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关键词:  乒乓球  变线  非直即斜  特征  效果  发展动态
Characteristics, Effects and Development Trend of Line changing in Table Tennis Competitions from the Perspective of “Either Line Drive or Cross Shot”
ZHANG Saiqiang
(Beijing Sport University)
Based on literature review, expert interview, video observation and mathematical statistics, the characteristics, effects and development trend of line changing of the world’s excellent men’s table tennis players from the perspective of “Either Line Drive or Cross Shot”. It is believed in this article: ①Nonchanging line is the main form of athlete’s tactics while changing line is its auxiliary form. Nonchanging line and changing line play almost equal role in winning, but the effect of changing line is obviously better than that of nonchanging line②Cross shot when meeting line drive and cross shot when meeting cross shot, the main changing types that athletes select, play a leading role in competitions, and line drive when meeting cross shot plays a strategic role to tie up; there is no scoring effect differences among those three types of changing line③The classification of changing line can reveal the function and the dynamic rules of the different types of changing lines from the perspective of “Either Line Drive or Cross Shot”. The use and application of various types of changing lines in all competitions are always changing but still dominated by cross shot when meeting line drive and cross shot when meeting cross shot. In the new stage of revised ball, the scoring effect of the category of cross shot when meeting cross shot is gradually increasing, while the scoring effect of cross shot when meeting line drive shows a trend of slowing down. This study serves as a reference for the scientific training and competition for Chinese table tennis team.
Key words:  table tennis  changing line  Either Line Drive or Cross Shot  characteristics  effect  development trend

