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我的祖国是卢旺达共和国,非洲东部的一个很小的内陆国家。它在非洲大陆上象一条鱼在海里一样。卢旺达的北边是乌干达,南边是布隆迪,东边是坦桑尼亚,西边是扎伊尔。面积二万六千三百多平方公里,人口六百万左右,主要是胡图族,其次是图西族、特瓦族,百分之九十的人口是胡图,百分之九是图西,百分之一是特瓦。全国一半居民信奉天主教和基督教,百分之四十五的居民信奉非洲宗教。通用卢旺达语、斯瓦希里语,卢旺达语和法语为官方语言。一八九○年卢旺达沦为德国殖民地。在此以前,一个白人第一次来到卢旺达,他就是来自德国的。以前卢旺达除了非洲的国…  相似文献   

宁萌 《小学时代》2014,(4):18-19
不富裕但很舒适的国家 联合国曾将卢旺达评定为世界最不发达国家之一.但另一方面,联合国也将“人居环境奖”授予了这个最不发达的国家,表彰人们为推动城市保障和居民服务做的贡献.由此可知,卢旺达的人们虽然并不富裕,但是生活很舒适. 走在卢旺达的街上,你会看到很多胸前挂着“不受贿”胸牌的警察.他们瞪大双眼,盯着街上的人们.难道是卢旺达的治安不好吗?当然不是!那为什么警察叔叔需要天天严阵以待呢?  相似文献   

卢旺达教育部部长达夫萝丝·加哈夸于2008年12月29日说,卢旺达教育部计划加强高等教育委员会的职能,以确保卢旺达大学院校的高标准教学质量,以便毕业生在地区和国际就业市场上具备竞争力。  相似文献   

这又是一本关于人性的书。里面有快乐、有温暖、有梦想,也有惨绝人寰的卢旺达大屠杀。 在这里,我们只谈人性,而不再提那段伤痛的历史。故事从主人公德奥的逃亡写起,他在朋友的帮助下,从卢旺达大屠杀中逃脱,  相似文献   

正据泛非网(allafrica.com)2014年7月2日报道,卢旺达教育委员会(REB)将强制实施一项新的教育政策,即在所有学校实行母语政策。母语政策要求在幼儿园和小学低年级教授卢旺达语。从小学三年级起,英语才被设为教学科目;从四年级开始,英语才成为主要的教学语言。卢旺达教育部认为,在学生上学的最初几年学习母语将有助于创造有利的学习环境。然  相似文献   

据泛非洲在线网站报道,卢旺达基加利教育学院近日公布了2012年卢旺达小学教师资格考试的结果,在6119名应试者中有1119名不及格,不及格率达18.1%。其中,约4728人为个人应试者,其余的则是师范院校的在校学生。  相似文献   

卢旺达为何发生部族大屠杀?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢旺达为何发生部族大屠杀?卢旺达是非洲中部的内陆小国,面积仅2.6万平方公里,人口750万。主要由占人口85%的胡图族和占人口14%的图西族两大部族组成。19世纪中叶西方殖民者入侵卢旺达后,一个时期支持图西人镇压胡图人,一个时期又反过来帮助胡图人对付...  相似文献   

据泛非网2014年5月18日报道,卢旺达教育委员会将对现行的学前课程、小学课程和中学课程进行修订,基础教育阶段将更强调学生的技能发展。卢旺达教育委员会课程发展主任乔伊斯透露,这次修订主要聚焦24门课程,  相似文献   

非洲能源之湖●张增良非洲赤道附近有个奇怪的湖泊,叫基武湖。它南北长100千米,东西宽50千米,面积2650平方千米,位于东非大裂谷中,属扎伊尔和卢旺达两国共有。湖里有时会突然沸腾起来,甚至持续上几个星期。湖里的鱼儿被煮熟了。当地居民把鱼捞起来,当作菜...  相似文献   

