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英语作文中读者意识研究之社会文化视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章探讨了社会文化和社会语言因素对中国学生英语论说文写作的影响。分析结果说明,学生的读者需要意识的缺失妨碍他们构建连贯、客观和得到有效说明的论说文。这说明,我们应对于二语学习者的写作过程相关的教学和评价问题时须考虑社会文化的影响。  相似文献   

在大学英语教学中,写作近几年逐渐得到重视。精读课中教师要求学生进行写作练习,特别是在高年级,常要求学生写英语短文。学生在写作上花费了大量时间,但用英语写作的能力并不理想。原因之一是学生虽进行了大量的写作,但没能从修改中提高自己的写作技能。不少学生想修改,但常找不出毛病,不知怎样修改。本文试图谈谈如何修改英语作文问题,以提高大学英语写作教学的效果。一、判断主题句大学英语写作普遍以论说文写作作为主要内容。主要以写包括议论和说明的论说文为主。作为论说文写作,段落通常都有主题句。它点明段落主题,概括段落…  相似文献   

智力技能的教学是学校教学的中心任务。智力技能是借助内部言语在头脑中实现的认识活动方式。这种认知活动借助内部言语按合理的、完善的程序组织起来,并且一环扣一环,仿佛自动化地进行着。例如,学生掌握了四则运算的技能,在演算这类习题时就能运用自如地计算出答案;学生掌握了写作技能,就能根据不同性质的命题,自如地按照写作程序构思,并写出记叙文、论说文章等。  相似文献   

智力技能的教学是学校教学的中心任务.智力技能是借助内部言语在头脑中实现的认识活动方式.这种认知活动借助内部言语按合理的、完善的程序组织起来,并且一环扣一环,仿佛自动化地进行着.例如,学生掌握了四则运算的技能,在演算这类习题时就能运用自如地计算出答案;学生掌握了写作技能,就能根据不同性质的命题,自如地按照写作程序构思,并写出记叙文、论说文章等.  相似文献   

埃里克·阿约的U性曲线写作原则借助五个不同级别的语句来组织文章的单元结构。U形曲线写作原则能够指导高中论说文写作,为学生写作议论文主要段落提供思路。读者意识是U形曲线写作原则的实质,也应当是高中论说文写作的基本意识。  相似文献   

论说文的写作教学是高中阶段作文教学的重点和难点,要求较高,学生深感论说文不容易写好,更不容易提高这种文体的写作水平。这种情况的产生是由于缺乏思维训练,因此我们不管是命题作文、供材料作文,还是学生自己拟题作文,都注意有计划、有程序地加强思维训练,收效比较明显,我们在探索中有如下几点认识: 一、思维的目的性。开始指导学生写论说文时,不宜一下子要求学生掌握这种论征方法,运用那种推  相似文献   

教学生写论说文要解决观点、材料、论证、语言等四个方面的问题。语言能否做到简炼、准确、鲜明、生动,也是衡量论说文好坏的一个标准。我在解决农村学生写论说文的语言问题上,一方面注意了在讲课中让他们去体味范文的优点,另一方面则在写作课上进行有计划的、针对性的、适量的训练,以增强学生论说文的说理效果。一、关于语言的简炼的训练论说文中的事实论证,评论中的事实叙述,读后感中的类比论证都有“记”,但这种“记”不同于记叙文那样用形象、细腻的语言来表现主题,而  相似文献   

指导学生写作论说文,是中学语文教学的一项重要内容。目前的指导内容,一般离不开范文指导,写作知识指导、论说文文体知识指导等几个方面。所谓范文指导,一般是结合写作知识讲清思想内容和字、词、句、篇基础知识;所谓写作知识指导,一般离不开立意、选材、构思、剪裁、谋篇布局等;而所谓论说文文体知识指导总是要讲论点、论据、论证、立论和驳论。有人为了帮助学生“开拓思路通茅塞”,还总结出这样的口诀:“正面说,反面议,为什么,怎么样,举例证,驳异论。”(见1981年第2期《语文学习》中《开拓思路通茅塞》一文)毫无疑问,这些指导都是必要的,是能收到一定的成效的。但是,这些指导在进行中很容易忽视论说文写作的一个重要问题,即论说文写作的基本规律。如果这些指导不和掌握论说文写作的基本规律紧密结合起来,那么其作用和成效就会大受影响。  相似文献   

本论文报告了关于英语专业二年级学生写作中读者意识的研究。此文旨在描写中国英语专业学生英语写作中的读者意识状况。该研究试图通过学生在作文中所反映出的读者意识,了解他们的社会认知能力及体现此能力的写作水平。从结果来看,中国英语专业的学生面对实际的修辞挑战,已具备了一定的读者意识,但仍有很多欠缺。这需要教师在今后的写作教学中帮助他们既提高社会认知能力,又提高将认知水平体现于写作中的能力。  相似文献   

