long-term technological changes in the way societal functions are fulfilled. TT do not only involve changes in technology, but also changes in user practices, regulation, industrial networks, infrastructure, and symbolic meaning or culture. This paper practices ‘appreciative theory’ [R.R. Nelson, S.G. Winter, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Bellknap Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982] and brings together insights from evolutionary economics and technology studies. This results in a multi-level perspective on TT where two views of the evolution are combined: (i) evolution as a process of variation, selection and retention, (ii) evolution as a process of unfolding and reconfiguration. The perspective is empirically illustrated with a qualitative longitudinal case-study, the transition from sailing ships to steamships, 1780–1900. Three particular mechanisms in TT are described: niche-cumulation, technological add-on and hybridisation, riding along with market growth.  相似文献   
慕容鲜卑是五胡十六国时期重要的少数民族,她在中原建立的后燕为北魏所灭退据龙城后,政治呈现出明显的鲜卑化倾向,表现于政治势力的构成和政治制度两个方面,这种汉化的"反动"与此前慕容鲜卑在中原建立政权时汉化的轨迹迥然不同。  相似文献   
伪满洲国时期,日本侵略者通过伪满政权对当时的中小学教科书实施了全方位的控制,一方面强化对教材的审核力度,加速废止原有教材,另一方面依据奴化中小学生的要求,全力炮制新教材,并倾力打造配送教材的迅捷通道。日伪对中小学教材的控制,便利了其实施奴化我国东北中小学生的罪恶目的。  相似文献   
南凉为秃发鲜卑所建立的政权,其统治以乐都(今青海乐都)为中心,主要集中在河湟地区,全盛时期曾统治了包括今青海东部、甘肃中部等地区。建于公元397年,灭于414年,立国18年,但是秃发鲜卑在此繁衍生活了近两个世纪之久。在这期间,南凉虽以武功为主,四面扩充疆土,但是在东晋十六国这个民族融合的大背景下,南凉为了让自己能在河湟地区争霸处于优势地位,也采取了许多措施,对河湟地区的开发做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   
曹魏时期三级行政体制似仍在发展之中,州作为高层政区似并不完整,中央仍对郡国实行直接控制,而且民政重心仍在郡国。  相似文献   
太平天国禁止棺葬。禁棺葬的原因,一是残酷的战争环境,一是木材的来源受到限制,而布衾绸缎既容易置办,也便于办理丧事,另外与太平天国的宗教信仰也有密切关系。禁棺葬的政策对太平天国统治区的宗法社会产生了巨大冲击。  相似文献   
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