经过五十多年的发展,卢旺达TVET学校和机构的数量日益增多,TVET学校和机构之间水平和垂直方向的融通日益顺畅。但卢旺达TVET在公众认知、教师数量及素质、成本投入、课程更新以及职业教育内外部的融通等方面面临发展瓶颈。卢旺达政府明确职业教育未来的发展方向,要致力于纠正公众错误认知,壮大教师队伍,提升教师素质,寻求合作伙伴,更新课程内容,促进职普融通。  相似文献   

Unexpectedly, the duration of first unemployment among first degree holders has quickly increased in Rwanda after considerable loss of the skilled labour during the war and Genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in 1994. The time it takes a higher education graduate to land a first employment is a key indicator for the evaluation of and optimal investment in higher education. A long-term first unemployment has negative psychosocial and economic consequences, and is an interplay of diversified factors. Yet, these factors have not been ascertained in Rwanda, whereas their knowledge is crucial for an efficient planning of higher education and employability of the graduates. This study aimed to fill in this knowledge gap for the period 1998–2009. We fitted a binary logistic regression model to data from the 2010 Employer and Graduate Survey (n = 1007) that was conducted by the National University of Rwanda. The results showed that the duration of first unemployment was significantly associated to the graduate’s age, job search method, acquired skills, further graduate studies, monthly salary and category of employing institution. The results suggest that the higher education sector should identify and fill skills gaps in the existing curricula or its delivery with reference to the labour market requirements.  相似文献   

The country of Rwanda has achieved impressive development progress since the 1994 genocide. In 2012, the United States Agency for International Development initiated a Human and Institutional Capacity Development program to strengthen local government agencies and civil society. An important component of this effort is building a core nucleus of Rwanda consultants and managers. A project goal is to build Rwanda into a hub of performance improvement capacity to support the Central Africa region.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the difficulties of doing research concerning young people’s use of online sexually explicit materials in three high schools in South Africa. Against the backdrop of young people’s sexual agency, we elaborate on the ways in which getting permission to conduct the research unsettled gatekeepers, as research on young people’s use of such materials remains taboo. Anxieties related to conducting school-based sexuality research, particularly with pornographic elements, stem from understandings that sex is a forbidden topic. During the course of seeking participants for our study, we found that the majority of boys in one school refused to participate. We argue that this was because online network sites were regulated and censored by the school, specifically those related to sexually explicit material, with punitive consequences for their use. Sexuality researchers operate in conditions of increased surveillance and we give attention to the difficulties of the researcher in school-based research. The need to conduct research into young people’s use of sexually explicit online materials is acute but needs to be supported by policy frameworks that foreground the specific conditions and challenges that researchers may face in a country such as South Africa.  相似文献   

This unique editorial paper is one of the first that discusses the education of incarcerated young people in an international education journal. We review the eleven papers in the Special Issue on children’s education in secure custodial settings to provide key insights with the aim of moving towards a global understanding of what effective policy and practice may look like. In examining the range of cross-disciplinary papers from a range of different cultural contexts including the UK, Germany, UAE, US, Nigeria and South Africa, we are able to illuminate some of the commonalities in the education of young people who are incarcerated as well as some of the background characteristics – many of which are strikingly similar. We employed the ideas of the bio-socio-ecological systems model to explore the proximal and distal systems that interact to affect the educational experiences of the young people. These included at the microsystemic level the importance of relationships in engaging the young people with education and learning and that, the relationships between the key actors (mesosystem) as well as the importance of effective leadership (exosystem) were critical elements in improving the experience of education in custodial settings. But rather predictably, the structural disadvantages (macrosystem) that young people who come into contact with youth justice face and how these are not appropriately addressed that came into sharp focus, possibly because many countries take a punitive approach to youth offending. We argue that there are things that can be done at each systems level but that in order to make the changes to genuinely improve the lives of these young people, we make a bold call upon the global community (macrosystem), through the UNCRC to challenge themselves for a radical overhaul of youth justice approaches which put the child as child first and offender second in order to meet the commitment in Article 28.  相似文献   

