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Internet Access and Training for African-American Churches

Edward G. Miner Library, the health sciences library at the University of Rochester Medical Center, is reaching out beyond its usual user group to improve health knowledge of members of six inner-city African-American churches and one community center. With the Congregation Healthy Heart Action Partnership (CHHAP) and the Rochester Public Library as partners, and with funding from the National Library of Medicine, Miner is providing Internet access at the churchesand training church and community members to use reliable health Web sites such as MedlinePlus. A train-the-trainer approach and follow-up meetings empower church members to carry the information to others. In addition to trainees learning about reliable health Web resources and Rochester Public Library's health resources, new relationships between libraries and churches have resulted. It is hoped that this program will help reduce health disparities between Rochester's inner-city minorities and residents of the surrounding suburbs.
Keywords:African-American churches  inner city  community centers  Internet access  training  train-the-trainer  consumer health information  health information literacy  outreach  partnerships  medical libraries  public libraries  health and information disparities
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