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专家型教师主要指那些具有丰富的教学经验并且在教学领域获得成功的教师。借鉴国际上PCKg理论,研究专家型教师成长具有重要意义。PCKg指的是学科教学认知,是学科知识在具体教学中的转化形式,是专家型教师知识范畴中最有效的教学知识。专家型教师PCKg主要包含四种要素:从教科目的学科知识、学科教学论相关知识、学习者个体特征知识和教育情境知识。这四种要素相互联系,形成一个有机的整体:从教科目的学科知识居于基础地位,学科教学论相关知识是顺利开展教学的关键,学习者的个体特征知识和教育情境知识是学科教学认知系统的有机组成部分。  相似文献   

学科融合教学不是不同学科知识、理论的简单、机械堆叠,而是多学科知识、理论、方法的互相渗透和有机结合。实现学科融合,首先需要从各个层面厘清学科融合教学的基本特征:真实问题是学科融合教学的起点,资源统整是学科融合教学的保障,横向联结是学科融合教学的特征,评价改革是学科融合教学的助推。  相似文献   

二十一世纪初,拉萨初中数学教学改革在"青浦经验"本土化实践研究的引领下,从西藏教学实际出发,走出了创新与实践探索之路。经对"青浦经验"十多年的本土化实践探索研究,笔者形成了初中数学课堂教学"青浦经验"拉萨本土化的初步框架,开发了大量本土化教学资源,提出了藏文班初中数学课堂教学策略。  相似文献   

信息技术支持下的学科教学知识(TPACK)是学科教学知识(PCK)在信息化时代的发展,是整合信息技术与学科课程的教学知识基础.为了推动信息技术与学科课程的有机整合,寻求学科教育信息化之路的本土经验,该文首先介绍了立体几何智能教育平台和信息技术支持下的学科教学知识,然后以“课例研究”为载体,分析了基于立体几何智能教育平台开展教学活动时,教学所需要的学科教学知识.“课例研究”表明,深入学科的信息技术平台,确定的主题,“TCK-TPK-TPACK”确定的路径,是一种值得尝试的本土经验,可用之于发展信息技术支持下实然的学科教学知识.  相似文献   

教师基于自己的学科知识、经验等,借助于“课例学习+行动跟进+经验打磨+实践反思”等“行动学习”策略进行教学设计,实现有效教学,不断重组、提升学科教学知识。通过强化教学设计(实践),解决数学教学中存在的问题和困惑,在实践中传递、积累数学教学知识,在反思体验基础上改进课堂教学,发展数学教学能力,提升数学教师的数学教育观念。  相似文献   

基于整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)是符合当代信息化教育趋势的新型学科知识框架体系。信息化教学设计应从知识整合的视角出发,将技术知识、学科内容知识、教学法知识有机地融合在一起。在简要梳理了TPACK框架及其国内研究现状的基础上,以中职语文课的教学内容“学会写借条”为例,阐述了如何将技术知识、学科内容知识、教学法知识融合在这一内容的教学设计之中,为整合技术下的中职语文信息化教学设计提供案例借鉴。  相似文献   

文章以中学地理教学中多学科融合的应用研究为主要内容进行阐述,结合当下地理教学与多学科融合的有效作用为主要依据,从有效借助地理课堂渗透学科知识、做好和语文学科知识的融合、与信息技术的有效融合、与化学学科的有效融合、和生物学科知识充分融合、与数学课程知识的有效融合这几方面进行深入探讨和分析,其目的在于强化中学地理学科知识和多学科内容之间的融合,旨在为相关研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

融合教学是以学生认知为基础,打破学科之间的割裂状态,将学科知识整合,实现学习内容综合化的教学实践活动。它力图将语文、历史、物理、数学等不同学科有机融合为一个整体,在强化学生对主题内容理解的同时,帮助学生获得整体、全面的知识,调动学生参与学习的积极性。  相似文献   

