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摘    要:当前我国中等职业教育面临生存危机,存在教育观念落后、经费投入严重不足、办学质量低、生源危机与师资缺乏、专业设置与课程建设滞后等严峻问题,不改革就没有出路.我们必须结合国情、借鉴国外有益经验、探索促进我国中等职业教育改革的新思路:一是要从增强国家经济实力、提高综合国力的高度来认识职业技术教育的重要性,政府应加大对职业教育的投入;二是中等职业教育的发展必须做到城、乡并驾齐驱,促进城市中等职业学校与农村中等职业学校各有侧重地发展;三是城、乡发展中等职业教育的规模及其占高中阶段在校生的比例要有差别,在大中城市,中等职业学校在校生的比例可以考虑占城市高中阶段在校生总数的30-40%.,农村中等职业学校学生所占的比例可以考虑增大到50%以上;四是国家要以立法、制定鼓励政策,建立并完善职业资格证书制度和技能等级制度来加大对职业教育的支持力度;五是职业教育必须要向多元化方向发展.

关 键 词:促进  中等职业教育  发展

Considerations on the Promotion of the Vocational Education's Development in China
GU Mei-ling.Considerations on the Promotion of the Vocational Education's Development in China[J].Journal of Chongqing Vocational& Technical Institute,2004,13(4):5-7.
Authors:GU Mei-ling
Abstract:The vocational education faces the crisis of existing in the current in our country, which has many problems such as education ideas fall behind, budget input serious lack, the teaching quality low, the students enrollments crisis and teachers short of, the professional subjects set behind the social developments. The vocational education can't develop without reforming itself. we must combine the situation of China and the beneficial experiences of abroad, and explore the new ways to promote the development of the vocational education in our country: The first is to realize the importance of the vocational education from the views of building up the national economic strength and the government should increase the budget input to the vocational education. The second is the development of the vocational education must include those both in the cities and the countries, running neck to neck. The third is that the percentage of vocational schools in the cities should be 30-40% and in the villages should be more than 50%. The fourth is that the state must encourage the development of the vocational education with the lawmaking, establishment policy, the perfect vocational education qualification system and technical ability caste system. The fifth is the development of vocational education wants the diversified directions.
Keywords:promote  vocational education  development  
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