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摘    要:为了适时客观地分析比较我国口腔医学期刊的发展状况与水平,将列入2003年、2004年版中国科技信息所中国科技论文统计源期刊的13种口腔医学期刊的总被引频次、影响因子、基金论文比、国际论文比、即年指标、平均引文数、他引率等7项指标与当年全部统计源期刊平均值进行比较,并将口腔医学期刊的各项指标均值与6种其他医学类期刊的平均值进行比较,进而将口腔医学期刊的学术影响力和学术影响力增长率与6种医学类期刊进行分析比较.结果发现口腔科技期刊规模大,种类多,各具特色,代表和集中了中国口腔医学研究的精粹;但与其他医学类期刊相比,缺乏在本研究领域中优于其他期刊的精、优、名牌期刊.为此,提出了成立口腔医学期刊研究会和强化口腔医学专科期刊建设的发展策略.

关 键 词:口腔医学期刊  论文评价  学术影响力  问题及对策  口腔医学  期刊论文  引证  比较  分析  发展策略  对策  journals  countermeasures  development  期刊建设  医学专科  强化  研究会  名牌期刊  中优  精粹  医学研究  和集  代表

Analysis on articles quoted from stomatological journals and development countermeasures for stomatological journals
Wang Qing.Analysis on articles quoted from stomatological journals and development countermeasures for stomatological journals[J].Acta Editologica,2005,17(3):228-231.
Authors:Wang Qing
Abstract:The paper compares 7 quantitative indicators of 13 kinds of stomatological journals and the average values of all the sci-tech journals that were enlisted in the Chinese Sci-tech Paper Statistical Source Journals in 2003 and in 2004 authorized by the Science and Technology Ministry of China, and compares the average values of the quantitative indicators, academic influence and their increase rate between stomatological journals and other 6 kinds of medical journals. The results imply that there are many kinds of stomatological journals which represent the highlights of Chinese stomatological research. But contrasting to the other kinds of journals, stomatological journals of high quality and prestige in the field are quite less. Therefore, the countermeasures of setting up a society for stomatological journals and developing stomatological journals in different specialties are proposed.
Keywords:stomatological  journal  article  assessment  academic influence  problem  and  countermeasure
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