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摘    要:晚清合肥地区的名门望族积极参与工程建设、赈灾救济、地域治安等各项公共事务活动等,并占据着举足轻重的重要地位,成为官方在地域社会治理活动中的重要依靠力量。而望族本身亦通过对地域公共事务的积极参与而得以将自己的势力成功地渗透基层社会乃至地方政权,这既体现了晚清望族在地域公共事务中的影响力和话语权的扩大,也进一步刺激了社会控制权的下移和绅权的扩张。

关 键 词:晚清  望族  地域公共事务  合肥

On the Prominent Families and the Local Public Affairs in the Late Qing Dynasty: A Case Study of Hefei
Authors:WANG Chang-yi
Institution:WANG Chang-yi ( Department of Chinese Language and Literature Hefei University, Hefei 230601, China)
Abstract:During the late Qing Dynasty, the prominent families in Hefei devotedtheir intensive fund resources and manpower to attending the public security, construction work and social relief affairs in local society, and acted as one indispensable role in local public affairs, which promoted the restoration and development of the local public facilities, and also successfully raised the position of the prominent families in local society, the prominent families' great influential power in local public activities during the late Qing Dynasty reflected the controlling ability of the station on local society became dropping off, which also promoted the dropping off of the social controlling power of the station and expanded the power of the gentries.
Keywords:the late Qing Dynasty  the prominent family  public affair inlocal society  Hefei
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