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国外施行较成熟的污点证人作证豁免制度在我国法律中并未得到明文肯定,但在我国司法实践中,也有用污点证人来指证其他被告人的案件。通过介绍国外污点证人作证豁免制度的概念性质及其来源和应用效果,结合实践探讨在我国建立污点证人作证豁免制度的必要性、可行性及借鉴方式。  相似文献   
Ground rules directions are given to children in forensic interviews to explain what is expected of them, and to reduce their tendency to acquiesce to erroneous or incomprehensible questions. Ground rules may also be necessary when children provide testimony in court. Drawing on research conducted for the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, the present study examined the use of ground rules directions delivered in court in 52 trials by 24 presiding judges in three jurisdictions to 57 child complainants (aged 7–17.5 years). Eleven categories of rules were identified. The number of words spoken to deliver each rule was counted, and grade-level readability scores were calculated as a proxy for the complexity of the ground rules. When judges asked comprehension or practice questions, the question types were coded. More than one third of the children (35%) received no ground rules directions from the judge; the remaining 65% received directions on an average of 3.5 types of ground rules out of a maximum of 11 types. While comprehension questions were common, practice questions were rare. Comprehension questions were most often presented in a yes/no format that implied the expected response, although this form of question is unlikely to provide an effective assessment of a child's comprehension. Neither the number of rules delivered nor the number of words used was related to children's age. Implications for children's court testimony are discussed.  相似文献   
The legal system is an important part of a society's response to child abuse and child neglect. Courts need to be guided in their deliberations by experts from many different professions. Consultation and in-court expert testimony is necessary from medicine, psychology, psychiatry, social work and other professions both to prove child abuse and neglect and establish the power of the court to act on behalf of a child but also to guide the court in the intervention strategy most suited to the needs of the child and his family. Non-lawyers often feel uncomfortable in the legal setting. The adversary process is foreign to their training and professional experience. Collaboration with a lawyer greatly improves their effectiveness in court. Lawyers, on the other hand, need to make maximum use of medical and social-psychological experts in the court process in the interests of their clients; but to do so lawyers need a basic understanding of the other professions. With an emphasis on a process of mutual education, the paper presents a framework for collaboration between lawyers and expert witnesses in child abuse and neglect cases. “Expert witness” is defined; informal consultation is encouraged; suggestions for selecting a collaborator are made; initial contracts between lawyer and expert, case conferencing and preparation for trial are discussed; specific advice on direct and cross examination is provided.  相似文献   
污点证人的豁免制度,对控检方来说,有助于实现真正的正义,提升诉讼的效率;对嫌疑人而言,有现实的豁免利益、必要的保障.参与方对彼此信任的考量、博弈层次的限制,促使控检方和污点证人形成理性、合理的双赢博弈结构.  相似文献   
隐蔽作证是一种特殊的作证方式,在国外的立法和司法实践中早有规定和体现,然而在我国尚属新生事物,到目前为止只有上海市第一中级人民法院在司法实践中进行了尝试。本文以银川市为例,分析了构建隐蔽作证制度的必要性,探讨了妨碍隐蔽作证制度构建的因素,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
在民事诉讼程序中,了解案件一定程度上的客观真实情况并有相应能力出庭作证的证人出庭作证系其本人向人民法院应尽之义务,而人民法院亦不应当令证人因出庭支持司法机关工作而蒙受个人损失。尽管新修改的民事诉讼法在新添加的第74条中已经明文规定了证人出庭费用最终由败诉一方负担,并初示此类费用的支付路径,但本条规定仍然存在一定的漏洞与不适性。事实上,首先明确证人作证所涉及费用的范畴及相应量化标准,其次由人民法院在充分审查证人出庭作证的相关费用的合法性、合理性的情况下统一预先支付该笔费用,最终将此部分费用划入相关诉讼费用中并明确由哪方当事人承担较为合理,此路径更为适宜。  相似文献   
在非法证据排除程序中侦查人员作证方式有两种:一为书面作证;二为出庭作证。理论上侦查人员出庭作证更具有当然性。相关立法规定表明立法者对侦查人员出庭作证的诉讼价值是持积极肯定的态度。然而对北大法宝中公开的108份裁判文书的分析发现只有接近三成的排除非法证据案件有侦查人员作证;书面证言适用率高于出庭作证;在现有情况下,侦查人员出庭对采信证据影响不大。进一步分析发现侦查人员出庭作证受限的原因是控、辩、审三方对侦查人员出庭作证都持消极态度,这是由他们在刑事诉讼中的地位决定的。  相似文献   
目前刑事证人出庭率较低。根据学者和司法实务工作者近几年在不同法院对刑事证人出庭问题的调研和考察情况,可知当前刑事审判实践中该问题仍然较为突出。解决这一问题的重要途径,需要对我国的刑事立法中对证人出庭问题给予更多的重视,逐步形成体系化的传闻证据规则。  相似文献   
证人不愿出庭作证、证人出庭难是在我国特定的历史文化背景下衍生出来的一种客观现实.这种客观现实是由多种原因造成的,既有文化心理上的原因,也有价值层面上的原因,更有制度层面上的原因.因此,考虑我国的国情,在不违背历史文化传统和现有道德规范的前提下,建立尽善尽美的证人制度是我们每一个法律工作者努力追求的目标.  相似文献   
在世界各国的证据立法和实践中,证人证言均被认为是强有力的证据种类。以细致缜密而著称的英国证人制度设计中,针对儿童证人资格、证言证明力、儿童证人的特殊保护问题均有较详尽的规定。我国应充分借鉴现代证据法学的通行规则,即儿童具备实质性证人条件,亦即取得证人资格;同时在庭审前服务、庭审技术屏障、庭外保护方面统筹设计,建立和完善我国儿童证人制度。  相似文献   
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