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摘    要:本从高等职业教育特点出发,通过对国内外人才培养模式分析,结合中国的实际,对构建技术型教学体系进行了初步探索,并对技术型教学体系的建设提出了建议。本认为:技术型教学体系是反映高等职业教育本质特征的主流教学体系。它由驱动、受动、调控、保障四个层面,以及教学理念、教学目标、教学内容和课程体系、教学手段与方法、师资队伍、学生、教学管理、学业成绩等八个要素组成。各要素之间存在着相互依存、相互联系、相互制约的关系。技术型教学体系的基本特征是教学体系的共性和技术型教学体系的个性的集合。技术型教学体系的主要特征是:(1)把培养适应社会和人的发展需求的,在生产、建设、管理、服务第一线工作的高等技术应用型专门人才作为教学的基本目标。(2)以某个职业或职业群的职业能力和综合素质的培养作为进行教学的基础,作为设计课程和相关教学环节、选择教学手段和方法的依据。(3)产业界深度参与教学、良好的实验实训实习条件、“双师型”教师是高质教学的关键。(4)学历证书和职业资格证书并重,学完规定课程之后可以获得国家主管当局认可的在劳务市场上从业的能力和资格。(5)关注学生的全面发展,既为学生将来就业做准备,又为学生自我发展做准备,还为学生将来履行公民职责做准备。本建议:在发展中构建技术型教学体系,学校要加大技术型教学体系建设的力度,完善行业和企业深度参与教学的机制,完善教学与职业资格证书制度的衔接,通过建立教学质量保证体系来推动技术型教学体系的建立。

关 键 词:构建  高等职业教育  技术型教学体系  培养模式  实践教学

Probe into the construction of techni-based teching system in higher vocational education
OU Yang,He.Probe into the construction of techni-based teching system in higher vocational education[J].Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College(Vocational Education Edition),2002,15(6):58-62.
Authors:OU Yang  He
Abstract:On the basis of the characteristics of higher vocational education, the present paper makes a tentative probe into, and a proposal for, the construction of a system of technical-type teaching through an analysis of patterns of talent training at home and abroad in conjunction with the reality in China. The paper holds that such a system is the mainstream teaching system that reflects the essential features of higher vocational education. It consists of the four levels of driving, reaction, monitoring and guarantee, and the eight factors of teaching ideas, teaching objectives, teaching content and system of courses, teaching means and methods, teaching staff, students, teaching management, and valuation of academic performance. Among these factors, there exist relations of interdependence, interconnection, and mutual conditioning. The fundamental characteristic of this system is the combination of its individuality and the universality of all teaching systems. Its chief features are:(1)the training of senior special talent of a technical application type who will work at the forefront of production, construction, management, or service to meet the needs of the development of society and individuals as the basic aim of teaching; (2) the cultivation of vocational abilities and integrated quality required by an occupation or a group of occupations as basis for teaching and as the foundation for designing courses and relevant teaching steps and for choosing teaching means and methods; (3) the deep involvement of the industrial community in teaching, favorable conditions for experimenting, training , and practicing, the key role played by "master-teachers" in high-quality teaching; (4)double emphasis on diplomas and vocational credentials to ensure that students, after their completion of the stipulated courses, will acquire the abilities and qualifications for employment on the labor markets that are recognized by the state's competent authorities; (5)attention to the all-round development of students, preparing them both for future employment and their self-development, and also for doing their duties as citizens in future. The paper proposes that schools construct a technical-type teaching system in the course of their development, that they enhance their work on its construction, improve the mechanism of the deep involvement of trades and enterprises in teaching and the connection between vocational education and the system of vocational credential system, and promote the construction of a technical-type teaching system through a guarantee system for teaching quality.
Keywords:higher vocational education  technical type  teaching system  construction
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