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摘    要:美国人现在讲的英语是从伊丽莎自时代开始产生的。当时讲英语的人不超过5百万,而现在把英语作为母语的人已有3亿多了,其中大部分是美国人。在历史的发展过程中,美国人讲的英语慢慢形成了自己的特色,因此美国英语作为英语的一个品种而存在。由于地区和社会的原因,在这一品种中又存在着各种不同的方言,笔者在本文中将对此作些初步的探索,以就正于读者。

A Trial Discussion of Dialect in United-Statesian English
Authors:Xie Yan mei
Institution:Xie Yan mei
Abstract:The American people have developed their language in diiierent ways since the beginning of the 17th century. They speak the language so differently that sometimes it is hard for people to remember that English is a single entity. The networks broadcast in the U. S. has been trying in vain to level off the differences as the American dialects have much to do with history, region, social strata and so on. As far as the language is concerned its various differences do not amount too much. But sociologically and psychologically linguistic differences are regarded as quite significant. Therefore American dialects are worth studying. This paper mainly deals with the following: 1. the origin of American English; 2. the types of dialects of American English; and their differences, (by saying dialects we refer to the regional dialects and the social dialects); 3. the significance of studying the American dialects.
Keywords:dialect  socioregional difference  linguistic layering  morphological fact  multiple signal construction
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