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This paper presents an inclusive and emergent approach to identifying ethics courses and revealing their pedagogical methods and goals. It outlines a two-year study of undergraduate and professional courses at a private university addressing ethical themes. The study began with three assumptions: 1) ethics education occurs across the curriculum; 2) instructors are master practitioners with learning theories and goals that are often implicit; and 3) education contributes to three domains of human development: existential, civic, and vocational. These principles informed the development of a method for describing ethics education based on instructor reports of what and how they teach. Results of an application of this method are presented, and implications for ethics teaching and assessment in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   
Communication researchers and social scientists are quickly discovering the value of data that exists in the postings of members of Internet e-mail, Usenet, and real-time groups. The ability to communicate with one's peers, no matter how esoteric the interests, is causing an explosion in the number of new virtual communities. The interpersonal dynamics of these groups are increasingly coming under the scrutiny of academic research. The publicly available archived records of Internet virtual communities are being analyzed for a wide variety of research interests. The ability to do naturalistic observations of group dynamics, as they are exhibited in these exchanges of text, has captured the attention of many researchers. The institutional review boards of major universities are granting researchers exempt or expedited (exempt from full review) status for this work, due to the public nature of the notes being analyzed. These studies often involve the lack of informed consent, where the group members under study are unaware they are being monitored. There is a potential for psychological harm to the members of these groups, depending on the way results are reported. This article explores the ethical considerations that must be taken into account to protect cyberspace participants. The guidelines proposed are based on the American Psychological Association ethical guidelines for use of human subjects in research. An explanation is offered as to how such guidelines can best be applied to the study of Internet communities. The constructs of Group Accessibility (the public/private nature of the actual cyberspace occupied by a group) and Perceived Privacy (the level of privacy that group members assume they have) are defined and proposed as two dimensions by which individual Internet communities may be evaluated in order to assure the ethical reporting of research findings.  相似文献   
Like most things that we take for granted, we rarely pay attention to ethical issues in research until something goes horribly wrong. Focusing on a recent cyberresearch project gone awry, this essay illustrates why ethical issues should be continually confronted and discussed by scholars and nonscholars alike.  相似文献   
谈提高师德修养的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师德师风是一个学校办学实力和办学水平的重要标志,是学校办学质量和效益的竞争力所在。我们要明确教师的崇高使命,增强师德修养的自觉性,加强学习,投身实践,不断提高自己的师德修养。  相似文献   
作为19世纪英国最伟大的女性作家之一,乔治.爱略特以其独特的女性视角对女性进行反思,为其时代的女性的探索提供了一种思路。《弗洛斯河上的磨房》正是这种思索的具体体现。女主人公麦琪放弃爱情、选择亲情体现了爱略特的人本宗教与道德观,她的温情、爱体现了爱略特的女性意识观,她的死既彰显了基于人本道德观的女性的道德与人格魅力,也表明作者思想无法让其时代的女性超越自我而最终罹难的局限性。  相似文献   

Attention has been given to the revised National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics that guides social worker use of technology. The revision of the NASW Code of Ethics has signaled a transition in the profession toward ethical online practice using modern techniques and contemporary tools. Practicing social workers are applying these new ethical standards, and many social work educators are doing so when using information and communication technologies with students. However, little research focuses on teaching social work students about digital ethics and professional online conduct. This paper explores the importance of preparing social work students for ethical online behavior.  相似文献   
文章旨在揭示智能化时代的教育将面临哪些新的伦理问题,并在人工智能伦理和教育伦理的基础上,探讨教育人工智能的伦理原则。运用文献研究和逻辑推理方法,系统梳理了教育人工智能应用的特点和优势,及其可能引发的新的伦理问题:(1)角色层面,系统创建者、教师、学生和监测员等利益相关者将面临更加复杂的伦理困境;(2)技术层面,涉及自动化决策伦理问责、算法伦理和数据伦理等方面的问题;(3)社会层面,可能转变就业市场、改变人际关系和引发新的社会不公平。因此,需要对教育人工智能伦理问题的复杂性有充分的认识,同时需要遵循一般的人工智能伦理原则和教育伦理原则,其中,最核心的内容为二者之间的交集,具体包括:(1)福祉;(2)是非善恶;(3)公平正义;(4)人权和尊严;(5)自由自治;(6)责任和问责。  相似文献   
北宋理学家二程(程颢、程颐),继承和发扬了儒家的伦理传统,提出了"饿死事极小,失节事极大",被认为是对妇女地位的贬抑。事实上,二程此语,虽然是对妇女地位的一种消极的看法,但也充分表达了二程内心深处对妇女的期望。而从二程关于妇女的看法,也可以反映出北宋当时的社会伦理准则。  相似文献   
当前在我国环境伦理学研究领域中,对环境伦理学的研究对象;自然环境工具价值和内在价值的关系;"人类中心论"、"生命中心论"、"环境中心论"等的理论研究,还存在比较大的分歧。从哲学高度上分析,这三个问题的理论分歧,其实只是同一事物在不同发展阶段上,矛盾运动自身对立统一规律的一种表现,是人类对人类与生存环境间的伦理道德关系认识逐步深入发展的结果。分歧产生的直接原因,是由于对"环境"概念与内涵的不同认识。  相似文献   
社会主义市场经济伦理和谐的实质是社会主义的基本价值与市场经济的效率与秩序的统一,其重要表现是整体社会的心态平衡。社会主义市场经济的伦理和谐不是现成的,是相关利益群体在特定生活冲突的逼迫下不断反省、磋商、妥协的结果,其实现的主要途径有提高社会的整体诚信水平,构建新型的人情伦理观念,提高企业的道德水平,加强法治等等。  相似文献   
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