专业发展到成熟阶段的专家型教师,其构建的学科教学知识,有机融合了专业学科知识、教育学知识和心理学知识,形成了既包含陈述性知识也包含程序性知识的动态知识系统。一般来讲,我国专家型语文教师的写作教学知识,主要包括意义性写作教学知识、本体性写作教学知识和策略性写作教学知识及教学主体自我建构知识等几方面。这些知识,体现出专家型语文教师在作文教学是为了什么、作文教学教什么和怎么教、教学主体怎么进行自我建构等问题上的独到见解。  相似文献   

正随着教育体制的不断改革,现阶段高中必修课程中开设了通用技术课程,这个学科的开设能够让学生在体验中学习,在学习中又不断的体验。它能够立足于学生的生活经验和亲身经历,将各个学科的知识和技能融合为一体,超于单独学科知识在教学中的作用。由于通用技术学科是一门新兴的学科知识,它的教学理念和课程内容需要教师深入的学习和不断完善,教师要凭借自己的学习和能力开展探索性的教学尝试,争取能够寻找和归纳出比较有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

Experiences and reflection have long been regarded as a foundation for pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development. However, little is known about how experienced teachers develop their PCK via reflection-in-action during their moment-to-moment classroom instruction. Drawing upon data sources including classroom observations, semi-structured interviews and stimulated recall interviews based on lesson videos, this study examined instances when four experienced teachers were found to invent new instructional strategies/representations on the spot during the lesson (referred to as on-site PCK development) in their first attempts at teaching a new topic. The study documented the moment-to-moment experiences of the teachers, including their reconstructed thought processes associated with these instances of on-site PCK development. An explanatory model of a three-step process comprising a stimulus, an integration process and a response was advanced to account for the on-site PCK development observed among the teachers. Three categories of stimulus that triggered on-site PCK development were identified. Factors influencing the integration process and, hence, the resulting response, included teachers’ subject matter knowledge of the new topic, their general pedagogical knowledge and their knowledge of student learning difficulties/prior knowledge related to the new topic. Implications for teacher professional development in terms of how to enhance teachers’ on-site PCK development are discussed.  相似文献   

32名小学数学教师与这些教师所教班级的1691名学生参与了本研究。两个测量工具评价了教师的数学学科知识与学科教学知识,对教师的55节数学课进行了录像,并按照学习任务的认知水平与课堂对话的特点进行了编码,同时测查了学生的期末数学学习成绩。多水平分析结果表明:教师的学科教学知识、课堂学习任务的认知水平、课堂对话中教师提问问题的类型与对话的权威来源对学生的数学成绩具有显著的预测作用;而教师的学科知识对学生数学成绩的影响未达到显著性水平。  相似文献   

知识教育是教育活动的重要内容。在传统课堂教学中获得知识成为重要的主题。在建构主义知识观中,知识被看做是建构的而不是传授的,更强调了学习主体的能动作用。因此对传统的课堂教学形成了冲击,生命课堂由此受到更多的关注。在这样一个知识观下,课堂教学更关注教学和学习主体的自我体验,尤其是生命体验和精神重构。  相似文献   

This paper tests the utility of a new sociocognitive frame for analysing the development of teachers' knowledge – the knowledge integration perspective (Linn, Eylon, & Davis, in press; Linn & Hsi, 2000). In doing so, the paper describes one prospective elementary teacher's developing knowledge and highlights its complexity. The prospective teacher demonstrates relatively well-integrated science subject matter knowledge, but she makes some problematic links to lessons and develops some instructional representations that show where she needs to distinguish between different scientific ideas. She also, however, links science concepts to appropriate real-world experiences, indicating that she has nascent useful pedagogical content knowledge. The paper discusses what teacher educators can learn about their learners from this analysis, argues for the utility of the knowledge integration perspective for conducting similar analyses, provides ideas to help science teacher educators apply the perspective easily as they teach their students, and points to areas ripe for future research.  相似文献   

