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作者姓名:  进韩  民陈乃林杨树雨杨小微卢海弘、徐  
作者单位:(1. 中国常驻联合国教科文组织代表团;2. 中国教育发展战略学会,北京 100816;3. 江苏省教育厅,江苏 南京 210024; 4. 中国传媒大学 文化发展研究院,北京 100024;5. 华东师范大学 基础教育改革与发展研究所,上海 200062; 6. 教育部 教育发展研究中心,北京 100816; 7. 河北师范大学 初等教育系,河北 石家庄 050024)
摘    要:正值国家阔步迈入“十四五”规划启动开局之际,河北师大专家学者组织了一场关于“新时代中国特色终身教育体系构建“研讨会,与会领导和专家就新时代服务全民终身学习的教育体系构建如何起好步、开好局的热点问题提出了很多真知灼见。观点主要侧重:(1)新时代服务全民终身学习的教育体系构建的国际视域和历史方位;(2)新时代服务全民终身学习的教育体系构建的新内涵和理论突破;(3)终身教育推进实践及雄安新区国家区域推动实验样本;(4)扎根中国大地构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系的路径选择;等等。

关 键 词:新时代  终身教育  教育现代化  服务全民终身学习的教育体系

-.-[J].Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition),2021,0(5):1-032.
Abstract:This article is designated to report the focuses to be heatedly discussed on the forward-looking construction of a people-centered educational system for lifelong learning at the Symposium on the Constructs of Lifelong Learning System with the Chinese Characteristics of New Era to be held by scholars of Hebei Normal University to answer the call of the oncoming Fourteenth Five-Year Plan. It highlights that the educational system for lifelong learning must be constructed from the view of the world and from the perspective of history, that breakthroughs must be made in new conceptions and theories, that pilot programs can be carried out in the State Xiong’an new area, and that pathways to the construction of the educational system for national lifelong learning are explored in the context of China
Keywords:new era  lifelong education  modernization of education  educational system for national lifelong learning
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