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薪火相传 飞彩凝辉——记“为艺术战—浙江美术馆藏品展”
引用本文:蔡荣.薪火相传 飞彩凝辉——记“为艺术战—浙江美术馆藏品展”[J].文化交流,2013(9):29-33.
摘    要:浙江人文荟萃,艺术创作尤其繁荣,自南宋以来即为中国书画重镇。"南宋四家"(李唐、刘松年、马远、夏圭)、赵孟頫、黄公望、徐渭、陈洪绶、任伯年、吴昌硕等都是在中国美术史上无论如何也绕不开的大师级人物。1927年11月,蔡元培选址杭州西子湖畔,于次年建立了中国第一所综合性国立高等艺术学府——国立艺术院(中国美术学院前身)。从此,20世纪的浙江美术发展历程就与这所高等学府相辅相成,可以说是"同呼吸,共命运"。浙江为中国美院的发展提供了良好的传统艺术积淀和氛围,以及众多的优秀师资、生源,而中国美院

关 键 词:美术馆  美术学院  浙江人  发展历程  艺术教育思想  中国画教学  林风眠  传统艺术  藏品  中国美术史

Exhibition Highlights 85-Year Gloryof Art Academy
By Cai Rong.Exhibition Highlights 85-Year Gloryof Art Academy[J].Cultural Dialogue,2013(9):29-33.
Authors:By Cai Rong
Abstract:China Academy of Art marks its 85th anniversary in 2003. In commemoration of the anniversary of the Hangzhou-based heavy weight art sanctuary, Zhejiang Art Museum holds "Fight for Art" from August through September 4. The exhibition displays the 212 artworks by 200 teachers and graduates of the academy from 1928 to 1982 in the collection of the 4-year-old art museum. China Academy of Art goes back to 1928 when its predeces sor the National Academy of Art was founded on the West Lake in Hangzhou. It changed its names several times in the following decades. It was known as Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts for a long while before it adopted the current name in 1993. The academy witnessed the vicissitudes of art in the province. With a galaxy of talented graduates and teachers from the academy, Zhejiang is a powerhouse of art in modem China. Fight for Art is a call made by Lin Fengmian, the first president of the academy, in his A Letter to All Art Circles qf China after he came back from France in the 1920s. He inscribed the slogan in 1938 after the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggres sion broke out in 1937. The 212 exhibits covers a large range of arts: traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, prints, sculpture, and calligraphy. Of the 200 teachers and graduates on display are many great names, which ac counts for two thirds of all the greats widely recognized in the 20th-century China. The academy has inherited and upheld the fine tradition since the Song (960-1279) and the Yuan (1279-1368). Moreover, it has never lacked elements of innovation. In the second half of the 20th century, Li Zhenjian, Zhou Changgu, Fang Zengxian, Gu Shengyue and Song Zhongyuan, a group of young teachers at the academy, es- tablished themselves as a Zhejiang School of Figure Painting. Their representative works are on display. Their younger followers also are well presented at the exhibition.
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