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The present study investigated the predictive utility of self-reported domestic violence perpetrators’ exposure to violence in their family of origin and patterns related to this exposure through the use of longitudinal analyses on a sample of 228 men on probation in Lake County, Illinois. Differences in typology, recidivism, recidivism frequency, and violent behavior survival patterns in men with a history of domestic violence perpetration and with varying levels of family of origin violence exposure were examined. Findings suggest that those who witnessed interparental violence (either alone, or in combination with experiencing violence) were most likely to be classified as Generally Violent offenders (e.g., perpetrators who direct violence toward their family and others), compared to those who did not report experiencing or witnessing violence. In addition, results also indicate that men who experienced both witnessing interparental violence and receiving physical abuse in childhood were more likely to recidivate more frequently compared to those who did not report experiencing or witnessing violence. No significant findings for typology and recidivism were noted. Clinical and policy/practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   
This article features a study that explored the presence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including childhood sexual abuse and neglect, among women associated with Partnership for Peace (PfP), the first and only culturally adapted domestic violence diversion program for men in the Eastern Caribbean. Within a multiyear evaluative study that assessed the impact of the PfP intervention in reducing domestic violence in Grenada in the West Indies, life-history interviews were collected from a subsample of women (N = 9) associated with men enrolled in the PfP program between 2009 and 2011. We found that the exposure to sexual abuse and neglect during childhood was evident in the histories of the women. Most perpetrators were trusted family or community members who suffered from a common set of behavioral patterns, most prominently alcohol use. Our findings reflect an evidence-based connection, as one causative factor, of a culture of silence that is related to child sexual abuse and its management. The apparent lasting effects of these traumatic childhood exposures reflect cycles of abuse in the life histories collected during the domestic violence evaluation study. Our study identified three key structural deficiencies (insufficient research, ineffective policy, and lack of public-health interventions) and one embedded cultural norm (the culture of silence) that together “inhibit current attempts to address ACEs as a means of curbing domestic violence in the Caribbean.”  相似文献   
引进外资已经成为我国加快转变经济发展方式的最大障碍。本文列举了外资对我国经济的十大危害:它是我国深陷美元陷阱、人民币被迫升值、引发国内严重通货膨胀和中国经济“自我剥夺”的罪魁祸首;它严重地阻碍了我国内需产业和内地经济的发展,最终将使我国创新型国家建设成为泡影;成为寻租、滋生庞大买办利益集团和跨国公司干涉我国内政的强大力量。它加快了通过掌控产业价值链垄断和支配我国经济的进程,因而成为收入分配两极分化、破坏和谐社会的隐蔽性杀手,并通过挤占民族企业的投资机会成为催生我国泡沫经济的重要因素。外资不仅加剧了对我国生态环境的严重破坏,而且它还通过直接投资特别是金融自由化直接掠夺我国自然资源和金融财产,并最终将造成这样一种可怕的前景:即使我国保护本国市场也主要保护的是外资企业,从而使外资支配我国经济的格局永久化。本文的探讨说明,所谓缺乏资金、转移技术和“搅局”中国经济等引进外资的所有理由都是不能成立的误国误民之论,引进外资对我国经济已是百害而无一利。为了加快转变经济发展方式,我国必须停止引进外资并回购外资企业;而对那些我国政府没有回购的外资企业,也要通过各种政策措施,促使其服务于我国经济发展方式的转变。  相似文献   
唐代是孙子兵学发展的重要时期,孙子位居兵学"亚圣"地位,《孙子兵法》实际上被视为兵书之首,传承广泛,影响深远。唐人注解《孙子兵法》达到高峰,注本丰富,有注释,有阐发,多有创见。唐代孙子兵学私学色彩明显,出现家兵学现象,还融合儒家、道家等思想,萌生道兵家流派。  相似文献   
王观远  宋书巧 《大众科技》2011,(11):216-218
随着旅游业的发展,作为旅游业发展载体的旅游景区的游客接待量也大幅攀升,出现旅游景区“人满为患”的同时也对其带来了不可避免的破坏和污染,同样也使游客的游览体验质量大幅下降。如何科学地界定旅游案区入区人数,以保证景区最佳旅游功能的发挥并使人们获得良好的旅游体验,必须对风景区的旅游承载力进行系统研究,帮助管理者更好地对景区进...  相似文献   
家庭暴力已成为一个世界性的社会问题,然而我国学者对家庭暴力的研究多集中在现象的描述、原因的探讨和完善立法等方面,因而从社会心理学角度探究家庭暴力的认知机制对揭示家庭暴力的实质具有重要意义。心理学研究指出,家庭暴力的产生及其对子女的影响而导致的暴力轮回都是认知结构上的偏差所导致,所以从改变认知结构入手的认知行为疗法将是防止家庭暴力的直接和有效的策略。  相似文献   
国内关于教师学科教学知识(PCK)的研究自2005年起便倍受关注,经历了萌芽、飞速发展和滞缓瓶颈三个阶段。通过对教师PCK相关研究文献进行计量可视化分析发现,研究主题聚焦于PCK理论分析框架的内涵阐释和对各学科教师PCK的迁移与专业化发展的推动,研究群体的学科、学段、教学职业阶段分布较为广泛多样等,但其中也存在本土化引介进程中与教师教学实践脱节、学科分布和研究地区分布不均衡、研究方法较为单一、评价体系不够完善等问题。关注教师PCK与教学实践的交互作用、发挥优势地区、研究机构和学科的引领与支援作用以及强化PCK信息技术时代体系更新与完善是新时期PCK研究深化与拓展的关键所在。  相似文献   
现代家庭经济活动的资源约束与新经济人假定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在市场经济条件下,家庭是一个集生产、投产和消费为一体的微观经济主体,家庭的这些经济活动要耗用大量的资源,包括人力资源、物质资源和时间资源。然而资源总是有限的,存在一个配置效益问题。这样,如何合理使用资源以使家庭获得的效用达到最大,这便成为家庭经济行为合理化的一个重要命题,也是直接影响整个国民经济效果的重要因素。  相似文献   
中国成为WTO成员国之后面临的首要问题是如何履行WTO协定所确定的条约义务 ,即WTO协定如何在中国适用。从国际法 (国际条约 )与国内法关系的传统理论和各国实践出发 ,分析WTO协定作为国际贸易公法的特殊性质 ,参照各国适用WTO协定的做法 ,阐明在目前的国际形势下 ,非直接适用WTO协定是我国履行WTO条约义务的较为理想的方式  相似文献   
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