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摘    要:明治初期,日本的军队还十分弱小。但日本为了建立自己在东亚的霸权,并跻身于列强,很快就出现了对外扩张的趋势。在此过程中,在琉球、台湾和朝鲜等问题上,与东亚传统大国——中国不断发生摩擦。最终,以1882年朝鲜"壬午兵变"为转折点,日本走上了对清备战的道路。此后的10余年间,日本的强军过程以海军扩张为重心,而陆军也向当时的强国德国学习。最终在1890年前,日军实现了由对内守备型向对外进攻型的转变。

关 键 词:壬午兵变  日军扩张  甲午战争

The Military Modernization of Japan before the First Sino-Japanese War
CHEN Wei.The Military Modernization of Japan before the First Sino-Japanese War[J].Journal of Dalian University,2014(4):30-35.
Authors:CHEN Wei
Abstract:At the very beginning of Meiji Reformation, Japan’s military power was very weak. In order to establish its supremacy in the East Asia, and obtain respect from the West, Japan started its military expansion-ism in the region. In this process, Japan constantly clashed with East Asia traditional regional power -China over Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan and Korea. At last, Japan took Korea’s Im Ou Military Coup D’′etat in 1882 as a turning point, began its war preparation against Qing dynasty. In about a decade after that, Japan’s military modernization gave first priority to naval expansion, and took Germany army as the model of its army ground forces. Before 1890, Japan’s army finally transformed from defensive to aggressive mode.
Keywords:Im Ou Military Coup D’′etat  Japan’s Military Expansionism  First Sino-Japanese War
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