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摘    要:中国自19世纪40年代鸦片战争以后。才在西方列强的欺压和凌辱下开始从传统社会向现代社会转变。辛亥革命的爆发终于推翻了中国几千年的封建专制制度,建立了资产阶级共和国。中国在国体上实现了由传统向现代的转变。但是民主共和的观念并没有深入人心,广大民众仍旧处于封建蒙昧主义状态。随着中国政治局势的动荡演变及新文化运动的启蒙和宣传。民众的政治觉悟逐渐提高,五四运动时民众的政治心理带有了强烈的民主主义色彩。这种“民主主义因素不断增长的轨迹。最终导向推动中国政治现代化的民主革命。”因此探索民众政治心理的这一变动过程,有利于我们总结中国在政治现代化过程中的历史经验,对我们今天建设有中国特色社会主义现代化事业有积极的借鉴意义。

关 键 词:五四运动  政治心理  中国  辛亥革命  民主主义  中国特色社会主义

The May 4th New Culture Movement and the Common People's Political Psychology Changes
YUAN Suwen.The May 4th New Culture Movement and the Common People''''s Political Psychology Changes[J].Journal of First Teachers College of Hunan,2003,3(3):88-90.
Authors:YUAN Suwen
Abstract:The common people were still in the shadow of feudal autocratic doctrine and obscurantism after the Xinhai Revolution. As a result, CHEN Duxiu who represented radical democracy intellectual carried on the Xinhai Revolution's democratic spirit and initiated a democratic thought enlightenment campaign in the ideological sphere namely the New Culture Movement. This greatly enhanced the common people's democratic consciousness and laid a foundation of political psychology for the May 4th Movement, which again impelled the common people's political psychology to a new scene.
Keywords:the May 4th New Culture Movement  common people  political psychology  
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