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修辞旨在修饰文字词句,是英语教学中最富有表现力的手段之一。英语修辞同汉语修辞一样,能增加文章的感情色彩和蕴含的主题思想,使语言表达更生动、更有趣、更形象、更鲜明、更感人。了解和正确理解修辞手法也是阅读的重要技能,能帮助读者更好地理解文章的内容,提高欣赏水平和审美能力,最终提高学生应用语言的能力。英语中的修辞有很多种,本文将就常见的修辞手法做简单介绍。  相似文献   

产伟华 《文教资料》2013,(19):25-27
言语行为理论是一种对语言的意义进行研究的理论,也是文学作品研究的一个重要途径。运用Searle的言语行为理论分析中国现代小说《穆斯林的葬礼》中质朴的对话,能帮助读者更好地了解语言的力量,准确把握作品中人物鲜明的性格特征,提高对文学作品尤其对浪漫主义小说的欣赏水平。本文认为阐述类、表达类和指令类语言更能帮助作者表达文章主旨。  相似文献   

试论“文眼”袁士迎文眼指的是文章中最富有表现力,最能帮助读者准确地理解文章主旨或脉络层次的关键性词语。“眼”是比喻说法,人有眼睛最能表情、达意、传神,喜怒哀乐,尽在其中。所以,文眼就是一篇文章艺术构思的焦点,它是作者经过艺术的概括和集中,把作品的思想...  相似文献   

“空白”是关于艺术作品审美欣赏的概念。它指的是作品留给读者想象和再创造的空间,读者可以凭借自身的文化素养,展开思维羽翼去思考,从而获得对作品更深层次的理解和把握。在书法作品中,一幅画如能适当地留下不着色彩的空白,会收到“恰是未曾着墨处,烟波浩渺满目前”的艺术效果;诗歌语言的跳跃,电影艺术的空镜头,也都能收到“此时无声胜有声”的艺术感染力。在中学英语课  相似文献   

孔子曰“:言之无文,行而不远。”这里的“文”指的就是文采。一篇文章没有文采,读它就如嚼蜡。因此,我们要想使自己的文章脱颖而出,令人耳目一新,就得精心推敲语言,着意雕琢文采之花。如果说主题是文章的灵魂,那么语言便是衣裳;如果能给主题披上一身亮丽的外衣,那么它就会让你的文章魅力倍增。一、运用修辞,追求韵律美。修辞,犹如语言百花园中的艳朵奇葩。妙用比喻,形象生动;铺陈排比,气势恢宏;大胆夸张,灵动飞扬;……如果能在文章中适当地插上几朵,或使文章富有韵律美,或使文章生动形象,让读者通过联想、想像,就能达到身临其境的美妙境界。…  相似文献   

朱自清在优美散文《荷塘月色》的写景中运用了许多比喻,既形象生动地描绘了淡淡月色中荷塘上许多美丽的景物,又营造了浓郁的诗的意境,无不把读者的思绪带入了一个理想的、美的“另一世界”里。辨析比喻在《荷塘月色》景物描写中的作用,可以得出两点认识,一是运用比喻能够使景物描写更加形象生动,二是运用比喻能够营造出浓郁的诗的意境。发现并掌握比喻的这些规律,将有助于更好地欣赏作品和理解作者。  相似文献   

翻译学的重点在于如何更好地进行翻译工作,因此对于语言的研究和运用必不可少。做好语言学的基础工作成为了翻译学的重中之重。常见的语言学基础多为言语行为理论,它能更好地表述清楚原文的含义,而且译者能够灵活地加入自己的理解,使译文更加适合读者欣赏。  相似文献   

近年来,随着教学的改革和发展,许多英语老师正在努力探索一种更适应于当前形势——着重培养学生运用英语能力的课文教学法,其中的整体教学法已为广大英语老师所采纳和喜欢.它的优点在于一开始学课文就能较好地把握住整篇文章的结构;了解通篇的内容(不破坏整体),有利于挖掘文章的内在力,培养学生的阅读欣赏能力和理解概括能力.而且,由于一开始就“见林又见树”,教师在教学中易于突出重点、难点;学生在上下中更能确切地理解词句的内涵,有利于“局部”教学.在“教”与“学”的双边活动中,师生能就已先熟悉的课文内容作为语言活动的材料,用英语进行思想交流,学生有较多的机会得到听、说、  相似文献   

金玲 《考试周刊》2011,(1):103-104
俄语成语是俄罗斯语言的精华,当中存在了大量的比喻修辞手段.20世纪以来,比喻一直是语言学研究的重要课题之一.其对更好地理解话语含义、正确表达句子及提高语言能力有着十分重要的意义。本文旨在介绍俄语成语中的比喻修辞手段及其语言特征.以期能更清晰地认识俄语成语,为我们的言语教学实践提供一份详细的指导性材料.  相似文献   

习语是语言的精华,它充分体现了一个民族的特色以及修辞手法的多样性。习语由于其形象的语言和生动的比喻使其本身充满了表现力。恰当地使用习语可以使语言更加精炼、生动而吸引人。了解汉英习语的特征差别可以帮助人们更好地理解这些习语,欣赏这些习语的精妙之处,从而进一步了解这些区别所反映的中英文化差异。  相似文献   