这几年,每次高考过后,我和一些阅卷教师谈论起作文卷面情况,大家都深感考生写论说文的能力比较低.今年,我和几位教师编选我区中学生优秀作文小册子,从征集到的几百篇作文看,其中记叙文写得好的可以说不少,而论说文写得好的却为数寥寥.学生论说文写不好,或不会写,反映了我区中学论说文教学(包括论说文写作)还比较薄弱.  相似文献   

在传统的英语写作教学中,学生只是机械地接受了写作技巧和知识的灌输,模仿写作的程序和模式,并不能灵活地运用语言知识进行表达。从认知语言学注意观理论出发,并将其应用在英语说明文写作中,找出说明文写作方法及特点,旨在提高大学生英语说明文写作能力。  相似文献   

Analytic and nonanalytic dimensions of cognitive styles and discovery and expository teaching strategies were combined to form a 2 x 2 design. Five tests were used. Subjects were selected according to their cognitive styles in each of the two experimental schools. After seven weeks of mathematics instruction, two periods of one-hour duration per week, the students’ posttest scores were analyzed to determine the effects of the two cognitive styles as well as the two teaching methods on retention and transfer of mathematics tasks. The ANCOVA showed significant F ratios for the main effect of cognitive style. Analytic boys in the expository group scored significantly higher than nonanalytic students. The analyses revealed no significant main effect of teaching methods. In no instance was a significant difference found for girls in respect to cognitive styles or teaching methods.  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual framework for the writing process to facilitate motivation, learning, retention, and knowledge transfer in readers of expository material. Drawing from four well‐developed bodies of knowledge—cognitive science, learning theory, technical communication, and creative writing—the author creates a model that allows developers of performance and educational content to facilitate learning by addressing such principles as engagement, connection, metacognition, learning, and practice.  相似文献   

说明文中蕴含有真知美、形式与内容高度统一的和谐美、语言上的准确美、简明美、生动美 ,教师应认识并利用这些美育因素 ,搞好说明文教学。  相似文献   

This article examines learning strategies that promote meaningful learning from expository text as evidenced by problem-solving transfer. The teaching of learning strategies involves decisions concerning what to teach, how to teach, where to teach, and when to teach. The teaching of learning strategies also depends on the teacher's conception of learners as response strengtheners, information processors, or sense makers. Three cognitive processes involved in meaningful learning are selecting relevant information from what is presented, organizing selected information into a coherent representation, and integrating presented information with existing knowledge. Finally, exemplary programs for teaching of learning strategies are presented. The most effective method for teaching students how to make sense out of expository text is for students to participate in selecting, organizing, and integrating information within the context of authentic academic tasks.  相似文献   

从主体认知规律看传统外语写作教学模式的更新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合辩证法、系统科学和认知学习学 ,本文分析了传统外语写作教学模式 (productap proach)下学生的认知过程 ,研究了学生在不同写作阶段认知发展的基本规律、内在和外在特征 ,揭示了该模式中的固有矛盾及其对主体认知过程的影响。并以保持其优势、克服其局限为目标 ,指出了改造传统外语写作教学模式的途径  相似文献   

在现代认知心理学研究成果的基础上,讨论表象的定义、特征、作用以及双重代码理论(DCT)中关于人的语言系统和表象系统之间的关系。表象理论应用于英语写作实践,可以在议论文写作中借助表象表达抽象概念,增强语言的生动性和形象性;在描写文写作中,运用表象写景状物,能使描写的对象神形兼备,增加语言的感染力。打破语言符号系统与表象系统之间的隔阂,将"意"与"形"结合起来,将抽象思维与形象思维有机统一起来,会使学生的写作能力上升到一个新的水平,让写作进入一个更加自由的境界。  相似文献   

This article outlines some cognitive process models of writing composition. Possible reasons why students’ writing capabilities do not match their abilities in some other school subjects are explored. Research findings on the efficacy of process approaches to teaching writing are presented and potential shortcomings are discussed. Product-based and process approaches to teaching writing are compared, with discussion and analysis of examples of writing that resulted from the two different approaches. The article draws out principles for teaching and learning, concluding that an approach to teaching writing that focuses on students’ learning rather than on text outcomes may help to improve students’ attainment in writing composition.  相似文献   

With frequent voicing of concern by the popular press that Johnny can neither read nor write, the present article describes a successful experiment in the teaching and learning of expository writing. Based on the peer learning model, the experiment, originally conducted over a four-year period at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, has been used with apparent success at both the secondary and graduate levels as well as in regular college composition courses. The chief aspects of the approach include (1) mastery learning, (2) a consciously informal atmosphere, (3) a product orientation, whereby the class as a whole produces a final written work, where possible of some social usefulness, and (4) the careful development of the willingness and ability to learn and work cooperatively rather than as individual competitors.  相似文献   

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