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作者单位:“十四五”规划与中国教育的改革开放创新 教育质量和教师队伍是建设教育强国的重中之重 …………………………………………顾明远(4.2)
摘    要:经过历次课程变革,我国高中学段课程结构日趋科学完善。课程结构演变中,外在显性逻辑和内在隐性逻辑和谐统一。外在显性逻辑以时间为线索,不同历史时期呈现出特定条件下课程结构的价值取向和结构形态的发展规律,分别为政治导向的单一性课程结构、劳动导向的精简化课程结构、知识导向的学科性课程结构、人本导向的综合化课程结构、素养导向的多样化课程结构。内在隐性逻辑以体系本身的要素来构建,逻辑动力上的取向转变、逻辑要素上的立体层递、逻辑本质上的知识控制,从一元孤立到宏观、中观、微观层级系统建构。隐性逻辑是因,显性逻辑是果。课程结构的改进不仅需要理论研究、优化框架等结构内部动因的科学建构,也需要评价机制、教师观念等结构外部因素的有效保障。

关 键 词:-

-.-[J].Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition),2020,0(6):129-132.
Abstract:Taiwan, a province of China, has taken the lead in gender equality education in the world since 1950s. This study used the coefficient of discrimination and gender equality index to analyze the data of Taiwan’s higher education. It found that college students’ gender differences have been narrowed, basically achieving equalization in Taiwan in the past 70 years, with the degrees of gender equalization in the vocational and undergraduate stage constantly improved, and that the enrolment of girls has come close to that of boys with the gender distribution in the three major disciplines, especially in the humanities and social disciplines, increasingly balanced and with the phenomenon of “male-dominated science and engineering, female-dominated literature” weakened. These findings provide good implications for the development of gender equality in higher education in the mainland China
Keywords:Taiwan  higher education  access  gender gap
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