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作者姓名:王文采  李良千
作者单位:中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学重点实验室 北京 100093
摘    要:对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis的灌木铁线莲组sect. Fruticella进行了全面修订,确定此组共含5种、2变种和3变型;对此组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍;写出本组2系的形态特征和地理分布,组下分类群检索表,以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有各分类群的3幅插图。根据花的构造认为在铁线莲属中,灌木铁线莲组与黄花铁线莲组sect. Meclatis在亲缘关系上最为接近。二组拥有的共同特征为: 花的4枚萼片呈黄色,斜上方开展;雄蕊花丝下部变宽,呈披针状条形。二组的区别为: 灌木铁线莲组的萼片边缘在花开放后展宽成膜质狭翅,雄蕊无毛;而在黄花铁线莲组,萼片边缘不展宽,雄蕊花丝被柔毛。本组5种的花构造一致;在其他营养器官形态特征方面观察到以下演化趋势: (1)叶由不分裂到羽状全裂,由绿色到灰绿色,由狭菱状卵形到条形;(2)花序含数朵花,具花序梗和2苞片,生于当年生枝顶端,到花数目减少到1朵,花序梗和苞片消失,花生于当年生枝的腋生短枝顶端。根据上述演化趋势认为灌木铁线莲的模式变型C. fruticosa f. fruticosa (叶绿色,狭卵形或披针形;花序通常含数朵花,顶生于当年生枝上)是本组的原始类型,其他种可能均源出于此类型。根据花序特征,本组被划分为2系。第1系,灌木铁线莲系ser. Fruticosae,含4种,分布于我国黄土高原及相邻干旱地区,向北达蒙古戈壁荒漠,向南在甘肃越过秦岭到达甘肃南部。在黄土高原北部及相邻的内蒙古西南部集中分布本系全部4种,这里是灌木铁线莲组的分布中心。第2系,绿叶铁线莲系ser. Virides,含绿叶铁线莲C. viridis 1种,分布于我国横断山区北部的高山灌丛草地。

关 键 词:铁线莲属  灌木铁线莲组  毛茛科  分类学修订

A revision of Clematis sect. Fruticella (Ranunculaceae)
WANG Wen-Tsai,LI Liang-Qian.A revision of Clematis sect. Fruticella (Ranunculaceae)[J].Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,2005,1(3):193-209.
Authors:WANG Wen-Tsai  LI Liang-Qian
Institution:Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
Abstract:In this paper Clematis sect. Fruticella is revised. Five species, two varieties, and three forms are recognized. They are classified into two series, and keyed, described, and illustrated. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are given, and the relationships of sect. Fruticella with other sections of the Clematis and of the five species within the section are discussed. Two new combinations, ser. Fruticosa (Tamura) W. T. Wang & L. Q. Li, and C. fruticosa f. pinnatisecta (W. T. Wang & L. Q. Li) W. T. Wang & L. Q. Li, are proposed, and a new series, ser. Virides W. T. Wang & L. Q. Li, is described.
Keywords:Clematis sect  Fruticella  Ranunculaceae  taxonomic revision  
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