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摘    要:与叔本华那幽思玄妙的唯意志论和低靡沮丧的悲观主义相比,老庄哲学既惊世骇俗又深邃睿智。在老庄看来,理智不是意志的工具,欲望不是罪恶的渊源,痛苦与欢乐都为心性所为。只要能绝圣弃智、绝巧弃利、见素抱朴、淡泊名利、私欲贪鄙就会悄然而没,人们就会情志舒畅。不会像叔本华那样悲悲切切、愤世嫉俗、傲慢狂躁、狭隘自私、孤僻冷漠、偏执少爱,而是为人宽和温厚、胸怀坦荡,既能包容天地.囊括八荒,又能泽润万物.施惠万民。

关 键 词:庄子  叔本华  人生观  哲学思想  悲观主义

Comparison of the Outlooks on Life between Lao Zhuang and Shu Benhua
Authors:ZHANG Zhi-cang
Abstract:Compared with Shu Benhua's mysterious theory of unique will and gloomy pessimism,Lao Zhuang's philosophy is of both world-shocking power and profound wisdom.In Lao Zhuang's opinion,reason was not the tool of will,desire was not the origin of crime,and both pain and joy were virtually the results of mind.Provided being away from trickery and advantage and being indifferent to fame and wealth,selfish desire and greed would disappear,as a result,people would feel satisfied and comfortable and be generous and lenient to others.
Keywords:pessimism  profound wisdom  away from trickery and advantage  moisting all things on earth  
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