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The influence of live- vs. video-model presentation on the early acquisition of a new complex coordination
Authors:Léna Lhuisset  Eric Margnes
Institution:1. Département STAPS, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Univ Pau, EA 4445 – Laboratoire Activité Physique Performance et Santé, Zone Bastillac Sud, 65000 Tarbes, France;2. INSERM, ERI 27, Caen, Francelena.lhuisset@univ-pau.fr
Abstract:Background: Demonstration is a widely used method in sports teaching and coaching, based on the assumption that it is more beneficial than verbal instructions or trial-and-error methods for skill acquisition. Although in teaching/coaching situations, the demonstration is usually carried out in front of the learners, in a research context, it is most often presented via a video. However, a direct comparison between these two types of model has rarely been undertaken in a motor context.

Purpose: In this study, we aimed to compare the effectiveness of the observation of a live and a videomodel for the early acquisition of a complex judo movement.

Research Design: Participants observed either a live or a videomodel executing the task. After observation, they practised for three minutes taking five trials and then performed it for analysis. This procedure was repeated three times. The form and technique of each participant's execution were evaluated using a technical score.

Main results: The results indicated a significant improvement in the task execution by the end of the practice session. However, this improvement occurred only for the video-model group between the second and third blocks of practice.

Conclusions: The video demonstration seems more effective than the live one for the early acquisition of a completely new complex coordination. This may be due to the simplification of the visual information in the former condition because of its two-dimensionality. This simplification may allow the observer to identify the more key elements that would guide him/her for the subsequent performance of the task.
Keywords:observational learning  video model  live model  judo  skill acquisition
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