Sexuality education forms part of the national school curricula of most sub-Saharan African countries, yet risk-related sexual behaviour among young people continues to fuel the HIV pandemic in this part of the world. One of the arguments put forward to explain why sexuality education seems to have had little impact on sexual risk-taking is that existing curricula have neglected to take into account the complexity of the social, cultural and gender norms that influence the behaviour of school-going young people in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the past few years, the Department of Basic Education in South Africa has recognised the need to provide guidance to teachers on the content, pedagogical processes and messages that are relevant to their specific context. This paper critically reflects on findings from a literature-based study conducted to identify the cognitive and social factors influencing the behaviour of school-going young people in South Africa and the risk and protective factors that might be particular to their circumstances. The findings provide helpful guidelines about the development, content and implementation of sexuality education curricula more likely to be relevant in contexts of serious poverty and disadvantage. Although based on the South African literature, the findings may also offer useful lessons for curriculum designers in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Although mounting evidence in Western nations indicates that entertainment media influence young people’s sexual socialisation, virtually no research has addressed the topic in sub-Saharan Africa. The present study employed 14 focus groups of Ugandan high school students to identify media through which they were exposed to sexual content, how they interpreted and evaluated that content, and how they compared its influence with that of parents, schools and religious institutions. Participants most often mentioned TV, followed by print media and Internet as sources of sexual material. Media were said to present discrepant messages regarding the timing of sexual debut, with international programming urging early sexual debut and local programming described as urging young people to delay sex. Young people spoke of turning to ssengas and kojjas for sexual advice, and a number of boys suggested pornography could also be educational. Both local and international programming was interpreted as conveying views of men as sex driven and women as submissive in sex and relationships. Participants expressed the belief that sexual media content had a negative impact on young people. Most nevertheless assessed these messages as more influential than other sources of sexual socialisation.  相似文献   

While much research has documented unsatisfactory sexual and reproductive health (SRH) awareness among young people in South Africa, understanding of gender differences in access to and evaluation of SRH information is limited. This paper concerned itself with men and women's informal sources and content of SRH, and gendered divergences around accessibility, evaluation, and impact of such information. Fifty sexual history narrative interviews and twenty-five narrative interviews with women were conducted with participants purposively sampled from a range of ages, cultural and racial backgrounds, and in urban and rural sites across five provinces in South Africa. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. While young women were more likely to learn about SRH information from family members, they also reported greater regulation concerning their sexuality. This could enhance stigma surrounding women's sexuality and hinder open communication. Men predominantly learned about sex through pornography and peers, which was reported to encourage sexual prowess to the neglect of practising safer sex. Lack of adequate SRH instruction for young people as revealed through the narratives had significant and often negative implications for men and women's early safer sex behaviours. In response to these insights, recommendations are offered to strengthen informal sources of SRH awareness.  相似文献   

More than a decade has passed since Rwanda was plunged into the most atrocious genocide of our time. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost and many more were left in desperate conditions. The economic and social reconstruction of the country has since dominated the national agenda for recovery. It is within this reform agenda that this paper looks at the situation of the post‐genocide young people with disabilities and the possible pathways for their inclusion. It points out that it is not all gloomy news. In the face of the challenging socio‐economic situations, the search for appropriate inclusion models for Rwanda should be guided by two important factors: The lessons learnt from the past mistakes, and by exploring alternative prospects that may involve rediscovering the untapped potentials within the grassroots communities.  相似文献   

我国最早以明确话语提出人才是宝的历史人物是战国时代的齐威王。战国时期虽然涌现出一批人才 ,但他们不像当今盛世的人才幸运。那时 ,没有人才开发与人才管理机制 ,机遇稀缺 ,埋没人才、委屈人才甚至扼杀人才的现象难以消除和避免 ,给人留下太多的叹息和遗憾。  相似文献   

外国老年教育发展现状及趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
岳瑛 《外国教育研究》2003,30(10):61-64
近二三十年来,教育这个大家庭中出现了一个新成员,它就是老年教育。所谓老年教育,顾名思义,就是指以老年人为主要教育对象的教育。1973年在法国创立了第一所老年大学,这是老年教育兴起的标志。在其影响下,老年大学在世界各国蓬勃发展起来。世界各国老年教育分为闲暇教育、社会教育和继续教育三种类型,但教育模式却多种多样。  相似文献   

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