本以1980-1999年“中国教育事业统计年鉴”中有关数据为基础,结合中加合作国际课题组,武汉大学妇女研究中心等组织对高校女教师的现状调查数据,通过分析认为高校女教师参与状况不佳的原因在于进取意识的薄弱,提出要使高校女教师充分参与高等教育,必须培养女性主体意识,树立进取意识。  相似文献   

Most research into interactions between mothers and their infants with hearing impairments focuses on mothers' and infants' behaviors separately, speculating about the interplay among these behaviors and their effects on child development. In the present article, an intersubjective developmental theory focusing on the development of the "interworld" between deaf and hearing mothers and their deaf infants is used to integrate and interpret the seemingly incoherent research on early mother-deaf child interaction. Inspired by Stern's work (e.g., Stern, 1985), the intersubjective developmental theory distinguishes four stages in the development of intersubjectivity: emerging (birth-2 months), physical (2-8 months), existential (8-13 months), and symbolic (13 months and older), each characterized by a different type of mother-infant interaction. The integration of research findings on early mother-deaf child interaction into these four developmental stages offers new perspectives that can advance research and resolve certain early-intervention issues.  相似文献   

晚明山人与山人诗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山人诗人的崛起构成晚明诗坛一个突出的现象,在其冲击下,明中叶之后诗坛“朝”与“野”的对立终以“诗在布衣”的变化结果告一段落。这一创作主体的变化,对明代诗歌的演变走向产生深远影响。本旨在揭示晚明山人诗人的生存状态,山人诗坛的概貌,山人诗的学取向与艺术创造,展示晚明山人诗在明代诗史的地位与价值。  相似文献   

英语中除了though与although引导的从句是常见的表示让步意义的方式外,还有很多可以表示让步意义的方式,对这些表达方式及其翻译作一归类总结。  相似文献   

The Images of Schools through Metaphor (ISM) was developed as a simple, economical questionnaire to allow school leaders and researchers to survey teachers' images of their school. The article describes briefly aspects of the development and validation of this questionnaire and its application in an investigation of relationships between teachers' images of their schools and their perceptions of its work environment as assessed by the School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ). The sample used consisted of 162 teachers in 48 schools in Tasmania, Australia, each of whom completed both the ISM and the SLEQ. The various results revealed were generally of considerable statistical significance indicating a strong relationship between the images teachers have of their school and the perceptions they have of its work environment.  相似文献   

This article examines the experience of Palestinian-Arab graduate students in an Israeli teachers college that describes itself as multicultural. By listening to the voices of the Arab students the article identifies the limitations of a liberal multiculturalism. The Arab students interviewed feel that they are treated fairly by their teachers, and they also note that they are treated well by the administration. While they acknowledge the progress made by the college when comparing the campus environment to that of other sites in the Israeli public sphere, their experience also teaches them to "leave their national identity at the gate" when they enter the college campus. They learn that giving expression to their national identity may jeopardize the social comfort zone that they manage to attain at the college—a comfort zone that is unlike anything they experience outside in the “real world.” While not quite feeling at home, the Arab students are left feeling like welcome guests. The research population included 52 male and female Arab students who studied in the college in 2015–2016. The data were gathered through semi-structured, in-depth interviews and analyzed using an open inductive coding method.  相似文献   

提出使用“种”同义替换的方法作为确定种类量词的形式标准,确定了18个种类量词。归纳出种类量词的语义特征,即表示种属类别、表示对象通用、表数“非止一个”等。指出当前种类量词研究方面存在的不足。并展望种类量词研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

<亚细亚的孤儿>是台湾著名作家吴浊流的代表作.小说揭示出了作者身为台湾人的"孤儿意识"的同时,又如实叙写台湾人的"寻根"之路,以达到对大陆故土及大陆文化的认同.  相似文献   

独体字在汉字系统中占有重要地位,其本身形体简单,多为常用字,且大多可参与合体字的组合,因此,对外汉字教学中的独体字应该得到充分重视。文章对《高等学校外国留学生汉语教学大纲(长期进修)》中的独体字进行了封闭性统计,在此基础上分析了独体字的类型、作为意符、音符、记号时的构字情况等,同时也提出了有关的教学建议。  相似文献   

This article reports a survey of current teaching practice and lecturers perceptions of their role within a Business School. These findings have been placed in a theoretical framework. Analysis of the qualitative aspects of the survey showed some interesting variations in conceptions of the role of a lecturer, the purpose of lectures, tutorials and assessment. The results also showed inconsistencies which are explored. The main conceptions of teaching held by respondents describe the role of the lecturer as either imparting knowledge; providing student support; enthusing and motivating students; facilitating student learning; or some combination of these conceptions. A substantial majority of respondents saw themselves as either facilitators or student supporters. However, the predominant use of lectures and tutorials, with the purpose of disseminating information and applying or checking knowledge and understanding, conflicts with the majority view of the role of the lecturer. This disjunction between stated aims and claimed educational practice has been described as one of the mysteries of higher education. Lecturers express attitudes and beliefs about teaching which are not translated into their teaching strategies and methods. Possible explanations for this disjunction are explored.  相似文献   

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