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作者姓名:许鑫  兰伟平  蔚海燕
作者单位:华东师范大学经济与管理学部 上海 200241
摘    要:目的/意义] 信息环境的深刻变革,要求图书情报培养单位面向宽口径的信息职业去培养专业化、应用型人才。基于此,华东师范大学在图书情报专业硕士(以下简称"专硕")的实践能力培养上探索出一套系统化解决方案。方法/过程] 以华东师范大学图书情报专硕培养为例,借助情境学习理论系统介绍如何从培养方向、能力发展及保障实现机制等几大方面构建图书情报专硕实践能力培养体系。结果/结论] 构建的图书情报专业硕士渐进式实践体系以岗位胜任力为导向,通过精细化设计培养方向、定制化配置能力模块,并依照"案例/实验→实训/实务→专业实习"为实现路径,将"实例情境感知→实务情境嵌入→实践情境建构"融入MLIS专硕培养各个环节,有效实现图书情报专硕实践能力的渐进式、系统化提升。

关 键 词:图书情报  实践能力  实践体系  情境学习  渐进式  

Progressive Practical Ability Training System for MLIS Based on the Situated Learning Theory——Taking ECNU as an Example
Xu Xin,Lan Weiping,Yu Haiyan.Progressive Practical Ability Training System for MLIS Based on the Situated Learning Theory——Taking ECNU as an Example[J].Library and Information Service,2019,63(19):48-56.
Authors:Xu Xin  Lan Weiping  Yu Haiyan
Institution:Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241
Abstract:Purpose/significance] The profound changes in the information environment require the library and information education institutions to cultivate professional and applied talents for a broader employment channel. Based on this, the East China Normal University (ECNU) has explored a set of systematic solution in the development of master's practical ability.Method/process] Taking the training of masters in East China Normal University majoring in library and information as an example, the paper systematically introduces how to construct a training system for masters in this discipline from the perspective of training orientation, capability development, realization mechanism and etc.Result/conclusion] The constructed progressive practical ability training system for Master of Library and Information Studies(MLIS) is oriented by post competency. The training orientation and customized capability modules are elaborated and embedded in the system. According to the path of "Case/Experiment → Practical training/Practice → Professional internship", it integrates the "Instance situation perception → Practice situation embedding → Practice situation construction" into every parts in MLIS program, effectively realizing gradual and systematic improvement of masters' practical ability.
Keywords:library and information  practical ability  practical ability training system  situated learning  progressive  
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