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摘    要:信息化发展使人们进入一个快捷、便利的信息时代。同时,随着信息技术的高速发展,另一个问题也相伴而生——网瘾。近年来,中职学生的网瘾问题愈发严重,这些学生沉迷于网络,不仅荒废学业,阻碍中职教学的发展,而且引发青少年网络孤独症,对人冷漠,不服从管教,更有甚者走上违法犯罪的道路。因此,将中职学生从网瘾中解救是现今学校及班主任迫在眉睫的任务。

关 键 词:中职学生  中职班主任  网瘾现象  原因  干预对策

An Analysis of Secondary Vocational Students' Internet Addiction Phenomenon and the Strategy of the Head Teacher's Intervention
Authors:Zheng Yu
Institution:Zheng Yu Guangxi Institute of Science and Technology,532200,Chongzuo,Guangxi,China
Abstract:Information development brings people a convenient information age.However,another problem appears,that is,Internet addiction.In recent years,it is more and more severe,for it makes some students abandon academic career and restricts the development of secondary vocation education,and some students even commit crimes.Therefore,it is an urgent task for schools and head teachers to save those who are addicted to the Internet.
Keywords:secondary vocational students  secondary vocational head teacher  Internet addiction phenomenon  cause  intervention countermeasure
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