Teachers’ content-related knowledge is a key factor influencing the learning progress of students. Different models of content-related knowledge have been proposed by educational researchers; most of them take into account three categories: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge. As there is no consensus about the empirical separability (i.e. empirical structure) of content-related knowledge yet, a total of 134 biology teachers from secondary schools completed three tests which were to capture each of the three categories of content-related knowledge. The empirical structure of content-related knowledge was analyzed by Rasch analysis, which suggests content-related knowledge to be composed of (1) content knowledge, (2) pedagogical content knowledge, and (3) curricular knowledge. Pedagogical content knowledge and curricular knowledge are highly related (rlatent?=?.70). The latent correlations between content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (rlatent?=?.48)—and curricular knowledge, respectively (rlatent?=?.35)—are moderate to low (all ps?<?.001). Beyond the empirical structure of content-related knowledge, different learning opportunities for teachers were investigated with regard to their relationship to content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge acquisition. Our results show that an in-depth training in teacher education, professional development, and teacher self-study are positively related to particular categories of content-related knowledge. Furthermore, our results indicate that teaching experience is negatively related to curricular knowledge, compared to no significant relationship with content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how to develop prospective teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in science teacher education. The main focus is on the knowledge transformation process and on the cognitive strategies used to shift prospective teachers' explanations within the domain of modelling thermal physical phenomena. This study investigates the development of PCK within a group of 28 pre-service physics teachers during the first semester of their two-year post-graduate teacher education program. It focuses on the central issue of the relationships between observable phenomena, like macroscopic thermal properties of matter and their interpretation and/or explanation in terms of corpuscular characteristics and/or thermodynamics theory. The strategy is based on the consideration that knowledge transformation is not a one-way process from subject matter knowledge to pedagogical content knowledge, as literature suggests, but a bidirectional process involving deepening of subject matter knowledge and increasing awareness of pedagogical issues.  相似文献   

This ethnographic research study investigated three elementary teachers’ perceived self-efficacy beliefs and their attitudes toward mobile technology-enhanced instruction. Using technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) as a guiding theory, the authors sought to determine whether and how the three knowledge components that form the foundation of the TPACK framework– technological, pedagogical or content knowledge – have similar levels of influence on teachers’ language arts teaching practices. They also examined how each teacher incorporated iPad technologically enhanced pedagogical practices and made connections to their beliefs about the role of technology and education. Data collection consisted of classroom observation field notes, teacher interviews and teacher blogs. Findings reveal that the teachers’ attitudes toward the integration of iPad technology formed a basis for how they approached their pedagogy. Compared to their technological and content knowledge, teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and years of teaching experience strongly influenced their decisions regarding mobile technology integration. By the end of the study, all teachers identified stronger connections and awareness in relation to the components of TPACK. The implications of these findings will provide insight relevant to the development of professional development opportunities for teachers regarding TPACK that could ultimately lead to more successful technology integration by teachers.  相似文献   

This paper examines science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and ways in which that knowledge might be captured, articulated and portrayed to others. The research from which this paper is drawn has involved interviews with experienced science teachers in an attempt to make the tacit nature of their practice explicit. Initially, case methodology was envisaged as being a way of documenting these teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. However, over time, the form of knowledge and information that we were gathering and attempting to portray extended beyond that which could reasonably be described as being case-based. Hence we have developed an approach to articulation and portrayal based on what we call the CoRe (Content Representation) – which represents the particular content/topic of the science teaching – and PaP-eRs (Pedagogical and Professional experience Repertoire) – which help to illuminate specific aspects of the CoRe and therefore offer insights into pedagogical content knowledge itself. The results of this study offer new ways of conceptualising what pedagogical content knowledge is and how it might be captured, documented and disseminated.  相似文献   

教师专业知识及其发展:图式观与组织文化条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对教师专业知识及其性质和特点的认识是决定教师专业发展途径的前提与基础。教师专业知识是依据特定的学生状况和教育情境,由教育教学观、学科教学知识、课堂管理知识等整合而成的一系列实践性知识,并以图式结构表征。其发展途径主要是基于问题的学习,并需要合作的组织文化条件的支持。  相似文献   

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