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作者单位:重庆市合川中学 重庆合川401520(陈书元),西南大学文化与社会发展学院 重庆北碚400715(曾莉)
摘    要:新课程理念下的阅读教学应遵循阅读内容的趣味性和有用性原则;阅读者的情商培养优先原则;阅读教学者的创新性原则。在教学中教师可以尝试以下八种模式:(1)导入激趣,乐学知新;(2)设秘置疑,挑读探秘;(3)导读提示,跳读擒旨;(4)导引点拨,推理判断;(5)导读点津,认别标志;(6)开发能力,推断词义;(7)总结反馈,及时补救;(8)导练创新,即学即用。

关 键 词:新课程理念  阅读教学  教学模式

The Construction of the Teaching Model of English Reading Teaching for Secondary Schools in the New Curriculum Ideology
Authors:CHEN Shu-yuan  ZENG Li
Abstract:The interest and usefulness of reading contents, the development of students' EQ as a priority and the teachers' creativeness are the tree basic principles of English reading teaching based on the new curriculum ideology. Teachers may follow the following eight teaching models: 1. arousing students' interest in the process of lead-in; 2. putting forward suspenseful question for students to find answers while in skipping reading; 3. making students learn to grasp the general ideas of the article while in scanning reading; 4. helping students to make correct inference while reading; 5. making students pay attention to the signal words; 6. making students learn to get the meaning of words from the context of the article; 7. making conclusions and giving feedbacks to students; 8. stimulating students to try to use what they have learned at class.
Keywords:the new curriculum ideology  reading teaching  teaching model  
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