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The Institute for Science Education (Institut für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften) in Austria
Authors:Horst Werner
Institution:University of Salzburg , Austria


Cognitive Preference (CP) studies in science education have been met with several criticisms. One of these relates to response‐format i.e. the ipsative nature of the scores, another to linguistic factors, in particular the possible causing of preferences for the Q(uestioning)‐mode by matters unrelated to test modes as operationally defined. The present study used a horizontally split‐half method of testing, converting the first half of the 40‐item CP into an all‐Q format, and leaving the other half in its traditional form (recall, principles, questioning and application). Intercorrelations between both parts were thus non‐ipsative. Comparing subjects’ CP‐scores, mode‐intensities and within‐format correlations little or no differences were found. Moreover within and between‐format correlations turned out to be essentially identical. Factor‐ and SSA‐analyses confirmed the identical structures of both formats. It was concluded that ipsativity does not distort CP‐data unduly, neither does the particular linguistic format of Q‐statements cause substantial deviations from CP‐patterns.
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