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摘    要:“初唐四杰”之一的卢照邻一生仕途坎坷、穷愁潦倒,加之身染恶疾,是“四杰”中命运、遭际最凄惨的一员。其诗歌创作,特别是“染疾”以后的后期创作时有不平之气、悲苦之音,集中反映了为其不幸命运而呼号的骚怨主题。这种骚怨大致包括“才高位下”、怀才不遇的仕途感慨,疾病缠身、悲天怆地的生命呼号,归隐林泉、寻仙访道的解脱追求三个方面的内容。综观卢照邻现存的诗作,诗人以生命谱写了一曲悲壮的骚怨之歌。

关 键 词:卢照邻  仕途感慨  生命呼号  解脱追求  骚怨

A Tragic Song of Sadness and Complaint——Interpretation of Lu Zhao-lin's Poems
Institution:XIE Jiu - juan ( Yangzhou College of Education, Yangzhou 225009, China)
Abstract:Lu Zhao - lin, one of the "the Four Outstanding Figures in the Early Tang Dynasty", had a frustrated official career and in poverty al his life. His poems, especially when he was seriously sick, were full of sadness and complaint, reflecting the sad and complaining theme of crying for his unfortunate fate of "having superb talent while being low in position", having unrecognized talents, his bad fate of being pestered with disease and living in seclusion and extricating himself from a predicament. Taking a sweeping view, we can see that the poet had composed a tragic song of sadness and complaint with his life.
Keywords:Lu zhao -fin  sigh with emotion for official career  cry of life  sadness and complaint
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