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《金瓶梅》是从《水浒传》中潘金莲的故事敷衍而来的.从学接受的角度来看.《金瓶梅》对《水浒传》是一种接受的关系。这里讨论了《金瓶梅》接受《水浒传》的具体情况.即作选择《水浒传》的原因和《水浒传》对《金瓶梅》的影响。  相似文献   
Success for All (SfA) is a comprehensive school reform program with a strong emphasis on cooperative learning that aims to improve students’ social emotional learning alongside students’ cognitive learning. In the present study it was examined whether SfA led to improved students’ social behavior in Grade 1–3 of primary education. Peer sociometric data was collected for 974 students aged 6–9. Using multivariate multilevel analysis we found no significant effect of SfA on students’ pro- and antisocial behavior over time. However, a significant interaction effect was found showing that antisocial behavior of students from disadvantaged backgrounds decreased in the intervention condition in Grade 2. This is a promising finding given that the SfA program was especially developed for schools serving large numbers of disadvantaged students. Implications of the study are described.  相似文献   
The founding of the Fā?imid caliphate across the southern Mediterranean, and then in Egypt, Syria and the ?ijāz at the turn of the fourth/tenth century, necessitated its negotiation with the ashrāf, those who claimed lineal descent from the Prophet Mu?ammad, and who by this time had gained significant influence as a social class based on their charismatic descent. While other dynastic powers fostered relationships with various members of the ashrāf, the Fā?imid–ashrāf dynamics were distinctive in that the Fā?imids legitimised their rule as Ismā?īlī Shī?ī imām-caliphs, based on their claim of descent from the Prophet Mu?ammad, and as the sole successors to his authority and leadership over the Islamic world. Consequently, Fā?imid–ashrāf relations were permeated by fraternal camaraderie as well as by competing contestations based on their shared claim to Prophetic lineage.  相似文献   
分析C程序的函数调用机制,阐述函数调用可视化实现技术,并利用GNU编译器工具链跟踪函数,对函数调用进行可视化展示,从而有助于对复杂函数调用特别是递归调用中的算法设计、栈区使用、代码优化等内容的理解。  相似文献   
The Imam-caliph al-Mu‘izz al-Dīn Allāh undertook a series of monetary changes which were to have a monumental impact on all future Fā?imid coinage, would lead to many imitations even after the dynasty had fallen, and create an easily identifiable pattern that attracted medieval merchants and modern collectors. The fact that al-Mu‘izz's coinage went through three stages with slight variations in the wording and layout indicates that he was determined to create a new model for Fā?imid coinage which would distinguish it from the Aghlabid and ‘Abbāsid coinage that preceded and competed with it. In contrast, Sijilmasa coinage was so conservative in layout due to its role in the African trade.  相似文献   
作为权威话语的儒家思想,不仅在《水浒》中留有“修身齐家治国平天下”的深刻印记,并还以君臣、父子这一整套纲常秩序建构起小说的重要思想根基,具体表现为“事亲以孝”、“事君以忠”、“夫权至上”三方面。而在执着认同之余,小说对儒学也进行了大胆质疑及至无情颠覆。但这种反叛与颠覆,并不意味着政治意义上的权力更替与交接,而总是表现为理性与暧昧、庄重与谐谑、儒雅与痞俗——彼此之间的相互对话与抗衡。  相似文献   
求学以明道也是章学诚的为学目的 ,对道的新认识与其学术理论方法的建立关系重大。道为立言之本 ,道不离器是六经皆史论的立论根据。对闻道的重视也使他在为学方法上迥异于时人 ,而偏重对义理的探究。而《文史通义 .原道》篇是其对道的论述的集中体现。  相似文献   
回回包银是元代向散居全国的回回、也里可温、竹忽、答失蛮所征收的一种税收,虽是包银的一种,但实施的时间较晚,这与元朝实行特殊的政治、宗教政策及元中后期的财政形势有密切的关系。它的实行可以说在一定程度上有利于国家的财政收入,同时在政治上也起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   
《诗经》、《尚书》、《周礼》、《礼记》等经籍提到的“禷”祭(又作“類”祭),是上古中国一项有着深厚民俗文化背景和深远历史影响的祭仪。不幸其礼早亡,汉儒已经难究其详。影响及今的《尚书》古文家说和郑玄《礼记》注等,将“禷”祭解为祭天之礼。但根据经籍中的记载来看,“禷”祭指的是当国有大事时,向上帝或社稷宗庙祈福禳灾的一种“祷祈”仪式,与祭天之礼并不是一回事。据《说文解字》等书,“類”字本义是一种犬,可能是白犬。“禷”祭应是指特以“類”为牺牲的祭仪。《山海经》等说“類”具有“自为牝牡”的神奇特性,这与该书所记“白犬有牝牡,是生犬戎”的传说非常相似。在先秦文献中,“類”字常用来指出自同一祖先的子孙后代。这些材料表明“類”与古代中国某些族群的祖先神话有着密切的关系。“禷”祭之形成,正植根于此种观念之上。“禷”祭当属于曾广为流行于上古中国北方地区的犬祭礼俗中某种特定的类型,它的消亡可能与周人颇具理性色彩的的礼制改革有关。  相似文献   
眼下,“封建”一词的使用相当普遍,然而其确切的内涵却很少有人追究。“封建”的中文原意是什么,它经历了怎样的变化,与西文的“封建”和“封建主义”(feudalism)又有着怎样的联系和区别?该文从学术史,特别是从实证分析和理论分析两方面,阐明西欧Feudalism是欧洲历史发展的产物,只属于欧洲;中国的先秦是封建制,唯其符合中文“封建”之本义;秦代至清代是皇权专制制度。它们本是三个不同的概念,谁也不能涵盖谁,就中西中古社会而言则属于前近代时期不同的社会形式,不应简单对译,混为一谈。循名责实清源,势必免去中西历史的双重误读,有利于学术概念的规范。  相似文献   
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