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摘    要:两三天来,气温回暖,出现闷热,天空低沉而无雨。今晨醒来,大地已罩上一层浓雾。破晓时分,仍不见曙色,只是很久之后,窗边才透出一丝惨淡的晨曦;待到中午,枯树瘦枝已依稀可辨,而园地里不绝传来的滴答声则告诉我,那漫天雾霭已凝聚成云,快落雨了。如若室内无火,遇上这样的天气,我真不知会多么索然无聊;这时但见炉火如啸如跃,美艳的红光斜映在玻璃窗上。书已无心阅读,无事闲坐,一腔思绪又不知会凝注到什么不愉快的事情上来。所以索性拾起笔来,重操那呆板的写作旧业,也好觉着时光不虚度。

关 键 词:中等教育  英语教学  课外阅读  《冬雾》

Winter Fog
Abstract:After two or three days of unseasonable and depressing warmth, with lowering but not rainy sky, I woke this morning to find the land covered with a dense mist. There was no daybreak, and, till long after the due hour, no light save a pale, sad glimmer at the window; now, at midday, I begin dimly to descry gaunt shapes of trees, whilst a haunting drip, drip on the garden soil tells me that the vapour has begun to condense, and will pass in rain. But for my fire, I should be in indifferent spirits on such a day as this; the flame sings and leaps, and its red beauty is reflected on the window-glass. I cannotgive my thoughts to reading. IfI sat unoccupied, they would brood with melancholy fixedness on I know not what. Better to betake myself to the old mechanic exercise of the pen, which cheats my sense of time wasted.
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