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作者姓名:陈林  徐路英
摘    要:明朝中晚期,徽州底层社会动荡不安。在对失序的社会进行整合的过程中,官府通过革新诉讼制度,将国家权力再次渗透到基层社会;富于士大夫精神的行政长官励精图治,抚恤受灾百姓,推行乡约,神道设教,以儒家纲常伦理价值规范社会秩序,以民间信仰约束百姓行为;乡绅牺牲自我,提倡克己复礼,整齐风俗,凝聚地方人心,维持地方秩序。儒家传统价值在时代的变局中发挥了重要的稳定作用。

关 键 词:明代  徽州  社会秩序  儒家伦理

Social Order and the Integration of Confucian Ethic of Huizhou in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty
Abstract:In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the lower parts of society were characterized by turbulence. In the integration of the disordered society, the power of the country permeated the lower parts of society through local authorities. Chief administra-tors, with their scholar-bureaucrat spirits, made efforts to comfort and compensate people hit by natural adversities. They standard-ized social rules according to the Confucian ethic and controlled people’ s behaviors by unifying the state and Taoism. Country gen-tlemen sacrificed themselves, advocated denying self and returning to propriety in order to unite people and maintain social order. Traditional Confucian ethic plays an important role in the changing times.
Keywords:the Ming Dynasty  Huizhou  social order  Confucian ethic
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